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These boys are getting busy
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I only curated the co-ed Exploratorium.


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Not intimidated at all. What a legend.


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why is the fox news pillow guy selling his pillows for 14/88?
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It's pretty good I guess.


If he makes anime real (without crack) I'll buy his whole stock in return for one waifu.




I actually need new pillows and will buy them from this guy because of how based he is. He really tried to stand up to (((them))) but was just foolish enough to think they would play fair heh


I don't have any complaints about the free one I got. I still use it with other pillows as well, though. I like a nice, soft stack of pillows beneath my head. Probably not a bad idea to buy two or three for personal comfort alone.

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The holocaust was the narrative used to justify the destruction of Germany by the allies, the demonization of right wing politics and the sanctification of jews. It has nothing to do with concentration camps or that some jews died in the war. As the central piece in the post-WW2 new world order, it was instrumental in the creation of the of left's new religion where whiteness became the original sin, Hitler the Devil, right-wing politics demonic, racism the greatest evil, jews the gods and the destruction of Western culture the ultimate redemption.

It was a very clever way to enslave an entire group of people without them even noticing.

Some jews died in WW2. Some jews (rightfully, just like US Japanese were) were held in camps in WW2. Some jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'extermination camps'. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000 maximum) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.
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It's for you


I kneel....


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God is very much real, and we Aryans were created in his image.
Race-mixing, degeneracy, homosexuality, and racial equality, are all semitic perversions of inferior jews and arabs trying to pervert our great and Holy race.
Atheism is the belief in a world created out of nothing, by nothing, utter semitic nonsense invented by the semitic jewish pseudo-philosophers.
We are Aryan men, our very skin shines in the white shining light of God himself
Our traits are not kindness and tolerance which are simply weakness in disguise, our traits are uprightness in the face of degeneracy, the belief in God, strength, intelligence, bravery, valor, masculinity, purity and dominance over the inferior races, lacking the light and blessing of God.
The meek shall inherit NOTHING, God HATES the weak and the cowardly, the brave and fearless Aryan beings shall inherit the earth through conquest, the universe through space colonization and the kingdom of God by FIGHTING for the dominance of our great and Holy Aryan race.
RENOUNCE the nihilistic and fatalist worldview of atheism created by semites to weaken our resolve and make us accept our fate like pathetic miserable animals which we are NOT.
RENOUNCE the false racial equality and glorification of weakness and passivity promoted by the perverted jew-made false religion that is christianity.
UPLIFT yourself by believing in our God, whose image we are made in, creator of the universe, made for the Aryan race to dominate and expand into, reach HEAVEN, the kingdom of God by fighting with the bravery of a thousand lions for OUR race, have as many pure Aryan children as you can with your wives, put your race, family and God above all else.
As of October 14, 2024 we declare secular nationalism and christianity both to be DEAD, proven to be FALSE.
Accept the final Truth, we Aryans made in the image of God's shining white light will set out from now on to conquer and dominate the world, carving it in the image of our great and noble race.


cringe shit site and a waste of trips


>oy vey I left my camera in my other tank

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IDF vows to strike heavily across Middle East after Iranian assault


Sirs, it's over


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I'm not sure if you're aware but nothing ever happens.

However much I'd love to see these people wipe each other out I really doubt it'll happen.


Osmosa bilgotten and Mr splean.


fuck them kikes


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Anyone here still have the old Northwest front memes that got made back in 2011 on /new/?

Also, is there an archive of old 4chon stuff in general? So much quality content has fallen off the internet.
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Well, shite news lads.
Chinky device arrived early, but one of the drives is a total nail and the other's so fugged I can't get into it to browse any of the files.
My chon classics may be gone for good, it seems.
Apologies if I got anybody's hopes up smh.


Explain why "it's better than extracting the devil's rusty plaything" means I owe you money.


Its a shame because the NWF's plan was probably the only chance for White Nationalism in NA. Harold unfortunately had obsessed people who hated him and he chose to associate with some less than stellar characters like Sally.

The butler plan might've worked if it gained momentum back in the early 10s. But I think its too late now. Sad. Covington himself (aside from being a fatass) was a true believer and really did hope for a better future. The novels he wrote portray a nation worth a damn, not perfect but believable. I was sad to hear of his passing. The man he left in charge was a coward and cucked instantly. Its pretty much joever.

I think the crayon drawings were by someone's kid.


I am personally responsible, in part, for moot being forced into killing /n/


>a man of that size using M$
the left cant meme

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What part of New World Order you don't understand? :")




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The German-Bavarian brewery Schlossle-Bier, opened 334 years ago in city Neu-Ulm, will cease operations at the end of December 2024 after ten years of unprofitable business in a row. The restaurant at the brewery will continue to receive visitors. The brewery's owner Christa Zoller told the Bild publication.
‘Beer consumption is falling and the prices of raw materials and energy are rising. We have been making losses in the brewing business for ten years,’ said Mrs Zoller. If in 2018 the brewery bottled 150 thousand litres of beer, now the production volume has decreased by a third - to 100 thousand litres per year.
According to the hostess, small production can not compete with large companies: ‘Prices would have to be almost twice as high for us to be able to buy new equipment again. But this is impossible to achieve on the market.’ Mrs Zoller also complained about bureaucratic difficulties in running the business.
The restaurant at the brewery still generates income and will not close with the production. Christa Zoller believes it should be preserved as ‘a place of beer culture’. Schlssle-Bier has been in operation since 1690 and is one of the oldest traditional breweries in Germany-Bavaria. The business has been owned by the Zoller family for over 135 years.
According to the German Federal Statistical Office, beer sales in 2023 fell by 4.5% year-on-year, i.e. by 394.2 million litres. As explained by Nina Gellinger from the Association of German Brewers, the decline in beer consumption is due to rising prices due to increased costs for raw materials, packaging and transporting the product.


Sometimes I wonder if Dark was subtle anti-nuclear energy propaganda.


If they scale down production and focus on quality and offering hospitality (which seems to be their goal) they can carry on, which seems to be their plan.

Bit note how energy is cited. The greens have bricked Germany's energy production hard and literally do not care if ordinary Germans freeze to death. The war has also put huge strain on them. It only makes sense if you consider Germany to be under hostile foreign occupation and discount its elections as fraudulent. Germans will either fight back or freeze and be replaced. I believe they've for fight left in them after AFD's recent defrauding in the election. I'm no fan of Putin's regime but if I were an east German I'd be making independence overtures and BCC the Kremlin. Could be a nice little headache for NATO when it really doesn't need one.

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are there really? I was very close with a lot of people on .net back in 2012-2015, I lost touch with all of them but I miss them deeply.


im an OG, i first visited the .net chon i want to say 2 days after it was made, when it was just r9k and new


Those 2D girls better watch out!!!


The chonosphere is a unique and fun environment


It lets me use a VPN and otherwise anonymise myself.

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another youtube hoarder's hoard got destroyed and the house got wrecked, look at him, point a finger and laugh at him, haha effort of his lifetime and all the stuff people sent him got destroyed lmao what a F what an L he is immediately looking for sympathy on twitter like oversocialized soyfreak, i'm sure all of reddit will collectively sob and send him more of their increasingly more expensive crap to hoard for & 2 capacitorleak for 20 years, like he is an uninsured poor person from da projectzNJusNeedz2feedHisBbyDaughter

mixed feelings
- maaybe his videos pushed a genre which incentivized other people more to archive and document old computer stuff
- accepting truckloads of crap that he'll never properly review and document and has superficial knowledge or interest of, is gay, now it's also underwater, while also feeding the shit out of ebay scalpers, but maybe it's still good, things worth at least romdumping ending up on then market rather than rotting away in a landfill
maybe i shouldnt judge i dunno
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also something something sickening aging babyface man hoarder making content of clearing goodwills jacking prices no purpose or technical competency etc, i'm trying to see positive aspects in that

but no worries most of his shit was in a separate shack unaffected by these events


in this video he sounds like he's still interested in and has attention span towards what he's presenting
>13 years ago


I get your point OP, but you gotta realise these retards are smack dab in the middle of the Overton Window. If the government put us in FEMA camps tomorrow, soys like this would be 'what about'ing on Twitter.


When he lives rural like that, he has no reason to be pushing libtard shit like he does. Not saying I expect him to call for 1488 gas the kikes TND instead, but he could just not associate his trash politics with his YT persona at all. Hard to feel sorry for him when he essentially takes up a megaphone of his own volition and proudly declares himself a race traitor.




you can use your creep faggot camera glasses combined with aaaaaaaaai to creep and deceive and scam people who put images of themselves online even beterer irl

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 No.1007[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Gonna drop some shit in here heh
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Irish journalist tells what is Zelensky's ‘plan to win’

The ‘victory plan’ proposed by Vladimir Zelensky is to exterminate the entire population of Europe. The corresponding statement was made by a journalist from Ireland Chay Bose on his page in the social network X.

‘So, I will repeat again: my plan of victory is quite simple, but it implies that everyone on the European continent will die,’ - wrote on his page Bose on behalf of Zelensky.


UN: more than half of Russian(& Donetskian& Luganskian) prisoners of war in Ukraine were tortured

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the situation in Ukraine has published a report saying that 104 out of 205 Russian prisoners of war interviewed since March 2023 provided details about torture and other forms of ill-treatment by the Ukrainians.

The materials say that Russian POWs were beaten with rubber truncheons, aluminium or wooden bits. In addition, the prisoners were electrocuted with electric shockers, military telephones or car batteries.

In addition, ten Russian POWs stated that they had been subjected to sexual violence, including genital violence.


In a speech to some 3,000 Chinese Communist Party members and senior foreign dignitaries on Monday, the eve of China's National Day, Xi Jinping praised China's successes since communist forces overthrew Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist government and established the People's Republic of China.

Xi Jinping said ‘no difficulties can prevent the Chinese people from moving forward’ but urged the population to be ‘vigilant’, prepare for danger and rely on the party and its army ahead of difficult times.

‘The road ahead will not be smooth, it will definitely have difficulties and obstacles, and we may face serious challenges such as strong winds and rough seas, or even storm waves,’ said Xi Jinping, who has strengthened his grip on the CPC and the Chinese people during his rule.


Argentine Vice President Victoria Villarruel has criticised the new agreement between England and Argentina on the Falkland Islands

‘Do they take us for fools? They get material, concrete and immediate benefits, while they offer us crumbs as emotional consolation and weaken our ability to negotiate,’ Villarruel said

The Falkland Islands, known in Argentina as the Malvinas Islands, are located 300 miles east of the South American country's coast. Sovereignty over the islands has been disputed since colonial times.


brics, independent nationstates in a multi-polar world, trad islamics and latino catholics just flew over my house

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 No.3929[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Just heard that too. Wild stuff.


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US, UK and Israel are launching missile attacks against Yemen's capital Sanaa


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If they actually false-flag the US into a war with Yemen, one of the main justifications by the Biden administration will be to bring them "women's rights." Western NGOs have been constantly whining about the lack of sexual rights for Yemeni women.



Some theologians of Islam consider blowjobs forbidden, and all theologians of Islam consider anal sex forbidden.
So Muslim women's anuses are safe.
In an Islamic country, a woman will never have the right to have anal sex. But in Western countries there is no freedom to have sex with a female donkey like is in Islamic countries!


The third Jewish-Lebanese war has begun: Israel has officially announced a ground operation
In addition to Lebanon, Syria is also subjected to Jewish aggression

The Israeli military says it is conducting a ‘limited’ ground operation against Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israel Defence Forces says it has launched raids on villages near the border ‘that pose an immediate threat to Israeli communities’ and Lebanon says Israeli strikes have killed at least 95 people in the past 24 hours.

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This is the highest Christian symbol
What does this signify exactly?

Christ allowed his enemies to capture him
He healed the police that came to arrest, torture and murder him
He told his followers not to fight back

The highest Christian symbol says: let your enemies torture and murder you. Die without children. Die without fighting

It's a death cult for factory farmed animals
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Flogging and flaying is torture


I don't remember that in the gospels. In any case, if Jesus Christ and his father are one, that means he is capable of creating a mountain. How can they torture a god who is capable of making a mountain? How can they torture a god who destroyed all the people in Sodom and Gommorah? It's impossible. It's only possible if he wanted to.


The ancient Greeks knew more about ethics than Jews and Christians. And they gave explanations of what should not be done and for what reason, rather than just saying ‘otherwise God will punish’.


>How can they torture a god who is capable of making a mountain? ... It's impossible. It's only possible if he wanted to.
Exactly. If the Christ God is real (he's not), then he is a sadomasochist


Maybe he wanted his worshippers to have an man image to honour, because the Jews didn't have one. When you address a god without an image, gods from other planets that are hostile to humans may respond.

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22 September 2024
In the US state of Alabama, the city of Birmingham, the Five Points South entertainment district was the scene of an incident.
According to local police spokesman Truman Fitzgerald, shooting began there shortly after 23:00 local time. Three people were killed on the spot and another one died in hospital. The rest of the injured were hospitalised.
Local portal AL with reference to the police says, shots rang out when visitors to the club were standing in a queue. The attackers may have shot at a group of people. as a result of the shooting, four people were killed and at least 21 people were injured. So far, US police have not detained anyone.


Isn't that considered domestic terrorism in the US?


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Not when holy divine almighty niggers and their holy divine scepters of black power do it!!! He was a 5 star 6'5" 350 pound nose guard for the Crimson Tide with a 9 inch dick, 4 baby mommas (of 3 different races!!!), with 6 kids!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA literal Gods and Goddesses on this fucking EARTH help me Bill Gates help me cage ytboi clitties and snuff them out one by one

t. joe sixpack weimerican

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