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Bank of England Intervenes in Market to Stop Total Economic Collapse



gooning to this rn


noone cares retard



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The Top 3 Outcomes As The Jews Try To Reset The International Monetary System

Outcome #1: Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) replacing the US dollar as the world’s new reserve currency. This is the elites’ preferred outcome.

Outcome #2: A reluctant re-monetization of gold. Central bankers don’t want to go back to gold, but they will have no choice if their fiat system collapses, forcing their hands.

Outcome #3: Bitcoin is the wild card. A Bitcoin standard could spontaneously emerge regardless of what the elite want. Bitcoin is an entirely new asset people are adopting as money because of its superior monetary properties, notably its total resistance to inflation.


On The Path To Hyperinflation

The ravaging inflations in the Weimar Republic during the early 1920s, in Russia in the early 1990s, and in Zimbabwe in 2007–15 taught us that the two preconditions for a rapid decline in the value of money—hyperinflation—were and are:

>The creation of vast amounts of central bank credit (money). (Check!)

>The diminution of production capabilities to a serious degree. (Almost there.)

At the end, hyperinflation is always, always, a political decision.




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The desperate last gasps of a dying system: CBDCs, SDRs, & The Re-Monetization Of Gold - Here's What Happens Next




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Oy vey im gooning to this right now goy



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Mark Jeftovic: PayPal, Bail-Ins, & The Necessity For Trustless Money



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>"(...) Without saying so explicitly, the [canadian govt response to the 2021 trucker protests] hammered home what we should all expect from the relentless push toward Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). If the government of a G7 nation like Canada can simply freeze bank accounts based on unvetted, illegally obtained data, with no due process and no recourse, how will life be when these very same capabilities are baked-in to a CBDC?
>The intent is clear. They spell it out in their white papers. (...)"


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How To Resist CBDCs: 5 Ways You Can Opt-Out Of This Dystopian Bolshevist Future

(((Governments))) will probably mandate CBDCs as a “solution” when the next real or contrived crisis hits—which is likely not far off.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is that CBDCs are destined to fail.



The Era Of Cheap Food And Cheap Gasoline Is Over


Not clicking your shitty link, just post the 5 ways


>What Will Happen If the US hits 100% Inflation



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Central Bank Digital Currencies Would Let ZOG Govts Control What The Goyim Spend Money On, (((IMF))) Official Admits

Pete Schiff: (((Inflation))) Insanity Continues


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Mark Jeftovic: When Money Is Untethered From Reality, You Wind-Up In Clown-World


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I think it's pretty obvious... the world is being systematically bankrupted - everyone is being taken down to zero. Once this is accomplished and every country in the world is sitting at or near zero then the playing field will be about as level as it's going to get. You guessed it, at that point a new financial system will be ushered in in order to "save the world" from economic disaster in the form of CBDCs.

If you believe any of this is an accident, or can be chalked up to incompetence you are naive.


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Major UK Supermarket Chain Planning To Sell Bugs As Food To Help Poor People Through Winter

A major supermarket chain in the UK is finalising plans to stock insects on its shelves and market them as a cheap food source for people struggling to afford to feed their families amid soaring inflation and the cost of living crisis.



Ron Paul: Wreck The Economy, Win A Nobel Prize

>(((Ben Bernanke))) was one of the architects of the inflation you’re suffering from today. He won a Nobel Prize for his efforts (...)




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There Really Is No Middul Class Any Longer

There was a time when a large portion of Americans belonged to the “middle class.” It meant you could afford a decent living standard, such as owning a house and a car and had savings in the bank. When “baby boomers” reminisce about the “good ole days,” they are referring to when being middle-class was normal.

>Cont. at zerohedge.com/markets/there-really-no-middle-class-any-longer


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Another Big CBDC Flop... Here's What Really Comes Next (And It's Not What The Elites Hoped For)


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Britain narrowly avoided a financial crisis in September that could have seen some pension funds totally collapse, the governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, told Channel 4 on Thursday


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Slide is not good



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"(...) That is the level many or most people are going to be living at in the developed world in the near future: they’re going to be hoping they have enough money for food so they don’t have to eat government slop."



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The Weimar Republic: A Lesson in Supply and Demand


(...) The price spirals continue to destroy all in their path until the dollar loses all purchasing power and society descends into chaos (...) The world has seen all this before, and not just in less developed nations like Zimbabwe.

The US will find itself in the same trap as experienced by Germany’s Weimar Republic following World War I.

>Cont. at zerohedge.com/economics/end-world-dollar-hegemony-turning-us-weimar-germany


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"We're Facing The Collapse Of Everything" - Michael Snyder Warns Of "The End-Times"


Nu York Fed And 12 Banking Giants Launch Digital Dollar Test To Enslave The Soyim


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Inflation & Economic Woes Lead 54% Of 'Gen Z' Americans To Live With Their Parents



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Bolshevist Canadian ZOG Bank Launches Credit Card Linked To Carbon Emissions

>A bank in Canada has become the first in the country to launch a credit card that tracks a customer’s carbon emissions, amid concerns that such a scheme could one day be used to restrict purchases.'



>"A cashless society would be the nail in the coffin for liberty and freedom, offering centralization, the likes of which Marx could only dream.
>The existence of a government backdoor or spyware becomes a real possibility, and given the State’s track record, a real likelihood.
>Then, of course, the ability to track, freeze, and even set expiry dates on money, will be marketed as “features” to protect the public.
>Cont. at zerohedge.com/personal-finance/fedcoin-it-starts-trial-run


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Egg Prices At Grocery Stores Hyperinflate Ahead Of Thanksgiving




h'Ken h'Wheeler: "The whole thing is literally about to collapse."


>Crypto is like trading in turds

I laff



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The Consooomer Economy Has Completely Collapsed – "It's A Ghost Town" For Holiday Shopping Everywhere As Goyim Cattle Looks To Save Money




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The Fed Is Not "A Good Idea That Became Corrupt": It Always Was Corrupt

The world economy is lurching toward an unprecedented confluence of economic, financial, and debt crises, following the explosion of deficits, borrowing, and leverage in recent decades


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Peter Schiff: You Think Inflation Is Bad Now, Goy? Wait Until Next Year!


The Bolshevist Fed Moves Toward Monetary Totalitarianism as CBDC NWO agenda moves ahead




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One of history’s greatest ironies is that gold detractors refer to the metal as the barbarous relic - In fact, the abandonment of gold has put germanic civilization as we know it at risk of extinction




Ron Paul: Mother Of All Economic Crisis Will Lead To "Social Unrest & Violence"

More Than Half Of Canadians Worried About Putting Food On The Table: Poll

We Are About To Witness A Major Move Toward A Cashless Society


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Bolshevist Leftists Aren't Capable Of Surviving Economic Collapse – Here's Why




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Gold [And Silver] Is Money: Everything Else Is Credit


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