>>8804Thanks appreciate it. Please do, any post or topic you make is very helpful in increasing activity.
>My only crucial request/advice is that it needs to be pruned and curated by a dedicated team of mods so the best posts are easy to find and spam is minimised.Yes, I believe you're correct. The methods in this regard will be continuously adjusted to address any potential spam activity that may emerge.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can quantify the best posts? Nothing is set in stone, but right now, posts with the most likes or replies are featured as 'popular posts' on the landing page.
Note; a new feature that you guys may like. A webapp called "4chan video slideshow" that lets you add urls to threads with videos, then the program extracts all the mp4 it can find and automatically play them one by one. Find it at:
https://depvana.com/topic/344And as always, any suggestions or ideas you have are always welcome and will likely be implemented. Cheers!