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R: 10 / I: 3
What happens after the war is over anons
R: 39 / I: 10
Syria has fallen to US-backed Al-Qaeda rebels, Russia has given up with Putin making the calculation that protecting Syria is not in his oligarch buddies' best interests, says he's "not interested in maintaining an empire" and is pushing for "diplomatic solution between the warring parties"

R: 19 / I: 4
Are you ready to eat McDonald's and watch UFC in your hired Tesla in Gaza, /new/?
R: 183 / I: 73
defacto POTUS (pic related)

e git em MAGAbucks good

dey git gooded
R: 10 / I: 2
Many of the supposedly 'chill' relaxing apolitical Facebook groups I've joined are now talking about orange man bad and doing the 'it's not politics to treat people with BASIC HUMAN DIGNITY, CHUD' crap again.

It's almost as if apolitical people aren't apolitical and shitlibs are seething and becoming more fringe because they've realised the average person is sick of their shit.
R: 26 / I: 3

Part 4 of 7
"Thee 2025
Worlds Meanest
Podcast Listener" Special

*published this morning
R: 27 / I: 1  

IFWD 8th Special "Premium Blend"



Part 4 of 4 "Premium Blend"

•4chan "Never Fly Economy"

& "Braindead Mouthbreathers"

•Dread "How To Fake a Bank Statement"

•Hidden Answers "15 Questions"

•8kun /Nigger Community Wretchedness/ board "NIGGERS RUINED MY GYM"

Link is posted (merge) 8kun has regulation of posting links to sites now,

Fuckin Goddamn jim watkins & his family, so I'm doing my best to work around 8kuns NO LINKS/BAN THREATS BULL FUCKIN GODDAMN SHIT!!, as of late since December 2024
R: 22 / I: 5  

IFWD /ViolenceOnWomen/ Special



Part III of 4


•Cringe Anarchy (post things you've done to make Womens Life Worse)

•8kun /N*gger Community Wretchedness/ (Black Women are Brutally Ugly)

•Wizardchan 🧙‍♂️ (Real Comedians vs Female Ones)

*leave me hatemail at https://8kun.top/niggwretchedness/catalog.html
R: 20 / I: 8
Why are billionaires building bunkers?

Take your bets folks
World War Terminus, another pandemic due to biological warfare, or do they think, Bolshevik style, that the population is going to be angry enough to come after them and even their own private guard won't protect them?
R: 10 / I: 2

Fellow Anons - I need your thoughts on a new website concept.

: The concept is simple. A place where people can create and discover topics in a structured way. Each topic serves as a digital room where people can post content such as text, images, webm and voice chat. Each topic can have subtopics related to the parent topic but of more specific nature. Subtopics can again have subtopics etc.

Everyone can make topic room about anything at all and everyone can post content. You can post anonymously without logging in.

Hopefully you could try it out and let me know what you think. Maybe try to do some posts or make new topics about something you care about. Experiment all you want. Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.

The site is: https://depvana.com

feedback: https://depvana.com/topic/4

Of cause no censorship.

R: 0 / I: 0  

R: 0 / I: 0
thefuck does this means. mains?

also thats a thick book to swore to. from far away, it could be any book. or anyone.
id say the fire just feeds on anything. bullying is lame, but god is...not above it. maybe cut it off so it is actual sacrifice lol. but alas, too much for everyone. even itself. i hope when i die, you say its laziness, then id know, you left much earlier, just like it always, always, already did.
R: 2 / I: 1
don't feel like talking about parasitic worms nowadays...
R: 1 / I: 1
Another plane just went down in Alaska, what do you suppose is going on? Could there really be a villain working at a busy airport and sabotaging every plane that's unfortunate enough to have him assigned to it?
R: 17 / I: 4

der zoomer

: Thirty zoomers kidnapped and beat up a 22 year old massachusetts college student for setting up a date with an 18 year old woman at the same school. Five of them are being charged with assault and kidnapping. Somehow they got it into their heads that this is pedophilia.

What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?

>pic related

The 18 year old woman in question, LOL!
R: 1 / I: 0
Even Marco Rubio is admitting the US is "no longer the unipolar power" and has "reached back to a multipolar world"
R: 1 / I: 0
COVID tests that people are shoving up their noses have micro beads of super absorbent polymers. So if you're blowing white snot it's because someone has smoked the drugs around you that cause you to expel the beads through your perivascular system. This was someone's idea of a sick joke because people who test for illness are "babies".
R: 28 / I: 12
This shit could've happened when we were in our 20s so we could at least be fit and young and healthy enough to deal with it, but noooooo, society has to collapse and be in full swing to do so in the next 20-30 years when we're old enough men that can't defend ourselves.
R: 6 / I: 0

tarifflation (pic unrelated)

: My Left leaning better half thinks we need to go doomsday prep shopping for groceries today because of Trump Tariffs.
I read two boring articles about it linked below, the first one said it's basically too soon to know what will happen, the second one said it will mostly impact prices of cars and car parts, gasoline, fresh fruits and vegetables, and alcohol. Anyways, I don't think we need to be doomsday shopping today. What do you bozos think? Is it time to buy a brand new Toyota Camree and a truckload of rice and canned soup?

R: 6 / I: 2
R: 17 / I: 1
why is the fox news pillow guy selling his pillows for 14/88?
R: 5 / I: 0

Merry Christmas, anons

: and happy new year
R: 8 / I: 0

World ended 2.14.2015

: I just wanna go back bros...
R: 2 / I: 0

Heritage Foundation plans to ‘identify and target’ Wikipedia editors

: https://forward.com/news/686797/heritage-foundation-wikipedia-antisemitism/

>The Heritage Foundation plans to “identify and target” volunteer editors on Wikipedia who it says are “abusing their position” by publishing content the group believes to be antisemitic, according to documents obtained by the Forward.

>Employees of Heritage, the conservative think tank that produced the Project 2025 policy blueprint for the second Trump administration, said they plan to use facial recognition software and a database of hacked usernames and passwords in order to identify contributors to the online encyclopedia, who mostly work under pseudonyms. It’s not clear exactly what kind of antisemitism the Wikipedia effort, which has not been previously reported, is intended to address. But in recent months some Jewish groups have complained about a series of changes on the website relating to Israel, the war in Gaza and its repercussions.

>In June, a panel of Wikipedia editors declared the Anti-Defamation League a “generally unreliable” source of information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, limiting when the organization can be cited in Wikipedia articles. And there was an outcry this fall among some Jewish scholars and pro-Israel activists over edits to Wikipedia’s entry for Zionism to add references to “colonization.”

>Wikipedia has also recently drawn ire from right-wing figures including Elon Musk, the billionaire who has been by President-elect Trump’s side during much of the transition. Musk posted on X (formerly Twitter) in December: “Stop donating to Wokepedia.”

HDV's vote counted.
R: 13 / I: 2
With the new controversy regarding Elon Musk and H1B visas, I am unironically observing, on both sides, a lot of animosity and hatred between Indian people and non-Indian people in Western countries.

What are the future political ramifications of this? Where will this lead to and how will it end?
R: 11 / I: 1

4chon Domestic Terror Watch General

: Two terror attacks in a 24 hour period. One suspect an islamic radical in New Orleans (vehicular homicide), the other a white guy in his late 30s in New York (cybertruck rigged with explosives outside of Trump Tower).



Time period of incidents
Both veterans from Fort Bragg
Both served in Afghanistan in 2009
Same car rental app

The former motive seems obvious, but the latter is more mysterious. I theorized that the suspect of the attack at Trump Tower (who was found in the vehicle) was dead on arrival, sent to the Trump building by a third party using the Cybertruck's Self Drive capabilities. As of about an hour ago it was discovered that the suspect had a gunshot wound to the head; it's being called a suicide that was performed shortly before the explosion, but there was at least one guy idling about outside of the tower at the time, giving no indication the sound of a gun had gone off before the explosion at any point.

Your thoughts?
R: 23 / I: 5
Some shitskin drove a ship into a bridge in Baltimore and took that sucker out.

R: 2 / I: 1


>Meta will invest in AI-generated characters and profiles to drive up engagement

>They will have bios, profile pics, and can share content
New dead internet just dropped. Lol I say. Lmao.
R: 20 / I: 6
Shooter of Criminal CEO Caught, Gamer Nation in Mourning
R: 2 / I: 0  

on foe n blud

: i am blak
umad ytboi?
R: 3 / I: 1
why does this shit has no fucking history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlaw_motorcycle_club#Organization_and_leadership is it actually part of sons of anarchy fandom?
R: 11 / I: 1
deranged shitskin immigrant sets innocent woman on fire on the NY subway


incidents like this are only going to get worse once the honeymoon period of being in a new country disappears for these water brained bastards
R: 7 / I: 2
Based ethnonationalist jewfu spits some serious truth.
R: 9 / I: 4
Christianity and Democracy have been among the worst disasters to ever befall the human race.
R: 6 / I: 1
anyone wanna explain me whats this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Asian_financial_crisis
R: 14 / I: 2

Recent Mass Drone/UFO Sightings Across the Globe

: Chat, is this real?
R: 8 / I: 1

A brewery that has been in operation for 334 years will close in Germany

: The German-Bavarian brewery Schlossle-Bier, opened 334 years ago in city Neu-Ulm, will cease operations at the end of December 2024 after ten years of unprofitable business in a row. The restaurant at the brewery will continue to receive visitors. The brewery's owner Christa Zoller told the Bild publication.
‘Beer consumption is falling and the prices of raw materials and energy are rising. We have been making losses in the brewing business for ten years,’ said Mrs Zoller. If in 2018 the brewery bottled 150 thousand litres of beer, now the production volume has decreased by a third - to 100 thousand litres per year.
According to the hostess, small production can not compete with large companies: ‘Prices would have to be almost twice as high for us to be able to buy new equipment again. But this is impossible to achieve on the market.’ Mrs Zoller also complained about bureaucratic difficulties in running the business.
The restaurant at the brewery still generates income and will not close with the production. Christa Zoller believes it should be preserved as ‘a place of beer culture’. Schlssle-Bier has been in operation since 1690 and is one of the oldest traditional breweries in Germany-Bavaria. The business has been owned by the Zoller family for over 135 years.
According to the German Federal Statistical Office, beer sales in 2023 fell by 4.5% year-on-year, i.e. by 394.2 million litres. As explained by Nina Gellinger from the Association of German Brewers, the decline in beer consumption is due to rising prices due to increased costs for raw materials, packaging and transporting the product.
R: 5 / I: 0
Why are they like this
R: 0 / I: 0
DoorDash By Drone: Google's Wing Subsidiary Now Delivers In Dallas-Fort Worth

R: 4 / I: 4
Selective abortion seen among Indian diaspora: Indo-Canadian professor


>Toronto: Indo-Canadian professor Prabhat Jha has found that the practice of selective abortion of females in second and third pregnancies is more pronounced among the families in which the mother was born in India but living in Australia, Canada, the UK, or the US.

>Missing girls from selective abortions are contributing to a large deficit of girls within China and India. Jha suggested that understanding the cultural preferences for boys and the fact that such preferences accompany migration could prompt more societal debate and discussion, particularly within India to address the marked demographic deficit of girls.
R: 9 / I: 2

Britain isn't doing well

: The southport stabbings suspect is potentially a muslim and this has been hidden until they can bury the story with the release of their tax increases. Quite possibly one of the darkest events I've seen. I won't even mention the people locked up for posting about the (now somewhat confirmed) fact that he was a muslim.

Tax increases across the board. Inhertiance tax increases will kill of most family businesses. I can't tell if it's malicous or they're just thick but this is punishing the sucessful and people who want to make this country more.

It's just L after L for the British people and there's no actual dissident movement that's worth mentioning. Conservatives a full pozzed and now have kemi as leader... It's hard not to be too blackpilled but I can't see any route for improvement.
R: 3 / I: 0
did the devil had one with 17 year old girls? was there sex? is there 17? was there number? italian bankers? what else?

also i havent read of this personat all. that looks like a jail rapist face. tell me abt it. or those that regulars toilet shifts around pennsylvania and seven eleven,

oh wait. it's eve. IF. If. dang. those things goes everywhere. or takes anything. hahahah. hmmmm.... wait it's actually sex?
R: 2 / I: 0

so whats the name of this show preprod

: lack of, jewish interruption? psychological inept, imagination? end of a franchise???
R: 5 / I: 0
Your response, goy?
R: 7 / I: 0


: What's the difference between a shitlib who complains about the Whiteness, Israel, U.S. Imperialism and the European Colonialism and a reactionary who complains about The West, Israel, NATO and the Globohomo?
R: 19 / I: 6
We live in a distopian hell scape and yes whores(umm...sex workers? ) have always existed since money but since when did they start broadcasting this porn shit to the general populace?

R: 0 / I: 0
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ho_Yeow_Sun#Personal_life what this means "earning come from these love gifts" so she dont sell a single damn albums? that's kinda hilarious. i might actually be elton john then.
also in mistook yeow being a kong's real name. maybe ill mistook her for that other singaporean lennon next time i get real dementia. also it's probably real. it's like, not even a kilo.
R: 11 / I: 1  

Shadow People and Hyperspace

: esotericisim + psychonautics
server and discussion thread


There's multiple things we humans were given by the aeons to free our minds and save our souls,
it's no news. Diphenhydramine, diethylamide, Dextromethorphan, divinorum, datura, whatever. Those can be used to open "portals" as I like to call them,
gates to enter new versions of reality. It's like breaking through the barrier of your mind, there is so much you are missing on if you haven't broken
the barrier yet...Dreams you can manipulate yourself, witness shadow humanoids that scream through your head and the infamous hatman haunting you, and more beyond that point.

(other discussions are welcome)
R: 1 / I: 0
>i hate 02
>i hate jrpg
>i hate ur mum
>we shd go back to iwojima
>thats not even japan\
>i knowitsclint eastwoof
>what of westwood\
>no moa bushido
>i mean it tickles,
>like franki
>i guess it gonna b
>Ch-uu-seyo-oh-mai-go-death ~*
R: 8 / I: 2  
R: 4 / I: 0
Does anyone know where phantasm was at time of shooting, bisexual dude chimping out after going to snap city sounds familiar
R: 2 / I: 0
>World’s first nuclear-powered diamond battery with 5,700-year lifespan unveiled by UK

R: 16 / I: 3
It finally happened. David Irving has passed away. Goodnight, sir. Rest well.
R: 11 / I: 4
Looks like you've gotten yourself quite comfortable over here.
Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.
R: 0 / I: 0
is this news? www.msn.com/id-id/gayahidup/berita/kisah-mark-boyle-pria-irlandia-yang-hidup-tanpa-uang-dan-teknologi-moderen/ar-AA1v24Zb?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=5ed64576dd114bf9b41ebfb418445bb7&ei=50
R: 9 / I: 0
It's actually very easy to answer why this is happening: no more 'war games' or LARPing with feel good advertisements. They want the most able, fit and competent people in the military with no infighting.

I'm not saying a draft will happen, but I am saying that the US (and their allies, thanks for the bases at Darwin, cunts) are preparing for the possibility being greater than 0%.
R: 1 / I: 0
A lot of drama obviously but honestly pretty interesting
R: 2 / I: 0  


: Bored, I wanna chat with ppl
R: 6 / I: 0
what's the latest on the ukrainian genocide?
R: 9 / I: 2
Why are white people like this
R: 19 / I: 10
R: 3 / I: 0
Why do most christians suck jewish cock so badly
R: 3 / I: 1  
Calling an escort is so much cheaper compared to having a relationship.
R: 3 / I: 2

trump or that other women

: trum or that other women idk i forgot her name but who shouldve won
R: 7 / I: 3

I'm a budding male-to-female, do I look feminine?

: I'm a budding male-to-female, do I look feminine?
R: 2 / I: 0
>Martha, this General Purpose Computing is too spicy!
R: 15 / I: 1
Why are African niggers so much smarter than American ones?
R: 0 / I: 0
With whom would you like to have intimate sex and why?
R: 19 / I: 0
R: 56 / I: 27
somtimes u got to say

israel needs open borders
R: 28 / I: 9
do some of you guys think that most palestine supporters are over exaggerated (?) or overreacting? like the impulsive strike days, i dont know they just sound annoying to me kekek
R: 149 / I: 90
In Groundbreaking Redpilled Landmark Speech, Xi Vows To Guide China To "Incomparable Glory", Defeat ZOG
R: 7 / I: 4


IDF vows to strike heavily across Middle East after Iranian assault
R: 15 / I: 7


: These boys are getting busy
R: 92 / I: 85

/hrpg/ - Holocaust Redpill General

: The holocaust was the narrative used to justify the destruction of Germany by the allies, the demonization of right wing politics and the sanctification of jews. It has nothing to do with concentration camps or that some jews died in the war. As the central piece in the post-WW2 new world order, it was instrumental in the creation of the of left's new religion where whiteness became the original sin, Hitler the Devil, right-wing politics demonic, racism the greatest evil, jews the gods and the destruction of Western culture the ultimate redemption.

It was a very clever way to enslave an entire group of people without them even noticing.

Some jews died in WW2. Some jews (rightfully, just like US Japanese were) were held in camps in WW2. Some jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'extermination camps'. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000 maximum) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.
R: 5 / I: 1
Trump on Joe Rogan
R: 1 / I: 0
you're going to die kike, i'm going to kill you, you're going to die screaming, i'm going to make you bleed, i'm going to show you pain.

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the akenonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. Trump won. Get over it. kill the remnigger /a/ janitor.

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the akenonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. Trump won. Get over it. kill the remnigger /a/ janitor.

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the remnigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the akenonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor.

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the akenonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. Trump won. Get over it. kill the remnigger /a/ janitor.

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it.

Trump won. Trump is the president. Now and forever. Get over it.
R: 12 / I: 4

There's no way to protect oneself from an aerosol spray chemtrail at 3 AM over a 100 mile area. One of the best suggestions I've seen so far is heavy paranoia and using nicotine to clog up ace2 receptors during vulnerable periods of exposure so that the v*xx can't murder us

We all need to start growing tobacco unironically
R: 26 / I: 12

Northwest front

: Anyone here still have the old Northwest front memes that got made back in 2011 on /new/?

Also, is there an archive of old 4chon stuff in general? So much quality content has fallen off the internet.
R: 2 / I: 1
R: 2 / I: 1

Every single time some nigger faggot ask this.

: What part of New World Order you don't understand? :")
R: 11 / I: 0

Question for those remaining here and lurking frequently

: Why?
R: 14 / I: 6
another youtube hoarder's hoard got destroyed and the house got wrecked, look at him, point a finger and laugh at him, haha effort of his lifetime and all the stuff people sent him got destroyed lmao what a F what an L he is immediately looking for sympathy on twitter like oversocialized soyfreak, i'm sure all of reddit will collectively sob and send him more of their increasingly more expensive crap to hoard for & 2 capacitorleak for 20 years, like he is an uninsured poor person from da projectzNJusNeedz2feedHisBbyDaughter

mixed feelings
- maaybe his videos pushed a genre which incentivized other people more to archive and document old computer stuff
- accepting truckloads of crap that he'll never properly review and document and has superficial knowledge or interest of, is gay, now it's also underwater, while also feeding the shit out of ebay scalpers, but maybe it's still good, things worth at least romdumping ending up on then market rather than rotting away in a landfill
maybe i shouldnt judge i dunno
R: 0 / I: 0
you can use your creep faggot camera glasses combined with aaaaaaaaai to creep and deceive and scam people who put images of themselves online even beterer irl
R: 150 / I: 75

WW3 Waiting Room

: Gonna drop some shit in here heh
R: 132 / I: 96

Israel Happening General

: Hamas has launched an unprecedented attack against Israel. Here’s what to know


Netanyahu declares war on Hamas after surprise attack kills hundreds of Israelis


Israel, Hamas at War: Live Updates

R: 29 / I: 3
This is the highest Christian symbol
What does this signify exactly?

Christ allowed his enemies to capture him
He healed the police that came to arrest, torture and murder him
He told his followers not to fight back

The highest Christian symbol says: let your enemies torture and murder you. Die without children. Die without fighting

It's a death cult for factory farmed animals
R: 2 / I: 1
22 September 2024
In the US state of Alabama, the city of Birmingham, the Five Points South entertainment district was the scene of an incident.
According to local police spokesman Truman Fitzgerald, shooting began there shortly after 23:00 local time. Three people were killed on the spot and another one died in hospital. The rest of the injured were hospitalised.
Local portal AL with reference to the police says, shots rang out when visitors to the club were standing in a queue. The attackers may have shot at a group of people. as a result of the shooting, four people were killed and at least 21 people were injured. So far, US police have not detained anyone.
R: 8 / I: 0
Would the Upper Classes Throw Large Social Gatherings to Provide Them With the Opportunity to Network with Other Affluent Inviduals in Order to Advance Their Long-Term Business Interests in a White Nationalist Society?
R: 1 / I: 0
Is Lee here?
R: 13 / I: 3
Being employed is like paying someone rent to have a Job. It's no different from being a sharecropper. Slavery would still be legal if the wagecuck model wasn't cheaper and more efficient for the system. I agree with soycialists that owning the means of production is important and would like to call for total employer death(there seems to be no agreed upon idea of how they would implement this, but it's probably really gay). My proposal is this: If you hire somebody then they need to be given shares of the company, simple as that. Plenty of places already do this, so it's not like it's beyond the pale.
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 37 / I: 20

Nigger shoots man to death, media blames the gun

: Watermelon Man shot to death by 15 year old chimpanzee in Memphis

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - The Memphis Police Department has confirmed that a 15-year-old has been charged in the murder of a beloved street vendor affectionately known as ‘Red the Watermelon Man.’

The teen’s identity and charges have not been disclosed.

Meanwhile, family, friends, and customers in the Berclair neighborhood are grieving the death of 76-year-old John Materna after he died Monday after being shot two weeks ago in an attempted robbery.

All day Tuesday, community members stopped by to leave flowers, teddy bears, and take photos to remember the friendly face on Homer Street and Wayne Avenue who sold them watermelons for three decades.

“Seven days a week, I’ll see him and his wife, at least once, and he speaks to everybody,” said Christian Butler, one of Materna’s customers.

Without fail, Materna would set up shop every morning, greeting people with a friendly smile and selling his fruit to customers.

“We came here 10 times to buy watermelon from him, he was a kind man,” said Stephen Sanchez, a neighborhood customer.

“He was a great guy, down to earth, making an honest living. Every time I used to come home, we’re leaving home, the guy would be standing here right on this corner,” said Butler.

He would’ve continued to do what he enjoyed, but his life was cut short by gun violence on May 15.

According to Memphis police, two suspects driving a silver Infiniti shot Materna while trying to rob him.

“Just so sad, he had to lose his life to some senseless killing over nothing,” said Butler.

It is a huge loss for the community that Materna passed away.

For now, all that remains on the corner of Homer and Wayne is a growing memorial where friends and loved ones in the Berclair community are remembering the street vendor who planted a seed in their hearts.

“I’m just praying for his wife, his kids, if he had any,” said Butler. “I’m just wishing this was all a joke.”
R: 8 / I: 0
new feature being Implemented that on reddit allows users to vote to de-mod somebody

Seething transcunts like in pic ensue
R: 9 / I: 0
I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system called usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, a sub-country. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs or decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Mass persecution was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least from the deep web I dug up some data. In Finland, people with multiple problems are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility.
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel sounds. There are very few awakened people and they are actively tried to be silenced or even killed.
Isn't that pretty cool? However, this is true and for the most part in the way I presented. In my opinion, this current social model is sick and should be brought into public discussion.
I myself am a victim of mass stalking. More than 100 similar stories have been collected from us people of this fate in Finland and submitted to the UN and the International Criminal Court for Human Rights. However, I personally don't think that any body will do anything about these things. The government does not respect human rights even though it is officially committed to maintaining them.
Seinäjoki's Gestapo murdered Tero Hopevauori and Jani Ritvanen by forcing them to commit suicide. They also murdered a police officer named Petri Kangaskoski by forcing him to shoot himself at the Kokkola police station with his official weapon. They also ruined my "normal life" and apparently kill somehow. The system has killed thousands of Finns.
Completely innocent people.
Gestapo and civil servants also force others to commit sexual acts. They also rape. They embezzle money/property from people/state and threaten and kill.
State traitors. Terrorists of civilians. Prazits.
US action is a senile relic of the post-WWII world. In my view, the West needs to stick to its values. They will, implement and have achieved a partially totalitarian dystopia. The entire society has been ruined from its foundations, and its most important pillars are not respected. There is no need for bread, circus entertainment, propaganda and a force-fed imperialist agenda, little like some social show that is a lie and if these sink in you are just in a blissful dream. If it doesn't sink, maybe you will be persecuted.
The future cannot be American-led. They do not respect western values. Human rights. Laws. Democracy. Divisions of power. Nothing.
The Finnish government will not help the people.
That's why I sprinkle these seeds.
These issues enter the public debate and raise awareness. My strategy once or twice for this post in the comments section of this news pages (praise for that). I can't think of anything else that would get hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes.
Links to the topic:
A brief presentation of the empire's conquest maneuver by the economic assassin of the USA's hidden empire.
A former mass persecutor who has used nemf technology on the persecutors.
Patent for neurotechnologies
A link in Finnish where the names and personal experiences of the persecuted are collected.
An interview of a KGB agent about the journey towards dystopia that has been going on for generations in Western countries.
Recommended documents:
Self series of the century
I'll map this link section as much as I can.
R: 0 / I: 0




R: 1 / I: 0

The Shitty French Olympics.

: A Serbian judoka made the sign of the cross on himself going into a fight at the Paris Olympics and was disqualified for 5 months.
- 15 days ago, I received a decision from the International Judo Federation that I was suspended for five months for violating its religious code. Specifically for the fact that I crossed myself while performing at the Olympic Games,’ Serbian Maidov wrote.

Maidov crossed his arms before entering the bout against Greek Theodoros Tselidis. The bout lasted a couple of minutes and the Romanian referee showed three yellow cards to the Balkan, which means an early defeat. However, Maidov did not agree with this decision of the referee and burst into tears right on the tatami out of offence. And after the fight he published an angry post against the judges and the organisers of the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

- Satanic garbage!. Disqualify me after two minutes and not give me a chance to show anything at all... These values of yours, sport and the Olympics are just garbage. That's all. Every tear will come back to you. This is the only way to stop me,’ Maidov wrote at the time.
Soon after, the athlete posted a letter from the International Judo Federation on his personal social networks. And it was clearly and understandably stated - he was ‘charged’ with showing a religious gesture! Well, yes, in addition to the emotional breakdown after the defeat, they said exactly that - you showed a religious gesture when entering the tatami.
The athlete himself says that he is not ready to give up his faith:

- Of course, in my defence speech I didn't want to apologise for my baptism. I will never do that. God has given me everything, he is number one for me. That will not change under any circumstances. I am sorry that a sport as beautiful and difficult as judo has fallen to such things,’ Maidov wrote.
R: 51 / I: 26
"Like We Just Split The Atom": ChatGPT AI Shakes Up Tech

R: 7 / I: 0

Cogent and Hurricane Electric are enforcing censorship on their customers again


They could *easily* ignore the complaints, which come from an unrelated third party whom they refuse to reveal, and could be literally anyone down to an intern at Cogent with a sockpuppet account on Gmail

The kicker is that Section 230 gives them blanket immunity to anything they host. They are not liable for anything, especially not shit that's hosted on a customer of a customer of a customer's website.

They are deliberately choosing to become involved in content moderation, with the purpose of directed censorship.

Were Kiwifarms a left-wing political site, a "loli/shota" kiddie pron haven, a "furry" hangout with openly traded bestiality videos, or a how-to forum for Jihadi bombmakers, these grasping-at-straws complaints would not have been giving 10 seconds worth of consideration.
R: 2 / I: 0

The spiritual feat of the monkeys

: On Saturday, 21 September, in Bharat, in the city of Baghpat, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. An unidentified man approached a six-year-old girl in the street and forced her to come with him by threats. He took the girl to an abandoned building, undressed her and attempted to rape her.
However, at that moment several monkeys attacked the rapist. The man left the victim and fled. The girl returned home in a state of shock and told her parents what had happened. Those immediately turned to the police. ‘The daughter was playing in the street and the perpetrator kidnapped her. CCTV cameras caught him leading her down a narrow street. He is yet to be identified. He threatened to kill her. She would have been gone if not for the intervention of the monkeys,’ said the child's father. The Bharat police confirmed that they are investigating and are currently trying to identify the attacker.
This is the one case where monkeys are better than some of the humans.
R: 1 / I: 1
Cameron Yaste, commander of the US torpedo-boat destroyer USS John S. McCain, was fired for a photo of him holding a rifle with an inverted scope
Because how can you trust a ship's commander who doesn't know how to properly equip a service weapon?
R: 0 / I: 0

The remains of a woolly rhinoceros with soft tissues have been found in Russia, Yakutia province

: The North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) received a horn of a woolly rhinoceros, which, together with a mummified carcass, was found by university partners at a mining site in the Oymyakonsky district in Russia's northern province of Yakutia. This was reported on Monday in the press service of the university.

In Russia, Yakutia province, a significant part of all known unique finds of mammoths, woolly rhinos, bison, musk oxen, cave lions and other ancient animals in the world have been discovered.

‘We have just returned from the site of the discovery of the woolly rhino where we were handed its horn. The fragmented carcass has been preserved, and by preliminary agreement with partners, its recovery is scheduled for the autumn. This is the first such find in the recent history of the NEFU - the carcass of a woolly rhinoceros. The transferred horn is a posterior (frontal) horn. According to morphological parameters belonged to a sexually mature individual’, - the press service quotes the senior researcher - head of the laboratory of the Mammoth Museum of the NEFU Maxim Cheprasov.

According to Cheprasov, only five remains of woolly rhinos with soft tissues were found earlier in Russia, Yakutia province - Vilyuysky (1771), Verkhoyansky (1877), Kolyma (2007), Rhinoceros Sasha (2014), Abyysky (2020). ‘The new find will add to the previously unknown information about the life of this one of the brightest representative of the mammoth fauna,’ the scientist is confident.

He added that the exact biological age and sex of the animal will be established after a comprehensive study of the carcass itself. ‘Then we will also be able to obtain data on anatomo-morphological features, geological age, nutrition, genetic links with previously studied finds,’ Cheprasov explained.

Perhaps finding the mummified carcass of a woolly rhino can and will help resurrect its species by cloning, but this method is expensive.
R: 7 / I: 1
U can work for The Biden for President (BFP) campaign making cool internet memes and engaging with the audience,
citing your extensive 4chong, 4chang, 8chang, reddit, digg, myspace, tumblr, kiwifarms, somethingawful, gamefaqs, ed, worldstar, efukt, liveleak experience

R: 261 / I: 186

Herrs to a /new/ (You)!

: You vill primarily post news, history or politics-related subjects on zis board in a respectable und dignified manner, und you vill be happy!
R: 0 / I: 0


: Lololol
R: 8 / I: 4



R: 7 / I: 1
Would the Elder Scrolls Series of Medieval Fantasy Personal Computer Games Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?
R: 0 / I: 0

The Jewish Airstrikes

: 09 September 2024
At least 14 people have been killed in Jewish airstrikes on a number of military targets in central Syria, the Syrian country news agency SANA reported. The strikes reportedly hit five targets in Syria, including a research centre in Masyaf. Citing the hospital director, the news agency said 43 other people were wounded in attacks near Masyaf in Hama province on Sunday night.
R: 55 / I: 31
OJ Simpson died.
R: 2 / I: 1

House of the Dragon Season 2

: Why did HBO call its series House of the Dragon Season 2 but didn't show any dragons? They only show wyverns. Is HBO so dumb that they can't tell the difference between a dragon and a wyvern?
R: 11 / I: 4
There's absolutely no way this is 'just a software update issue'.
I don't care how schizophrenic I sound, this is planned.
R: 11 / I: 2
Another day spent in my thoughts
>disgusting identity
>low inhib
>disgusting world
>low inhib

I wish hitler would have won instead of these fucking ameritards and british mutts, maybe people like me being killed off is not a bad thing... just dont rub it in my face, my unreasonable self preservation will get me defensive.
R: 0 / I: 0
9/11 was a hoax
R: 0 / I: 0

Belarusian rural school is haunted by the ghost of a girl.

: In the village of Grabovo in the Gomel region of Belarus, there is a school where the ghost of a young girl has been seen for some time. Many people believe that it is the ghost of the young girl named Yadviga Fascht, the daughter of a local landowner, whose manor more than a hundred years ago stood on the very spot where the school is now located. Most often the ghost of the girl is seen in the area of the history room. According to social teacher Valentina Streha, once she herself encountered this ghost on the first floor.
At first she saw smoke in the corridor, as if someone had been smoking heavily, but the smoke had the shape of a human figure and it was moving quickly towards the history room. Valentina could clearly see that it was the young girl in a rich 19th century dress with a shawl thrown over it. But the figure had no legs at all. The teacher screamed with all her might out of fear, and the ghost suddenly waved at her before disappearing behind the wall. The ghost was also once encountered by the school watchman Klavdia Chumenok, who even claimed to be friends with young lady Jadviga.
‘I always go in and say hello to the ghost. I came in, sat on the sofa, looked out the window. And it came and sat next to me. Then she got up and left,’ Klavdia Chumenok told Sputnik Belarus.
Pupils of the school have also seen the ghost, not only in the form of a smoky figure, but also in a form of a girl in a white dress. Also in the evenings, strange phenomena occur in the school, lights can turn on by themselves, and someone invisible can breathe down the back of the neck. The locals are frightened by the ghost and therefore try not to leave their houses at night.
The picture shows the same Yadviga in the old photo. Screenshot from the video of OHT TV channel
According to local historians, young lady Jadwiga had a sad fate. When she was young, she fell off a horse, broke her leg and then limped badly. Because of this, the grooms were in no hurry to marry her, and the locals nicknamed her Yadviga the Crooked. But one day she found her soul mate, but her father did not approve of her choice and forbade his daughter to leave the house. Saddened Yadviga ran away and hanged herself on an apple tree in the garden. There is another version, though, that she went abroad when the 1917 revolution took place. Neither of these is truly known. Recently Belarusian ufologists visited this school. They examined it in an attempt to find anomalous zones, interviewed pupils and teachers. They also found out that the whole area around the school is surrounded by old cemeteries, ancient burial mounds and settlements, and that there is an unusually strong magnetic field.
R: 1 / I: 0

if trump wins...

: then...
R: 13 / I: 2
is mein kampf actually worth reading?
R: 6 / I: 1
>VICE gets popular because it's on top of commenting on the the weird deranged and fringe shit
>13 years later
>VICE invites some trantranfreaks to put together a smear article on kweefarms (who cares)
>people go straight to the source of the weird deranged and fringe shit commentary place just because they can, for the same reasons they used to read VICE

how can VICE even compete

heh i knew the dems were the REAL racist all along etc.
R: 18 / I: 4
Some terrorist attack in Sydney check teh news
R: 4 / I: 0
New Jordan Peterson and Douglas Murray podcast... Gentlemen!

I only watched this clip so far, its interesting how off the cuff/unrehearsed it seemed. The rest seems like it might be worth watching.
R: 32 / I: 21
>muh cinnamon girl
R: 21 / I: 13
I unironically think we would solve a lot of society (gamers rise up)'s problems if we stopped giving the giant real estate conglomerates that own these hellish corpo office space outright government bailouts, and the 'silent' bailouts of workers having no choice but to bring their fucking infant into work because they won't take no for an answer.

Absolutely disgusting. Literally any other industry would just die to muh free market at this point but no, real estate companies need their tendies, they are very special bois that we have to prop up with our speshul boi money and taxes every week, they need to keep inflating UwU
R: 8 / I: 5
how will he get around this?
R: 12 / I: 3
>Be Australian
>Eat a mushroom
R: 8 / I: 1

a corporate survey blurb from on zoomer wagies

: Udemy-Business-Gen Z in the Workplace Survey Report.pdf

>This generation has been shaped by a global pandemic during their formative years, the war on terror, an understanding of broad social injustice, and the increasingly apparent fact that the global climate is in peril. In many cultures, they are also rethinking identity and traditional labels, often embracing non-binary gender and sexuality. Many Gen Zers are also confronting mental health challenges, with only half of them rating their mental health as good or extremely good.

'magine being mentally healthy while being day-to-day hardcore gaslighted about things the same way email scammers would do to their victims (thinly veiled threats, shaming and guilt tripping, sense of urgency etc.).

messaging in past 5-8 years is more 1-directional and assertive than it has been in last 25 or so years of the mass interwebs.

also you can gaslight the younger end - still-literal-kids about everything like that spending time in traffic going to back to da office to be surrounded by noise while hunched over a laptop is good 4 u somehow because building leases

anyway im still reading this crap
R: 0 / I: 0
Ani news agency reports, citing official sources.
‘Bharat reports the first case of monkeypox clade 1, which was reported in Malappuram, Kerala, last week. The patient is a 38-year-old man hailing from the United Arab Emirates’
The agency recalls that this is the same strain that caused World Health Organization to declare a public health emergency on 14 August due to the situation of the disease in Africa.
In July, 1,425 cases of monkeypox and 6 deaths were reported worldwide. Africa accounted for more than half of them - 55%. the American region recorded 24% of cases, Europe 11% and South-East Asia 1%.
Monkeypox is a rare viral disease, potentially dangerous for immunocompromised people. The infection is accompanied by fever, intoxication, enlargement of lymph nodes and subsequent spread of the rash - at first in the form of spots that turn into vesicles, after opening ulcers are formed, after their healing - crusts, and when they fall off - scars. In mild cases, the disease usually goes away on its own and lasts from 14 to 21 days.
R: 60 / I: 43
Bank of England Intervenes in Market to Stop Total Economic Collapse
R: 5 / I: 2
search operators like "site:" reportedly don't work with politically themed searches fo sum users

you WILL be gaslighted. this is normal and not weird. there is no implication. this is nothing like china or nkorea. you were supposed to be presented select list of obviously only handpicked and hardcoded results only on certain topics.
R: 11 / I: 3
"Net Energy Gain" - Germanic US Scientists Make Breakthrough In Nuclear Fusion
R: 14 / I: 14
The creator of the posed question.
R: 8 / I: 2
Jfk was killed by the CIA.
Aids and covid were govt/Rothschild/pharma/Rockefeller psyop hoaxes.
Germ theory is a govt/Rothschild/pharma/Rockefeller lie

Vote for this man
Vote for this man
R: 1 / I: 0

ALIEN-UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.32 GB Download

: ALIEN-UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.32 GB Download

R: 0 / I: 0

Is it true that Zener cards develop clairvoyance?

: Is it true that Zener cards develop clairvoyance?
R: 16 / I: 9

ZOG wants to ban TikTok

: Zionists want TikTok banned because TikTok did not censor anti-Israel or pro-Palestianian posts like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter did after October 7.
R: 1 / I: 0

News from Hong Kong

: According to a statement by the Hong Kong City Government, Hong Kong residents and visitors have been fined for feeding pigeons and wild animals since the beginning of September.

By these measures, the Hong Kong authorities hope to preserve the ecological balance and prevent the invasion of wild animals in the city. The fine will be up to HK$100,000, or €11,613.9. Persistent offenders face imprisonment, and may spend up to a year in jail.
The list of animals that can not be fed includes monkeys, boars, street pigeons and others.
R: 75 / I: 46
James Webb Space Telescope detects carbon dioxide in atmosphere of exoplanet for first time

R: 5 / I: 2
Not the heckin' pitties, /new/! Chudbros, our response?!
R: 0 / I: 0
The king of the African state of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), 56-year-old Mswati III, is getting married. But that doesn't mean he has been walking around as a bachelor until now. Young Nomsebo will become his sixteenth wife as the monarch practices polygamy. Nomsebo is the daughter of former South African president Jacob Zuma. Zuma is also a polygamist. He now has four official wives.
R: 0 / I: 0

I follow Noticer news heh and the pure h'White man Diego Cohea
R: 3 / I: 0
Happy Saint Georges Day!
R: 5 / I: 2



R: 8 / I: 2

O'Keefe tricks a Gay Guy

: This is an entertaining clip of James O'Keefe going on a "date" with a white house cybersecurity official.
R: 8 / I: 3

A new deadly virus is spreading in China.

: a deadly new virus is spreading in China. Ortonairovirus, otherwise known as marshland virus, is dangerous to humans. It affects the brain and other organs, and can be fatal. it is transmitted from the bites of ticks that live in swamps.
In China, the virus has already been diagnosed in 17 people. One of them is in a coma.
R: 14 / I: 2

Do you know about crypto?

: Is there anyone who know about crypto like bitcoin, ethereum, solana or so on?

If so show me your portfolio anon! Be honest!
R: 8 / I: 3
KIKE Record Labels Hit Internet Archive With New $400m+ Copyright Lawsuit

R: 26 / I: 6


: where did he go on the internet?
R: 6 / I: 0
Would Internal Power Struggles Between the Ruling Classes Occur in a White Nationalist Society?
R: 21 / I: 13
Daily reminder that higher technology has ruined your life.
R: 25 / I: 19
What are the social and political implications of these findings?

Also, I shit you not, I genuinely believe that they are rampant on 4chan. The other day I was on /tv/ and talking about Oppenheimer, and someone thought I was a 9/11 conspiracy schizo truther because I mentioned the documented fact that the rescue dogs would get depressed/listless at finding corpses in the rubble, so the firefighters would pretend to be under there to cheer them up. Somehow, some dumb cunt zoomer that hadn't been alive during 9/11 took that info, and with his dumb cunt brainlet head thought that meant I believed 9/11 never happened.
R: 15 / I: 10
I can't help but not jerk off to my thick avatar female creations that look realistic it's a feeling that hentai and regular porn doesn't give off
R: 9 / I: 3
My hot take: I unironically believe that Africa would be better off if Marxism hadn't spread post-colonisation. They certainly wouldn't have approached Western standards, but they would've been far, far better. Maybe a step below Yugoslavia.
R: 18 / I: 18
What are the political implications of AI having racial biases? Is it possible, should an AI become sophisticated enough with said biases that it could be used to create biological weapons in ethnic conflicts?
R: 20 / I: 2
Douglas Murray is the new Jordan Peterson.

He is being pushed everywhere for his soft anti-Islam stance.

e.g. (he's on Sky News practically daily)

R: 27 / I: 1
Look, I am not going to make the conclusion that they were unable to understand that fire.... hot 🔥

But...what other conclusion can you make here?

R: 6 / I: 1
Election Day for Hitler's grandchild
R: 81 / I: 35
"We Own The Science": Jewnited Nations Official Admits That They Partner With Jewgle To Control Search Results

The UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, recently admitted in a discussion with the World Economic Forum that the globalist institution has partnered with Big Tech platforms like Google in order to control search results on subjects like climate change, making the establishment narrative the predominant narrative while suppressing information and data that runs contrary to the UN's climate agenda.

R: 14 / I: 5

The free market will fix it

: At what point does work become a substitute for living? Is that the only purpose there is to people in this day and age? Apparently all you do is acquire wealth and buy goods and services which seems to be the driving force for almost the majority of inhabitants in the U.S. "The American Dream" is the concept of purchasing a house and a piece of land with your earnings and that somehow proves you're a good person and a worthy member of society.
If you look at the technological progress that started with computers, everything is being automated at a speed unprecedented in history. Wait another 400 years and there will be no need for any human manual labor because you can let machines do everything for you and the ultimate ramification will be that money becomes useless since wages are only needed to incentivize competition among humans.

Work itself and monetary status become obsolete. What is the purpose of life when all the jobs are not needed anymore?
R: 11 / I: 1
You got a SOURCE for that claim drinking bleach is bad for you, CHUD?!
R: 6 / I: 1
this board is dead as fuck, may aswell delete it
R: 12 / I: 5
>Because you'd be in jail
>Goes to jail

What he'd mean by this..
R: 30 / I: 21
Nu Kangz & Generals goyim

How Kyivan Ruthenians almost won the war last month when Prigozhin marched on Muscovy
R: 24 / I: 12
What are the sociopolitical implications of zoomer Jewish girls from Melbourne University rejecting Zionism?

R: 22 / I: 5
Legendary germanic hero Varg Vikernes is back on jewtube doing vlogging, fuckerinodinos

The Roots of this Rot

R: 15 / I: 5
oh doctor fauci.... bring us vaccines....
R: 301 / I: 83  

Fedora neckbeard religion

: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-39054778
>Science is facing a "reproducibility crisis" where more than two-thirds of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, research suggests.
>"It's worrying because replication is supposed to be a hallmark of scientific integrity,"

> Research scientists are under pressure to get published in the most prominent journals possible, and their chances increase considerably if they find positive (thus “impactful”) results. For journals, the appeal is clear, writes Philip Ball for Nautilus: they’ll make a bigger splash if they discover some new truth, rather than if they simply refuted old findings. The reality is that science rarely produces data so appealing.
> The quest for publication has led some scientists to manipulate data, analysis, and even their original hypotheses. In 2014, John Ioannidis, a Stanford professor conducting researching on research (or ‘meta-research’), found that across the scientific field, “many new proposed associations and/or effects are false or grossly exaggerated.” Ioannidis, who estimates that 85 percent of research resources are wasted, claims that the frequency of positive results well exceeds how often one should expect to find them

When did you realize that science is all about confirmation bias and mental gymnastics?
R: 11 / I: 0
Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance

Exclusive: Breakthrough could aid research into genetic disorders but raises serious ethical and legal issues

R: 7 / I: 7
Poignant thread incoming
R: 6 / I: 1
Don't debase yourself to these people. They're not worth it. They'll never change.
R: 13 / I: 0

redpill/conspiratard demoralization

: how do you guys deal with demoralization? the psyops just getting worse and worse; and i just keep getting more redpilled

take the covaids hoax for instance. in late 2019, i thought there probably was a virus; it was just being hyped up by the media for political purposes. now in late 2023, not only do i understand the fact that there never was a virus, but viruses don't even exist; germ theory is a jewish reptilian hoax and the entire modern medical system is a fraud designed to kill people and make huge profits. how cope?

sorry for all the semicolons
R: 40 / I: 12
Unironic question, and not taking the piss - why are white people (particularly white men) over-represented amongst the transgender community?
R: 11 / I: 3
R: 30 / I: 4

Eco-Fascism/ Anarcho-Primitivism / Green R*volution General

: How much do you care about the Environment, anon? How do we consolidate human comfort and convenience with conservationism?
R: 22 / I: 10

News thread 3

: bottom text
R: 38 / I: 16
>two hours of slut cope
R: 6 / I: 2

The Action Bible God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello Free Download!!!

: The Action Bible God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello Free Download!!!

Converted from the .epub into .pdf file. 1535 pages.


R: 8 / I: 5
Someone left this at my work.

This is genuinely why Australia may have a civil war if governments ever try pushing for global conflict; rural populations despise elites and they are, paradoxically, better skilled at ammunitions and fitter people, and this is the growing sentiment in said populations. They do not want to partake in the narrative, no matter how hard you may try to smear people.
R: 7 / I: 0
Would Basketball Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?
R: 11 / I: 2
White woman saved by shark """encounter""" by 2 happy, healthy married possibly Jewish women

This sounds like one of those /tv/ movie outline writeups which unnecessarily mention race and age and marital status heh (I love those)

Heaps of news about this

R: 6 / I: 2
Send back every single spic to Mexico. Yes, even the ones who "came in legally", and yes, even the "based and trad" ones.
R: 14 / I: 4
Would Loveless Sham Marriages Arranged for Political Convenience or Influence and Power Consolidation Between Families or Organizations Occur within a White Nationalist Society?
R: 13 / I: 1
Spike in premature cancer, doctors warn 'getting cancer in your 20s or 30s is now THE NORM'

> Figures from the Florida Cancer Connect Collaborative showed rates for all cancer diagnoses jumped 15 percent among people in their 20s and 30s, three times faster than the national average.

> Breast cancer was the most common…with colon cancer and leukemia among other cancers rising fastest.

> Doctors note that the sharpest rise in cancer rates occurred only after 2020 - and are baffled with what the cause could be, as nothing significant was introduced to health since that time.

R: 11 / I: 1

New Political Terminology

: Present day political terminology makes no sense and I'm purposing some changes: so-called "leftists" should be called loyalists as they are loyal to the status quo, and in fact are not "liberal" or "socialist" or some such. While so-called "rightists" should be called the "disaffected", because they support the system in principle, but are dissatisfied by who's in power, and are in fact only rarely "dissidents" or "nationalists" or any flavor of that in practice. Any ideas or opinions?
R: 55 / I: 30
how many glo-nigglets are on this site?
R: 12 / I: 2

Ceo of Cognent is forcing customers to censor websites

: Polish companies have been the predominant source of our recent uptime. However, Cogent's CEO seems directly invested in shutting us down. I have had multiple run ins with Cogent and this is their most aggressive.

Usually the Tier 1 ISPs have censored the Kiwi Farms by simply refusing to broadcast my IP addresses. However, since Liz Fong-Jones has been successful in censoring the Internet this way, I no longer even try using my IPs.

This time, Cogent has directly instructed a customer of theirs to stop providing us - by name, through the customer's own IP addresses - networking infrastructure.

No company has done this until now. This is the most invasive, direct actioning from any ISP thus far.

If you are in the industry you need to make it absolutely clear to Cogent that you intend to move your business elsewhere.

Just to confirm, Cogent's CEO is directly forcing two customers to drop us, not just one.
R: 28 / I: 5
So apparently France is in something of a civil war as Muslim hordes are now rampaging across the country.


You'd think people would've seen this coming. Especially after the fucking subhumans burnt down Notre Dame. Oh well, eh? Societal collapses gonna societally collapse.
R: 53 / I: 33
Niggers: Making Things Inconvenient at the Convenience Store

Last Saturday night at about 8:15 in a mostly white neighborhood in northeast Philadelphia, about 100 marauding youths — every last one of them black — brought psychedelic shockwaves of vibrancy to a Wawa convenience store. They looted items, knocked down display cases, and jumped up and down on cars outside with hormonal teen-primate fury. At least one of the looters, apparently a female of the species, was filmed twerking on a counter inside the store.

Although a writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer said it “was like a scene from the apocalypse,” there was nothing exceptional about the incident. It was only the latest iteration of black America’s ongoing collective assault on our nation’s fast-food establishments. Things like this seem to be happening daily across the country. As far as Negro-driven ransackings of public eateries go, the incident was quite ordinary. There weren’t even any reported injuries.

R: 50 / I: 12

My Opnion

: I Think this website needs more boards like 4chan or 8chan,but hey,that's just my opnion!
R: 14 / I: 4
Should you monitor your children's activity online?
R: 272 / I: 157

Nu covid/vax thread

: Everyone report in. Whats the covid status in your area?

I'm noticing EVERYONE i know that took the jab now has covid or recently got it. Shits making rounds again. Many of these people already had covid once before too
R: 8 / I: 0
Why is the Jewish tree so much more fruitful than the Christian tree?
R: 6 / I: 1
Ethnic diversity, trust, and the mediating role of positive and negative interethnic contact: a priming experiment (2014)


"Ethnic diversity is associated with lower trust for both natives and immigrants."

"For both, the cognitive salience of ethno-cultural diversity causally reduces trust."


Ethnic Diversity and Its Impact on Community Social Cohesion and Neighborly Exchange (2014)


"Our findings indicate that social cohesion and neighborly exchange are attenuated in ethnically diverse suburbs."


Ethnic Diversity and Trust (2011)


"I find a negative relationship between ethnic polarization and trust and a U‐shaped relationship between ethnic fractionalization and trust."


Effects of Heterogeneity and Homophily on Cooperation (2015)


"The results show that heterogeneity hampers between-group cooperation at the dyadic level. In addition, endogenous sorting mitigates this negative effect of heterogeneity on cooperation."


Predicting Cross-National Levels of Social Trust: Global Pattern or Nordic Exceptionalism? (2005)


"Cause and effect relations are impossible to specify exactly but ethnic homogeneity and Protestant traditions seem to have a direct impact on trust, and an indirect one through their consequences for good government, wealth and income equality."


The Geography of Ethnic Violence (2015)


"Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by both physical and political boundaries."


Good Fences: The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Peaceful Coexistence (2014)


"Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country."


Does Ethnic Diversity Have a Negative Effect on Attitudes towards the Community? (2015)


"Studies demonstrate a negative association between community ethnic diversity and indicators of social cohesion (especially attitudes towards neighbours and the community), suggesting diversity causes a decline in social cohesion."


Trust in a Time of Increasing Diversity (2014)


"The results suggest that social trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity."


Ethnic Diversity, Economic and Cultural Contexts, and Social Trust (2014)


"The results show that across European regions, different aspects of immigration-related diversity are negatively related to social trust. In longitudinal perspective, an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust."


Does Diversity Really Work? (2007)


"A study conducted by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam suggests that diversity hurts civic life and that differences can actually translate into distrust. The political scientist and author explains his findings on the flip-side of cultural diversity."

"The more diverse the group around us, ethnically, in our neighborhood, the less we trust anybody, including people who look like us. Whites trust whites less. Blacks trust blacks less, in more diverse settings."
R: 13 / I: 10
>the joke just writes itself
R: 109 / I: 75


: Would a 20 Year Old Logitech PC Controller Debuting at Not a Penny More Than $24.99 At Retail on Release Day Be Allowed in a Billionaire's Submersible Society?
R: 15 / I: 4
What Will Become of Cities?

Everyone was supposed to be back at the office by now. It’s not really happening, however, and this has huge implications for the future of the American city. The signs of doom are everywhere. A poll of New Yorkers has 60% saying that life quality is falling and this is in part due to far less quality foot traffic. San Francisco has record office vacancies. Even large cities in Texas have 25% vacancies. Population declines in many cities are continuing long after pandemic restrictions have been lifted.

No serious efforts are underway to reverse the damage of pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates and segregation. This is partly because there has been zero accountability or even honest public debate about what governments around the country did from 2020-2022. We live amidst the carnage but justice seems farther off than ever.

Yes, a complete reversal is possible but it seems ever less likely, especially with the continued efforts to purge from public life those who dissented during the crisis, as well as the intensifying censorship on all mainstream media platforms.

Once you step back from it, nothing really makes sense. One might suppose that when a whole society – and really globe – embarked on such a crazy experiment and utterly failed in every way, that there would be a major effort to come to terms with it.

R: 17 / I: 6

Australia news thread

: Post stuff you feel like posting

Heh @ "post-Bondi"
R: 6 / I: 4
Wuz this place about
R: 9 / I: 3

Epik has unilaterally seized kiwifarms.net

: Mob rule by butthurt troon lunatics and 'girl talk' threats have struck again. As always there was no warning, will be no appeal, and no explanation will ever be given.

And again the response of the degenerate groomers who've brought 'thoughtcrime' from 1984 to real life is "Don't like it? Build your own."

In this case, you would have to build your own Internet. Ponder the practicality of that.
R: 9 / I: 2

The Jewish Question

: I just read David Icke's latest book about 9/11 called The Trigger. The book is 900 pages long and he had like 5 chapters devoted solely to Jewish genealogy and Israel.

If I understand him correctly, a long time ago there was this group of people called the khazars and there was a khazar empire in the Caucasus mountains. This group of people as well as other ethnicities and cultural groups, for certain historical reasons, came to know themselves as biblical Jews even though they aren't really. And the people walking around today calling themselves Jews are just one ethnicity/cultural group or another and have no actual relationship with historical Jews.

He says there is a deeper control group called sabbatian frankists who created the modern fake jew cult and use it as a sock puppet to misdirect and confuse the rest of humanity, including fake jew cultists themselves.

What's the chon pill on this? I never heard of sabbatian frankism before this book.
R: 54 / I: 39
This just in: Fugly KIKE bitch does massive and brazen crypto scam, will likely get away scot free

R: 19 / I: 10

>niggers dont hike

: /pol/ btfo
R: 26 / I: 4
Atheism is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society.
R: 10 / I: 0
How the fuck i avoid this 4chan ip ban? I don't want to use my own IP. Using VPN, and every ip seems blacklisted. faackkkkk!!!
R: 9 / I: 1
Would Mid-priced Sit Down Restaurants Featuring Animatronic Animal Mascots Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?
R: 8 / I: 2
>L-Look at my insect wife!
>Bet that makes you real mad, roastie! Ha!!!

Sure thing, scrote.
R: 13 / I: 4

Academia exposed

: Academics are literal hivemind charlatan scammers. This has been known by many already, but now there's hard evidence to prove it. So-called "experts" are cheaters and liars just like the average student who cheats on his or her exams. And the evidence focuses on STEM papers specifically, including medicine, and not what are considered bullshit majors where of course everyone is expected to be a bullshitter and plagiarizer.

>Are medical studies being written with ChatGPT?

>Well, we all know ChatGPT overuses the word "delve".
>Look below at how often the word 'delve' is used in papers on PubMed (2023 was the first full year of ChatGPT).
>Here is the one for Math.
>Same trend in economics! Used ChatGPT (GPT-4) to write a script to scrape this data and make this plot

>A normalized chart, showing % of papers with "delve" in title or abstract). Source: OpenAlex, articles (includes papers & preprints). Use of "delve" was gradually increasing through to 2022 but then jumped in '23! Some 46% of all 90-24 papers using delve came out in 23 & 24!


>I asked Gemini why this happens: “Sounding Authoritative: Both "delve" and "notable" have a slightly formal, academic tone. ChatGPT might use them in an attempt to sound more intelligent or credible, even if simpler synonyms would be more natural.”


>It's hilarious. Same for "multifaceted"

R: 12 / I: 6
""forresn.deviantart.com" views"= 200,000
R: 13 / I: 3

Ron Paul

: Dudes.....Ron Paul looks so damn old. It's over.
R: 16 / I: 11
Rich KIKES North of Richmond

R: 12 / I: 4

thanks retards

: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_book_burnings

fucking dipshit nazi cunts
R: 10 / I: 5

Nipah Virus (70% mortality rate)

: Here it is guys, spread from fruit bats apparently, articles and info to follow in posts below.

for reference covid has a 2-3% mortality rate

is this an actual happening?
R: 6 / I: 0
umm... bros?
R: 57 / I: 8

Remote Viewing

: Did you guys just fuck around with me when I did the remote viewing demonstrations and you told me I was accurate and did indeed see my targets?

I haven't been practising remote viewing as instead I am obsessed with strengthening my body right now and doing a little research into telekinesis and lately I've been reading up on DMT (just finished reading DMT The Spirit Molecule a few days ago)... and because of the large passage of time in which I haven't seen anything paranormal happen (other than a lot of instances of telepathy with people I have a high degree of rapport with) I'm starting to doubt myself.

Were your reactions to my remote viewing genuine? Did I really see my targets?

I want to at some point, not any time soon as again my physical cultivation is everything (I want to run 100 miles and am training for that now every day since last October so almost a year now), start remote viewing again but modified to just trying to see pages in books or to seeing things where the other side gives proof I saw the target correctly. I'm also just doing things that I believe will optimize my abilities and techniques so everything can be done in a shorter period of time instead of hours and so that I have the energy system in place to support the heavy demands of intense psychic work without depleting myself. I notice both intense exercise and intense meditation tend to cause me nausea as they seem to deplete my stomach / solar plexus in some way.

I wish that back in the day I was more careful/rigorous about experimental design and feedback because if I did things right I could have not just impressed others but made sure that I myself knew I succeeded. I just took it for granted that if a person responded that I had succeeded, than I did indeed succeed, never thought at all about the possibility someone could deceive me with false feedback. I PROBABLY wasn't deceived with false feedback but I can't know for certain now and that bothers me.
R: 9 / I: 3
(((They)))’re Not Going to Talk About Microplastics and What They’re Doing to You

R: 13 / I: 2
A family with four underage children aged 6, 11, 12 and 13 lives in the village of Krasnaya Sopka (Red Hill), Nazarovskiy District, Krasnoyarskiy Krai, Russia.
The family bought chicken and dumplings for dinner at a local shop.
The family had a dinner of dumplings and chicken, and in the morning they all showed signs of poisoning. On the morning of 21 September, all showed signs of food poisoning. At around 11 am, the parents and children sought medical help at the hospital with signs of nausea and vomiting. As a result of a sharp deterioration of health, two children - a 6-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy died in hospital. Later, according to RIA News, the Investigative Committee reported that another child died, his age is being ascertained. Investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Krasnoyarsk region and the Republic of Khakassia within Russia initiated a criminal case under the article ‘production, storage, or sale of goods and products that do not meet the safety requirements of life or health of consumers, which caused the death of two persons by negligence’
R: 7 / I: 4
ongoing troonout in the free and open source software (TM) world, classical-libs and techbro meritocracy btfo, corporate & govt infrastructure backing free and open source software (TM) communities (TM) btfo


dunno maybe these people only need to be encouraged to act as unhinged and be as annoying and as much liability to have around as possible

help them, give them like lists of things to raid and spam and maintainers with careers and families to bother

so they scuff shit like docker, podman, homebrew, ansible and other shit that the corpos depend on
R: 9 / I: 3

Evolutionist bogus

: https://microbiologysociety.org/publication/past-issues/real-superheroes/article/the-shape-shifting-superhero-i-dictyostelium-discoideum-i.html
>Social amoebae
>separate from the fungi, and from plants, and animals
>the multicellular slug that forms from aggregated individual cells can be motile

>Overall, we demonstrated directly the disappearance of cAMP signal oscillations and propagations between cells at the multicellular phase of Dictyostelium. Our work calls for reconsideration of the role cAMP relay has on collective cell migration in Dictyostelium and proposes a possibility that alternative mechanisms to cAMP relay contribute to the organization of collective cell migration at the multicellular phase.

So slime molds are very strange creatures. They use simple cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to move around and aggregate into a large multicellular organism. But, scientifically speaking, they have so many different shapes and appearances that have no basis in genetics. There is no real answer as to why some of them look like flowers and some like a single erect sperm cell. Most of their genomes are know but there is no genetic explanation as to why they look different.

You could say that the same problem is obvious for human embryonic cell differentiation. When a human fetus develops inside the womb, all of the cells are identical after fertilization but later on transform into blood cells, nerve cells and muscle cells. The explanation for this mechanism is "gene expression" (some genes are switched on while other genes are switched off) but there is no inherent genetic coding in the actual cells that can be traced or shown empirically that affect this behaviour.

In fact there is no trace in physics or chemistry of the control of chemical reactions by a sequence of any sort or of a code between sequences.

So my question is: when did you realize that Darwinists were full of shit?
R: 33 / I: 20

the joyous entrepreneur

: where will he go? what will he do?
R: 13 / I: 9
R: 10 / I: 1
These are the attendees of the Melbourne Marxism Conference, /new/. Say something nice about them.
R: 10 / I: 0
On the evening of 2 May 2024, three young men in Novoalexandrovsk (Russia) destroyed the New Testament and threw the holy Christian scripture into a brazier. The burning was accompanied by hysterical laughter and shouts of "God is ashamed!". The guys filmed the hooliganism and spread it in one of the messengers.

Russian law enforcement authorities quickly reacted to the video. The next day the young men were detained and taken into custody.

The accused, two born in 2003 (20-21 years old) and one born in 2007 (16-17 years old), admitted guilt, repented and apologised for their actions. The boys promised that they would never do it again. The punishment could not be avoided after that.

The Bible arsonists were prosecuted under the articles ‘Insulting the religious feelings of believers’ (a fine of up to ₽300,000 or up to a year) and ‘Hooliganism’ (a fine of up to ₽500,000 or up to seven years).

The investigation was completed and the materials were submitted to the court for consideration. The sentence was passed on 5 September 2024.

‘By the court's verdict two adult young men were sentenced to two years to two years two months of imprisonment with serving time in a penal colony of general regime, a minor - one year 10 months of imprisonment conditionally’, - reported in the Investigative Committee of the Stavropol Territory.
R: 117 / I: 60
"The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
- Adolf Hitler

>According to Speer, Hitler wished that the Umayyad Caliphate had won the Battle of Tours against the Franks in 732. This particular battle is credited with stopping the influx of Islam further into Europe and saving Christianity in Europe.

"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers — already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity! — then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."
- Adolf Hitler

>According to Speer, Hitler was convinced that had Islam taken root in central Europe at this time, the Germanic people would have become the “heirs of that religion” with Islam being “perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament”. Hitler said that while the Arabs, on account of their “racial inferiority”, would have been unable to handle the harsh climate and conditions of the region, and that instead the Islamized Germans would have “stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire”. A “religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and in subjugating all nations to that faith”.

>As per the book “Islam and Nazi Germany’s War” written by David Motadel, Muslims fought for both the Allies and the Axis in World War II. However, only the Nazis and the Islamists had a “spiritual romance” sharing mutual hatred of the Jews, the Bolsheviks, and liberal democracy.
R: 13 / I: 1
I miss him.
R: 12 / I: 5
A man stabbed several people at a Bondi Junction shopping centre in Sydney, including one baby.

The politicians are being 'debriefed', and not saying why it happened which says everything about why it happened.

Part and parcel of living in a big city I suppose.
R: 8 / I: 3
They call me Pedo Pete, I'm the king of the West Wing suite
When I sniff the lolis I go chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom
Yessir, I'm Pedo Pete, my brain's mush and obsolete
When I sundown, everything goes chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom
The senoritas they plea and they flee in terror-o
It's very cringe, when I infringe
And when the cameras catch me anons see and they kek-o
Memein' a song, all the day long
So if you like your girls petite, take a lesson from Pedo Pete
And I'll teach you to chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom
(He's a really immodest guy, although he's the oddest guy
In Washington, in Washington)
Si, senorita I know that you would like to chicky-coom-chick
It's very cringe, when I infringe
I'll place my hand on your hip, and if you will just give me your hair
Then we shall try - just you and I. I-yi-yi!
So if you like your girls petite, take a lesson from Pedo Pete
And I'll teach you chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom!
R: 321 / I: 241  

News thread 2

: bottom text
R: 37 / I: 20  
koitu mada irun
R: 10 / I: 4  
R: 304 / I: 117  

Reminder: it never happened.

: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88-01314R000100360016-9.pdf
>The question about religious affiliation was dropped from 1960 and 1970 census due to the demand of Jewish groups.
>Revelation of the true number of Jews in the U.S would undermine the myth that the Nazis killed six million Jews. The truth is, there are six million more Jews in the U.S than Jewish organizations admit...The Immigration Service reports that there are 8 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. Actually, there are at least 14 million.

>go to this website
>click [Series 3: General Correspondence of Roswell D. McClelland: January 1944-July 1945]
>download pdf for Jews in Europe (1), July-August 1944
>find this letter (pic 4, Landreth letter)

The US government official Landreth M. Harrison wrote this letter that confirmed that ‘Ausrottung’ and ‘Entjudung’ do not imply killing, and that to suggest they do would be a mistranslation.

>MR. DODD: Are you very serious in pressing this apparent inability of yours to agree with me about this ward or are you trying to kill time? Don't you know that there are plenty of people in this courtroom who speak German and who agree that that word does mean to "wipe out," to "extirpate?"
>ROSENBERG: It means "to overcome" on one side and then it is to be used not with respect to individuals but rather to juridical entities, to certain historical traditions. On the other side this word has been used with respect to the German people and we have also not believed that in consequence thereof 60 millions of Germans would be shot.

'Ausrottung', according to Rosenberg, does not have a sinister connotation.

>Instructions to concentration camp commandants to lower the death rate and increase the strength of inmate workers
>…every means must be used to lower the death rate in the camp.
>I hold the Camp Commandant and the Chief of the Camp Administration personally responsible for exhausting of every possibility of maintaining the physical strength of the prisoners.

>In this one page letter to the CC (concentration camp) commandants, MAURER states that the physical condition of prisoners on admittance to CC's is so bad that many of them have to be hospitalized and therefore are useless for work.

>Instructions concerning the use of the labor camp at Sobibor (in Lublin) for processing ammunition
>1.The transient camp (transit camp) of Sobibor in the district of Lublin is to be transformed into a concentration camp. In this concentration camp a depot for the dismantling of captured ammunition has to be set up.
>4. At the same time a depot for the manufacturing of our multiple mortars or other ammunition is to be set up in this concentration camp.

>Die gesamte Aktion Reinhardt zerfällt in 4 Giebete:
>A) die Aussiedlung selbst
>B) die Verwertung der Arbeitskraft
>C) die Sachverwertung
>D) die Einbringung verborgener Werte und Immobilien

>Report on the realization of textile-salvage from the Jewish resettlement up to the present date.

Whenever you see pictures of giant piles of shoes just remember that they collected clothes from Jews inside the camps so they could transport the garments to racial Germans in the Ukraine, for example, as this letter states. Notice also that they say resettlement and not extermination.

>The rumor, however, that the Jews were being killed in the manner which is now known to the entire world would not be silenced. When I expressed the wish to visit the SS workshop near Lublin, in order to get some idea of the value of the work that was being done, I was told that special permission from Heinrich Himmler was required.
>I asked Heinrich Himmler for this special permission. He said that he would urge me not to go to the camp. Again some time passed. On 7 February 1944 I succeeded in being received by Adolf Hitler personally-I might add that throughout the war he received me three times only. In the presence of Bormann I put the question to him: "My Fuehrer, rumors about the extermination of the Jews will not be silenced. They are heard everywhere. No one is allowed in anywhere. Once I paid a surprise visit to Auschwitz in order to see the camp, but I was told that there was an epidemic in the camp and my car was diverted before I got there. Tell me, My Fuehrer, is there anything in it?" The Fuehrer said, "You can very well imagine that there are executions going on-of insurgents. Apart from that I do not know anything. Why don't you speak to Heinrich Himmler about it?" And I said. "Well, Himmler made a speech to us in Krakow and declared in front of all the people whom I had officially called to the meeting that these rumors about the systematic extermination of the Jews were false; the Jews were merely being brought to the East." Thereupon the Fuehrer said, "Then you must believe that."

>SIR DAVID MAXWELL-FYFE: You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy that aimed at the extermination of the Jews?
>Goering: No, a policy of emigration, not liquidation of the Jews.

>…have accurate knowledge of certain things which they have not actually seen with their own eyes. The prisoners at the camps speak about these things as though they had actually seen them.

>SAUCKEL: I confirm that my signature is appended to this document. I ask the Tribunal's permission to state how that signature came about.
>This document was presented to me in its finished form. I asked to be allowed to read and study this document in my cell in Oberursel and decide whether I could sign it. That was denied me. During the conversation an officer was consulted who, I was told, belonged to the Polish or Russian army; and it was made clear to me that if I hesitated too long in signing this document I would be handed over to the Russian authorities. Then this Polish or Russian officer entered and asked, "Where is Sauckel's family? We know Sauckel, of course we will take him with us; but his family will have to be taken into Russian territory as welt" I am the father of 10 children. I did not stop to consider; and thinking of my family, I signed this document.

Communists threatening Germans and their families seem to be a recurring theme for extracting "confessions".

>The 'final solution' of the Jewish question meant the complete extermination of all Jews in Europe. I was ordered to establish extermination facilities at Auschwitz in June 1941. At that time, there were already in the General Government three other extermination camps: Belzek, Treblinka, and Wolzek.
> 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning

1. Treblinka was built in April 1942 and Belzek in November 1941 so they couldn't have been used as extermination camps during June 1941.
2. Wolzek is a camp that doesn't even exist.
3. There are no official records that support the 2 500 000 claim.

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