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Sure seems to imply that she simply died because she was old and the family didn't feel it necessary for an autopsy to find the exact reason.


Th, that's not what "unexpected" means. They must ve bet it's 6:66 instead of 6:65 isn't it https://www.thegamer.com/dungeons-metaphor-refantazio-distracted-side-quests-favours/


What are you suggesting, aliens did it?


>>8193 WH? lol, hilarious, you must crusturdian, or cursdtian or courtstian. like you are court but no matter what you are just made to rain-car-mate.
or just theist. it's hilarious but your joke needs graham norton to reinterpret to me. or just any gay ones.

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Looks like you've gotten yourself quite comfortable over here.
Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.
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Literal whoms from twitter. The website is a cult.


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what's the rationale for this


Whites killing each other is bad, semites killing each other is good.


the french are so fucking gay man i swear to allah


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are jews worth more than niggers in the oppression olympics?

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It finally happened. David Irving has passed away. Goodnight, sir. Rest well.
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He's still around, he's just really, really sick.


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sick? you mean he land kickflip??


Hell yeah, homey. Pulling ollies and riding the rails.


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Allegedly David Irving is still kicking. The family been revamping things, trying to keep the train chugging along.


sending all my love and energy to that man
keep David Irving in your thoughts and prayers, guys

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they pass the test

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is this news? www.msn.com/id-id/gayahidup/berita/kisah-mark-boyle-pria-irlandia-yang-hidup-tanpa-uang-dan-teknologi-moderen/ar-AA1v24Zb?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=5ed64576dd114bf9b41ebfb418445bb7&ei=50

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The concept is simple. A place where people can create and discover topics in a structured way. Each topic serves as a digital room where people can post content such as text, images, webm and voice chat. Each topic can have subtopics related to the parent topic but of more specific nature. Subtopics can again have subtopics etc.

Everyone can make topic room about anything at all and everyone can post content. You can post anonymously without logging in.

Hopefully you could try it out and let me know what you think. Maybe try to do some posts or make new topics about something you care about. Experiment all you want. Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.

The site is: https://depvana.com

feedback: https://depvana.com/topic/4

Of cause no censorship.

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^more Indian spam, I've seen this same post on other sites. Yawn.


This is actually a really cool site. keep up the good work anon


Thanks, appreciate it. Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements




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no fuck off lol haha gay site is shit and crap fuck off again haha lol

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They look like they're having so much fun. Where do I sign up to do that?

>they spreading they hate


wonder if they hire them via casting agency


The CIA would.



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It's actually very easy to answer why this is happening: no more 'war games' or LARPing with feel good advertisements. They want the most able, fit and competent people in the military with no infighting.

I'm not saying a draft will happen, but I am saying that the US (and their allies, thanks for the bases at Darwin, cunts) are preparing for the possibility being greater than 0%.
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>incoherent ESL "zinger"
If he were, I wouldn't have to worry about him being drafted under Zion Don, would I? Go get drafted yourself, champ.


No one wants you to agree to a draft here, anon, myself included. I think if a draft were implemented it wouldn't matter which President it's under, because there would be forces far greater and richer than Trump doing it.


This heh


>plans to

nothing will happen


Pretty much this.


A lot of drama obviously but honestly pretty interesting


literally who and what

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Bored, I wanna chat with ppl(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)





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what's the latest on the ukrainian genocide?
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I don't think the front line has moved in over a year.


I summon the power of trips


More Ukrainians died


Based kiketin and zelejew genocided just enough of the Ukrainian gentiles for the kikes from pissrael to settle. Consider Eastern Ukraine as Heavenly Jerusalem already.



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Why are white people like this
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Kill yourself transphobic brownoid let me take HRT in peace🙄


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samefagging low IQ shitskin continues to project


It's avid lol. He's just lashing out because his black boyfriend left him.


Nigger i'm an immigrant from a whole other site stop associating me with your shitty 4chon drama

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>upload anti tranny/gay wojaks/pepes
>in the post title day something like "a loser replied to me on twitter with this etc etc"
>post stays up
>said pepes/wojaks end up being indexed by Google images

disclaimer this method requires you to visit reddit


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Why do most christians suck jewish cock so badly


all religionists are subhuman.

inb4 fedora




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The southport stabbings suspect is potentially a muslim and this has been hidden until they can bury the story with the release of their tax increases. Quite possibly one of the darkest events I've seen. I won't even mention the people locked up for posting about the (now somewhat confirmed) fact that he was a muslim.

Tax increases across the board. Inhertiance tax increases will kill of most family businesses. I can't tell if it's malicous or they're just thick but this is punishing the sucessful and people who want to make this country more.

It's just L after L for the British people and there's no actual dissident movement that's worth mentioning. Conservatives a full pozzed and now have kemi as leader... It's hard not to be too blackpilled but I can't see any route for improvement.


It's suppose to blackpill you.


you need to stop giving a shit


Well yes I don't obsess over these things but it's something unavoidable. I can't not care about the country but I'm starting to get a bit apathetic.


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good for you, now fuck off, buy a diary and write your thoughts in that


british people suck lol

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