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[–]  No.1680[Last 50 Posts]

Everyone report in. Whats the covid status in your area?

I'm noticing EVERYONE i know that took the jab now has covid or recently got it. Shits making rounds again. Many of these people already had covid once before too

[–]  No.1681>>1693>>1694

got three jabs
to my knowledge i havent had covid, ive never tested though
plenty around me have caught it
no other sickness to report, apparently flu is bad this year among other shit

[–]  No.1682

i got sick this friday, thought it was the 'rona but i just got tested a couple of hours ago and was negative. i haven't taken the vaccine.

[–]  No.1683

[–]  No.1684

One of my vaxmaxxed sisters got "covid" and seems fairly sick from it. I haven't been

[–]  No.1685>>1687


[–]  No.1686>>1687

saurians from hells don't want their selves chipped, even if they ought to be, that's why ours will be chipped instead beforehand.

[–]  No.1687>>1688

Kys nigger

Meds nigger

[–]  No.1688

CoPe Trick

[–]  No.1689

I have several facebook friends who died or had parents or other family members die "unexpectedly" over the past year and a half; I see emergency vehicles in direct proportion to how many booster drives and ads for the vaccine I see on facebook. If I were to have the audacity to suggest that maybe people should refrain from taking an experimental, untested emergency use authorization only clot shot I would be excommunicated so I can only watch in silent terror

[–]  No.1690>>1691

Imagine being retarded enough to every get meme vaccined in the first place.

[–]  No.1691>>1697

>calling others retarded
o im laffin

[–]  No.1692>>1693

any unvaxxed chonners ITT?

[–]  No.1693>>1694

All of us except this guy >>1681

[–]  No.1694

gtfo normoid

[–]  No.1695>>1696

smash the spook's head in with a shovel, parents are "educators", they'll know what to do LOL

[–]  No.1696

NEL and meds

[–]  No.1697>>1698>>1699

Fatnelstralia detected. Go eat another abbo cock, worthless cunt.

[–]  No.1698

this is dogisaga

[–]  No.1699

liter*lly wh?
kys jew

[–]  No.1700>>1701

(hide) 1656892895637.jpg 27.44 KB, 480x360, rg.jpg

i'll br*ke ur head open and wipe the floor with your hair like a mop

[–]  No.1701>>1702

(hide) 1656894543419.jpeg 13.39 KB, 271x277, R (13).jpeg

[–]  No.1702

(hide) 1656971687126.jpg 95.78 KB, 250x250, beercan.jpg

[–]  No.1703

There is no such thing as a virus. No virus has ever been proven with valid scientific documentation and proper peer review.

[–]  No.1704>>1705>>1707

Calling all fellow skitzos, what do we make of these "new studies"?

[–]  No.1705

>bat soup
Imagine cooking a meal so bad that it literally kills hundreds of thousands of people and collapses the global economy. Anayways anyone ever wonder how covid19 started in 2019? Almost like they planned that shit or something. Idk just makes me suspicious is all

[–]  No.1706

Sounds like my ex-wife's cooking

[–]  No.1707

>new studies

[–]  No.1708>>1709>>1714>>1715

(hide) 1659796399361.webm 3.86 MB, 400x352, 1659793992768550.webm [play once] [loop]

Member dis heh

[–]  No.1709

its the worms

[–]  No.1710>>1711

i wonder why so called public 'anti-vaxxers' are or are surrounded by various low-iq bydlo in weird new age christian faith healing & aliums shit and people take it for granted

as a laptop-class wagie functionary myself i just don't think it's statistically possible to SAFELY and flawlessly develop, test and organize proper logistics for like dozen novel gene bending medical products in 10 months under competitive market pressure while legal liabilities about long-term effects are written off while even the conventional product would take 5 years to develop and test. i get that bureocrats are incompetent and it was purely religion tier faith to hope that it will work out and that it is too costly, possibly ineffective and even in terms of timeframe, costs and threshold on medical system impossible to identify and target only the risk groups, but not having religion tier faith about big pharma product development capabilities and probabilities i am an insane christian new wave sectant church pedo possibly russian disinformator ANTIVAXXXER terrorist plague of society

[–]  No.1711>>1712

it seems like even on societal level in comment sections of local news sites there is religious peasant tier shaming still going on about taking ineffective and possibly very dangerous medical product coated as 'scientifically rational' behavior and openly 'antivaxxer' politicians who just happen to also be 'pro-family' 'conservatives' are basically bydlo tier parodies almost like actors huh

[–]  No.1712>>1725

like how fucking insane is it turning corporate r&d&logistics into a religious faith and perpetually call people who are not so convinced 'anti-vaxxers' and never step down from that position

like how can managerial class that behaves so irrationally recover from that

[–]  No.1713

hello smiley, why do you blame the melinated

[–]  No.1714>>1715

It's because hospitals are pretty soulless and healthcare workers only want your money. A new virus that sends people to the hospital is more money. We will only see more to advertise the effect where there is money.

[–]  No.1715

Dancing pigs such as these are interested only in taking care of your life savings.

[–]  No.1716>>1717>>1718

[–]  No.1717

never mind goyim, no refunds

[–]  No.1718

magatards: reee dont trust the science ree fuck cdc
also magatards when it aligns with their brainlet agenda: obey cdc

[–]  No.1719

Who was in the wrong here?

[–]  No.1720>>1721>>1723

Feels good being unvaxxed/untested. I fairly regularly have customers coming into my place of employment mostly selling stuff to us because "someone died", I met a girl at a [redacted] last week and her dad had died a few weeks prior from that. Yesterday a middle aged lady bought a [redacted] and mentioned her husband died and that she lost her previous [redacted] in the move, a former coworker died post-vax and I'd met someone at the funeral who's dad had died ("from out of nowhere" he'd said) as well.

I've taken screenshots of every time someone posts about someone dying on facebook without explicit cause and it's over a dozen pictures now of people dying "unexpectedly". If my anecdote is anything to go by (and I have a facebook account tied to a network of over 400 others) I think it's wholly reasonable to surmise that several million people have died from adverse vaccine events and it will never be recorded in the history books. h-...heh

For the record, I've had a large social media presence and worked in this store for 10 years now and historically I'd have maybe one or two mentions of somebody dying annually if even that-this isn't normal lol.

[–]  No.1721>>1722

if u took screenshots of posts about people whom died from covid without the vaxx your drive would be full
what’s ur point?

[–]  No.1722

[–]  No.1723

>think it's wholly reasonable to surmise that several million people have died from adverse vaccine events

If not died then severely impaired, i work at a large oil company and Dela with suppliers and while I haven't noticed death i have noticed that every single one has had some sort of internal movement. Old contacts and such that either quit or are mysteriously just gone. Not all of them old either

[–]  No.1724>>1725>>1727>>1731

How many people who extrovertly insist that other people 'not take the vaxx' & talk about 'those crazy dr. fauci booster sheeple',
instead of being insane 'contrarians', do it as a proactive power move for reasons of maintaining stability in their own personal life?

Like that hey are fully aware that it may be all be benefitial and positive, but not going by status quo would shake foundations and stability in their planned out life too much and somebody envious would sniff out their anxiety set them up

By planned out life I mean the happy family & travels, paying off long term debts, maintaining external image to be able to climb higher work environment, showing that they are collective WITH the strong and sane majority & not some weird freaks who don't even carry iphones etc etc

[–]  No.1725>>1726>>1727>>1731

u made me delete my post because i thouhgt i posted dublicate lol.

>benefitial and positive

see, lazy. those who would be the 'believers' (described >>1712 and above) in the midst of unknowing. not even our bureaucrats had a clue what will happen.

i'm thinking more of yolo psychopaths who want the perfect consumerist/family life to continue so much they would advise whole population to inject what may as well be aids if they were promised their personal wagie dream of 'good life' will continue

[–]  No.1726>>1727>>1731


like a new bmw and that trip to spain is so important

>oh dude after doctor's visit i have had severe fever for 3 days but at least i am 3x boosted now, i went to university this is normal

t. my coworker

[–]  No.1727

Bassed manlet

[–]  No.1728>>1729>>1730

got exposed to covid for the first time (vax/boosted fam all got it)

I was totally fine while my family was coofing everywhere

I just downed vitamin c and vitamin d and some got sun exposure daily and listened to bible and positive health affirmations

felt fine within a week

[–]  No.1729

lol what a retard

[–]  No.1730>>1731


[–]  No.1731

I'm tipsy on wine and can't understand your posts so I will respond in the morning

[–]  No.1732>>1733

Should have taken the vax

[–]  No.1733

lol this is my last post, the GS here stink

[–]  No.1734

Still got some ivermectin sitting here which i'll be taking soon, need to make sure my liver and kidneys are working okay first though

[–]  No.1735>>1737

more indicators usa turning into a turd world country

[–]  No.1736


[–]  No.1737

militant "thirdworldists" stronk, they are not sissies, so they never admit shit that would make them look bad no matter how bad it is.

it's those huwytes and their sissy culture of moderate self-reflection and "transparency".

[–]  No.1738>>1739

[–]  No.1739>>1772

I hope she died.

[–]  No.1740

>The 70 Seconds That Shook The Germanic World


Everything followed from that brief moment: lockdown chaos, the closed schools and churches, the end of basic rights, the wrecking of business, and then began the spending, inflating, mad welfare checks, and the demoralization of the population that continues to this day.

All of it unfolded in 70 seconds on March 16, 2020. So far as I know, this is the first and only article written so far to reconstruct this brief moment in time.

[–]  No.1741

FDA Withholding Autopsy Results On People Who Died After Getting kiked gene therapy shots

[–]  No.1742

Vaxxoid Mother's Dying Newborn diagnosed with "White Lungs"


[–]  No.1743

>“Surprisingly, only spike protein but no nucleocapsid protein could be detected within the foci of inflammation in both the brain and the heart, particularly in the endothelial cells of small blood vessels. Since no nucleocapsid protein could be detected, the presence of spike protein must be ascribed to vaccination rather than to viral infection.“

This is how you prove that this is gene therapy-derived so they cannot attribute this to infection or virus

[–]  No.1744


[–]  No.1745


[–]  No.1746

Scotland Going Through Another Spike in Germanic Newborn Baby Deaths


[–]  No.1747

(hide) 1665120869384.jpg 271.97 KB, 1242x1240, 1543307459426.jpg


[–]  No.1748


[–]  No.1749

Florida Surgeon General Recommends Against mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines For Males Aged 18–39

[–]  No.1750


[–]  No.1751>>1752

(hide) 1665516189409.png 555.87 KB, 638x680, unknown.png

Everything will give you a heart attack except that thing they made you take

[–]  No.1752

(hide) 1665520568591.mp4 2.26 MB, 640x360, WEF Harari.mp4 [play once] [loop]

Twatter Removes, Then Reinstates Florida Surgeon General's Covid Vaccine Warning Tweet

[–]  No.1753


[–]  No.1754>>1756

(hide) 1665601595411.mp4 2.62 MB, 640x360, Life insurance ceo - deaths….mp4 [play once] [loop]

[–]  No.1755

It looks like the ZOG clotshots may be adding a third helix to the reciepient's DNA, changing the pattern of polynucleotides from a 10-5-6-5 Y-H-V-H configuration to 10-5-6-6-6-5.

[–]  No.1756>>1757>>1758

How can such a catastrophic thing be occurring un-noticed? No one is dying and nothing ever happens.

[–]  No.1757

[–]  No.1758

People have died, are dying, and it's always happening.

[–]  No.1759

(hide) 1665862707188.mp4 1.22 MB, 640x352, NWO namedrop NSW.mp4 [play once] [loop]


[–]  No.1760>>1763>>1770

[–]  No.1761>>1762>>1765

This is a shocker in the art world but Kim Jung Gi died about a week ago at 47. He was apparently going to the airport and started having chest pains. No one wants to say it but it's fucking obvious by now that the clotshot claimed him. Such a shame because he was what everyone who says "i want to draw" really means. The dude was a phenomenal sketcher.

>Artist Kim Jung Gi died on October 3 at the age of 47. Kim had just wrapped up a live-drawing tour at the Galerie Daniel Maghen in Paris and was on his way to the airport to travel to New York Comic Con when he experienced chest pains. He was taken to a nearby hospital and died shortly afterwards.

[–]  No.1762>>1764>>1766

(hide) 1665933594674.jpg 120.66 KB, 729x643, d447cea0.jpg


the results are low effort trolling for now, but it's only a matter of time

[–]  No.1763

(hide) 1665935027638.jpg 69.28 KB, 1024x591, kike.jpg


[–]  No.1764

Nah, if AI could replicate anyone in the world it would be him; he has the largest portfolio of any artist who ever lived, probably.

[–]  No.1765

There's a video of him taking the vaccine a year ago, yeah. It should be in the /ic/ archive

[–]  No.1766

>the asshurt in the comments

not gonna lie, thats' fucking funny. does the ai copy shit from all his drawings and place them randomly or does it really make new stuff? his works were so comletx and varied that I wouldn't be able to tell tbqh

[–]  No.1767

Had muh 2nd dosage of ivermectin earlier today to treat that there long coronibba

Feeling better already, no wonder deez KIKES don't want the soyim to take the shit heh

[–]  No.1768

Also, ever since some nurse bitch stuck up one of those nanobot-infused swaps up my right nostril early last year i've been having massive problems w/that one (some kind of white solid gunk kept building it up in there and it was hard to breathe thru it) but it seems to clear up now, i can literally hear the nostril cavities popping every other hour or so

The stuff doesn't go easy on the liver at all but it definitely does something, whatever was in those swabs seems to be getting neutralized by the active ingredient

[–]  No.1769

(hide) 1665983761726.mp4 1.51 MB, 854x480, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla; F….mp4 [play once] [loop]

Since the Spring of 2020, we have been subjected to official gaslighting on an unprecedented scale.

In a sense, the “Apocalyptic Pandemic” PSYOP has been one big extended gaslighting campaign (comprising countless individual instances of gaslighting) inflicted on the masses throughout the world. The events of this past week were just another example.

Basically, what happened was, a Pfizer executive confirmed to the European Parliament last Monday that Pfizer did not know whether its Covid “vaccine” prevented transmission of the virus before it was promoted as doing exactly that and forced on the masses in December of 2020. People saw the video of the executive admitting this, or heard about it, and got upset. They tweeted and Facebooked and posted videos of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Bill Gates, the Director of the CDC, official propagandists like Rachel Maddow, and various other “experts” and “authorities” blatantly lying to the public, promising people that getting “vaccinated” would “prevent transmission,” “protect other people from infection,” “stop the virus in its tracks,” and so on, which totally baseless assertions (i.e., lies) were the justification for the systematic segregation and persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” and the fomenting of mass fanatical hatred of anyone challenging the official “vaccine” narrative, and the official New Normal ideology, which hatred persists to this very day.

The New Normal propaganda apparatus (i.e., the corporate media, health “experts,” et al.) responded to the story predictably. They ignored it, hoping it would just go away. When it didn’t, they rolled out the “fact-checkers” (i.e., gaslighters).

>Cont. at zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hopkins-gaslighting-masses

[–]  No.1770>>1771

Climate change is responsible for this

[–]  No.1771

NEL is responsible
its always the NEL
look it up, its like early life on steroids

[–]  No.1772

[–]  No.1773

In very reasonable move totally not tied to any depopulation plans at all, kike-owned Boston University Lab Creates COVID Strain With 80% Mortality In Micefellas

[–]  No.1774


[–]  No.1775

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[–]  No.1776

Vaxxoid cattle is now owned by big pharma

[–]  No.1777>>1781>>1787

I would say that most of the cancers that we have today are probably the result of a vaccine induced disease.

Now we have the clot shot which cripples your immune system and makes cancers less visible to your immune system which is why we are seeing reports of supercharged cancer at stage 3 stage & 4 diagnoses out of thin air.

Fortunately there may be a partial remedy for the above because everyone’s favorite horse paste kills a lot of this stuff and if it doesn’t directly cure cancer it at the very least sensitizes the immune system to its presence.

Many studies in the oncological field have been looking at protease inhibitors like ivermectin at dosages well below those required to clear River blindness as an alternative or aid to chemotherapy.

Learn more here:


^ Look on the table on page 5 that shows just how many different kinds of viruses ivermectin kills.

... Ivermectin data on breast and ovarian cancer:



[–]  No.1778


[–]  No.1779

Experienced embalmer of 21 years says vaxxie blood has changed dramatically


"(...) In many cases, clots were appearing in arteries, not veins, an extremely rare occurrence. “Normal clots,” said Hirshman, “are like grape jam. They are hard to pick up. It wants to fall apart and just slide out of your fingers. These strange clots are elastic and cannot be dissolved.” Additionally, Hirschman also sees “large purple clots” that are thicker and look and “act more like large worms.”"

(...) These clots are “almost entirely lacking key marker elements that would be present in human blood (such as iron and potassium) yet show significantly higher concentrations of elements that are used in electronics and circuitry.”

[–]  No.1780

(hide) 1666436036346.jpg 71.88 KB, 643x324, cover-3.jpg

Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself

Graphene Oxide, Graphene Hydroxide and other Graphene variants are in fact being injected into people by governments and Big Pharma


Luciferase in Pfizer ZOG Clotshot Injection Likely is What Makes it Glow - It's An Identifier

Dr. Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of Vaccines, Under Oath Admits the True Horrific Vaccine Ingredients


[–]  No.1781>>1782>>1783>>1787

>Ivermectin data on breast and ovarian cancer:

Based. Gonna blast myself with horse medicine in a few minutes, unironically. I give it to my dog regularly and livestock semi-regularly

It's comical that they sell it for 20 dollars a pill in dog medicine, but at Tractor Supply for livestock it literally costs 5 cents per dose

The vet and pet industry is a complete scam. I can buy livestock medicine and fix just about anything in any form of life for dirt cheap

[–]  No.1782

"'Fenbendazole'' is another anthelmintic to look into as well laddo (supposedly it starves tumors of glucose they need for growth and whatnot)

Gets sold under the brand name 'panacur' among others and it's a helluva lot easier to procure den ivermectin since it's not as censored as the latter, don't need an RX for it either

Unlike ivermectin it doesn't seem to have any antiviral properties though however heh

[–]  No.1783>>1784

>5mg per ml

Lol be careful with that shit btw, ivermectin is generally very safe but there can be serious side effects should one overdo it

I'd also definitely rather be going for the paste you eat rather than pour-on shit made for horsey skin

[–]  No.1784>>1785

>I'd also definitely rather be going for the paste you eat rather than pour-on shit made for horsey skin
Absolutely not. Horse paste isn't consistent with the dosage on small scales because horses obviously weigh 1500+ pounds. I've killed an animal before with very accurate dosing of horse paste, because the paste itself isn't accurate

However the pour on cattle ivermectin is very accurate and easy to dose. For treatment of both scabies and internal parasites dogs are treated with an average of 0.227 mg of ivermectin per pound of body weight

The product I use is 5 mg per mL, and 1 mL = 1 CC

This is very simple. Multiple pounds of bodyweight by 0.227, and then divide the number you get by 5. That's how many CC's to apply to the skin

I've dosed myself, my dogs, and my goats a million times this way

[–]  No.1785

>Horse paste isn't consistent with the dosage on small scales because horses obviously weigh 1500+ pounds. I've killed an animal before with very accurate dosing of horse paste, because the paste itself isn't accurate

There musta been some other factors at play in your case den, otherwise tons of people would have dropped dead from taking miniscule amounts of horse paste (mahself included)

[–]  No.1786>>1788


>Scientists Have Discovered a New Set of Blood Groups

>It turns out that the new, 44th grouping system, detailed in the journal Blood, is tied to a particular protein found on the surface of red blood cells.

>There are five Er antigens in total—five possible variations of Piezo1 on the surface of red blood cells that can lead to incompatibility. Two of the antigens were newly described by Thornton and her fellow researchers, and one of those was found in blood from the pregnant woman in the UK who lost her baby.

>There are five Er antigens in total—five possible variations of Piezo1 on the surface of red blood cells that can lead to incompatibility. Two of the antigens were newly described by Thornton and her fellow researchers, and one of those was found in blood from the pregnant woman in the UK who lost her baby.

>The results of the study will likely be officially ratified as defining a new blood group system later this year, at a meeting of the International Society of Blood Transfusion.

>“Discovering a new blood group system is like discovering a new planet. It enlarges the landscape of our reality,”

[–]  No.1787>>1789


I'm staying away from all this stuff I can't sort out the bogus info

[–]  No.1788

[–]  No.1789

10-15mg is perfectly safe laddo


One single ivermectin pill contains around 3mg usually and they direct you to take a bunch of them during one treatment course

W/the horse paste all you have to do is find out how much active ingredient is contained within and then you can run the numbers and weigh it urself. Heck you could probably just take a fingertip-seized amount without weighing and still get a beneficial result

[–]  No.1790

Chink coof was definitely lab-made, nu study concludes



[–]  No.1791


[–]  No.1792>>1793


[–]  No.1793

Laterally whom?

[–]  No.1794


[–]  No.1795

(hide) 1667026402094.webm 3.39 MB, 480x720, vancouver npc dialogue.webm [play once] [loop]

[–]  No.1796


[–]  No.1797>>1799

Imagine being vaxxed and having a literal ticking time bomb in you, the rest of his band mates won't be far behind I'm sure

[–]  No.1798


[–]  No.1799

I know someone going in for his 4th clotshot this week, the stupid asshole somehow made it this far lel

[–]  No.1800

(hide) 1667527203394.jpg 475.99 KB, 1024x918, vaxx ded.jpg


[–]  No.1801

(hide) 1667671899976.mp4 1.05 MB, 854x480, CanadianGovernmentHasDigita….mp4 [play once] [loop]


[–]  No.1802>>1803>>1846>>1850

Died Suddenly (Official kinomathic Trailer for upcoming Stew Peters docukino exposing the kike ZOG plandemic)


[–]  No.1803>>1805

(hide) 1667674143341.jpg 84.23 KB, 720x718, me.jpg

This one's really exfuckintremely well put together, hot damn

I've been collecting deez plandemic maymayrinos and red pills from the get-go, but this is the first OC that really resonated on a subconscious level with me and made me go "we're actually in some very deep shit here and facing a cosmic evil's presence right here on earth, aren't we"

Suppose that's the effect they were going for here too heh

[–]  No.1804

heh lol

[–]  No.1805>>1806>>1807>>1808

this is edited as low iq boomer fear goyslop porn, very likely paid for by anti-western governments with intent to cause panic and dissent. this only further pollutes the information space with bullshit. you will not get objective clarity, you will not attain mortality rates or objective info about complications after these "vaccines" until decades later. because that is not convenient for anybody. intent matters and there really is no intent to "inform" you. same with prepper american-civil-war shit. shit like this and zerohedge are not "independent" media. spewing out thousands of topical, structured articles costs money.

[–]  No.1806>>1807

any "established" brand english language alt-news-media site is bought out by russians and chinks to make the readers into raving turds. this shit is weaponized for 2 sided warfare between the big governments because why wouldn't it be.

[–]  No.1807

I will consneed that the sputnik mRNA shot's side effects never get any mention in the truthersphere, but there is the possibility that the jews ruling russia (in contrast to the jews ruling the west) have a different opinion on how to milk the goyim dry and don't want to kill them off outright/prefer slow extinction via eurasian churka outbreeding rather than a quick DEAGEL-style dieoff of 1-2 decades

That plus there's one or two chinks collapsing in east asia being shown in the trailer, though it also could be from souff korea or japan ofc

In any case this is useful/usable counter-semitic propaganda which should be spread by any self-respecting truther imo

(The ZH admin is bulgarian far as i'm aware, he doesn't outright suck jewtin's dick in the few opinion pieces he pens himself and he generally allows anti-jewtin commentors too)

[–]  No.1808

Oh yeah, and ZH runs articles from epoch times (the extremely anti-chicom publication which sperglin keeps slandering as "falun gong" lol) as well all the time, so they sure as shit aren't bankrolled by chyna either

[–]  No.1809>>1814

"(...)Inside a droplet of [experimental mRNA gene therapy] are strange mechanical structures.'''

They seem motionless at first but when Nixon used time-lapse photography to condense 48 hours of footage into two minutes, it showed what appear to be mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like circuitry and micro chips. These are not ‘manufactured products’ in the CDC’s words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by electromagnetic radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag(...)"


[–]  No.1810>>1812

[–]  No.1811>>1812>>1814

These clots are not made of blood. They are covered in blood because blood tries to get around them. They take on the structure of the vessels they're in. Picrel is from a lung structure.

They're not blood. Just go type in clot into Rumble choose most recent. Not blood. Tests prove they're not made of blood components.

[–]  No.1812

Even internally humans produce electrical fields.

Our nerves are controlled by electrical discharges, and indeed half our body is full of ionic transfer mechanisms. Putting this stuff into an injection is INSANE. We at best have no idea what it can do.

At worst they know excatly what it will do, and did it on purpose.

[–]  No.1813

This was the final test, and the last lesson for the Aryan race. Those genes which were susceptible to jewish manipulation have been wiped from the gene pool.

Those who could not be brought, guilted, traumatized, tricked or beaten into submission are all that's left.

We are in for a wild ride no doubt, but those who make it will be the stock of the future Aryan race, and we are immuned to everything the jew can throw at us.

The kali yuga is coming to and end, and the golden age is beginning.

[–]  No.1814>>1815

Meds now

[–]  No.1815

Slap now

[–]  No.1816

i just farted and ot smells like shit

[–]  No.1817

Remember how everyone in Deus Ex who took the chip upgrade goes insane after the illuminati broadcasts the signal?
Also remember how the game multiple times tried to pressure you into getting the microchip upgrade that was totally going to save you from the "glitch" that was fucking people up.

The old game had a pretty good track record with their conspiracy theories, it's worth taking note of what the newer ones had to say.

[–]  No.1818>>1820

(hide) 1667780637652.webm 2.43 MB, 320x564, 1667730649780562.webm [play once] [loop]

This is what pure evil looks like. It's not some red guy with horns twirling a mustache, it's this here.

Also note the armed guard the camera purposefully avoids

[–]  No.1819


[–]  No.1820>>1821

That ending where they all follow the camera out, hopping out from the side, is like some kind of horror scene. Like you're trying to get out of a goblin cave.

[–]  No.1821>>1822

[–]  No.1822>>1823

Shut up, Goblin scum.

[–]  No.1823


[–]  No.1824

(hide) 1667815846307.webm 984.8 KB, 388x432, 1667814715598111.webm [play once] [loop]

[–]  No.1825

Slide? say no

[–]  No.1826

VACCINE DAMAGED: She was fit and healthy with an active sex life, now she can barely function

[–]  No.1827>>1830

>no details whatsoever
Heart attack, found unresponsive at home, another mysterious tragedy

[–]  No.1828

>The use of dark-field microscopic analysis of fresh peripheral blood on a slide was once widespread in medicine, allowing a first and immediate assessment of the state of health of the corpuscular components of the blood. In the present study we analyzed with a dark-field optical microscope the peripheral blood drop from 1,006 symptomatic subjects after inoculation with an mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting from March 2021. There were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation. In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves. We report 4 clinical cases, chosen as representative of the entire case series. Further studies are needed to define the exact nature of the particles found in the blood and to identify possible solutions to the problems they are evidently causing.

[–]  No.1829

Reminded that (((Jonas Salk))) wrote in 1973 that viruses and vaccines should be used to sterilized the world's population in an effort to FLATTEN THE CURVE of population.

[–]  No.1830

[–]  No.1831>>1832


[–]  No.1832

those thighs make a promise that the ass doesn't keep


[–]  No.1833


[–]  No.1834>>1836


[–]  No.1835

[Choice Headline] Attractive Female Students Saw Grades Drop After Switch To Online Learning During Pandemic, New Study Shows

[–]  No.1836


into teh trash

[–]  No.1837

It's a choice headline ya dip

[–]  No.1838>>1839

NEL thread [-]

[–]  No.1839

NELvid post [+]

[–]  No.1840


[–]  No.1841>>1842>>1854

ah, yes. quite pungent, my dear.
exquisite, darling. is that..
ah, are those eggs I detect?
ah, yes...
quite fragnant...
oh yes, mmm...

[–]  No.1842

I like how you typed that pasta going by memory by the looks of it kek

[–]  No.1843

[–]  No.1844

[–]  No.1845


[–]  No.1846>>1847>>1850>>1852>>1899

It's up nibbas

[–]  No.1847

Holy fuck

[–]  No.1848

FINALLY PROVEN: The vaxxoids all connect to blueetooth

[–]  No.1849>>1853

[–]  No.1850>>1853

(hide) 1669167376565.jpg 42.01 KB, 600x441, 2323.jpg

Andrew Anglin: "“Died Suddenly” is an Amazing Documentary on the Coronavirus Vax – What are These Fibers?"

[–]  No.1851>>1853

Chaos broke out in the White House press room on Tuesday, after multiple reporters asked Anthony Fauci questions about the origins of Covid-19 and related investigations.



[–]  No.1852>>1853

'magine having dis here shidd inside u lol

No wonder deez vaxxoids are acting so unhinged nao

[–]  No.1853>>1856

(hide) 1669196515112.webm 2.92 MB, 1364x964, fleeing rat.webm [play once] [loop]

[–]  No.1854

If she didn't have that skin ruining tattoo she'd be perfect for my big deckard!

[–]  No.1855>>1857




[–]  No.1856

[–]  No.1857

[–]  No.1858>>1860

My retarded girlfriend at the time (probably early 2021) went to go see her dads family 4 hours away. Her cunt aunt there is a nurse and talked her into it. She comes back into town and says she got the covid vax, that she is a human guinnea pig, and she is team pfizer. All said unironically. She didn't even discuss it with me first.

I asked why she would get an experimental shot for covid when she already had it and she is young. She said so she doesn't accidently give it to her family. I tell her that it doesn't stop her from getting it or spreading it. We get in a huge fight about it. She finally says that she FEELS like this is the right thing to do. Then over the next week she is on the phone telling everyone she knows how great the shot is and they should all get it too.

[–]  No.1859

Watch: Biden COVID Minion Tells Americans "God Gave Us Two Arms" For Multiple Vaccines



[–]  No.1860>>1861

Two days ago I spent all morning unpacking antivax posts on this forum. Y'all are weird for sure. But last night I was bleeding from my eyes (barely, I had to rub my eyes quite a bit in order to get blood on my hands) and bleeding from my gums. There was a fair amount; my teeth were all bloody and I could taste blood even after thoroughly rinsing my mouth out.

I called the ambulance and the first question the paramedic asked me was, "are you vaccinated?" Hearing those words come out of his mouth shook my fucking world. Why does that matter? It was proven safe and effective. ZERO safety protocols were skipped. So why did the paramedic ask me this? My mental health took a serious nosedive at this moment. I ended up dismissing him as an uneducated newbie in the field. I started feeling a little better on the ride to the hospital because it turns out one of the EMTs watches House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones, my two favorite shows, so we were shooting the shit for a little while (he was also a fan of Andor, which I think is hella overrated).

I get to the ER and the PA (hard enough to get an MD these days at the fucking hospital) walks into my room and I immediately became cheerful. I love doctors, they're so spirit lifting. You know what this mother fucker says to me within two minutes? "Are you vaccinated?" This left me feeling so fucking frustrated and I ended up leaving the hospital against medical advice, obviously with my anxiety through the roof.

My mental health has been in the trash since last night. Are even people in the medical field getting brainwashed by the Internet? I have an appointment with my doctor for next week who's an actual fucking MD and I'll see what he has to say. I can't believe the state of this world.

[–]  No.1861>>1862

Is this one of them there ctrl-c +ctrl-p thingies

[–]  No.1862

So it seems heh
So it seems...

[–]  No.1863

French Documentary confirms the Beastjabbed emit Bluetooth MAC addresses

The Beastjabbed Now Account For A Majority Of COVID Deaths

[–]  No.1864>>1865>>1867

So is this just boomer propaganda or is there good information here? My dad keeps telling me to watch it

[–]  No.1865

Watch it and see for ure self pheggit

[–]  No.1866

(hide) 1669502778677-2.webm 362.59 KB, 432x244, guidestones agenda.webm [play once] [loop]


[–]  No.1867>>1869

Having watched it myself I can comfortably say that it's both lmoa

[–]  No.1868

(hide) 1669523764957.gif 821.62 KB, 600x600, coronachan.gif

[–]  No.1869>>1870

Yeah the basketball dude they show collapsing survived apparently and some of the footage isn't confirmed vaxxies/cud b random strokes

Overall the message being conveyed (slow burn vaxxie genocide + societal collapse) is true tho

[–]  No.1870>>1871

>random strokes
heh that's so uncommon up until the past year and a half though it'd be hard to believe. I guess if the footage is pre-vax that would settle it. However that Korean kpop guy stroked out less than 24 hours ago as yet another example.


[–]  No.1871>>1872>>1875

>Korean kpop guy
Thought dat wuz fake though

[–]  No.1872>>1873

shut the fuck babby talk nonce

[–]  No.1873>>1877

Kill yourself seething newfag nonce lol

[–]  No.1874

"staff shortages"
All the pilots are dead lol

[–]  No.1875>>1876

Who proved it fake? It was just a day ago and only korean sources are covering it I think heh

[–]  No.1876>>1879


[–]  No.1877


[–]  No.1878


[–]  No.1879

Update says he went to the hospital and even that this has happened before recently. Definitely on the list of people who probably won't be making it out of this decade

[–]  No.1880

Another Nu Study Finds Heart Inflammation Higher After Bolshevist Moderna Vaccination Versus Pfizer



[–]  No.1881

[–]  No.1882


[–]  No.1883

nu!Twitter will no longer punish users for “misinformation” about COVID



[–]  No.1884>>1886

Speaking of gaslighting

[–]  No.1885>>1886

(hide) 1669836751665.jpg 139.27 KB, 941x1200, true-doh.jpg

[–]  No.1886

h'what a KIKE smdfh

[–]  No.1887>>1888

[–]  No.1888

[–]  No.1889

[–]  No.1890


[–]  No.1891>>1893>>1896

(hide) 1669972318335.jpg 59.13 KB, 846x831, cuck (2).jpg

Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. 

They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark. PUREBLOOD

[–]  No.1892>>1897

It's now been discovered you can get SPIKE-PROTEINED just from kissing a vaccinated girl.

We know the mRNA in the shots can reverse transcribe to become part of your own DNA (just like AIDS), but now it's being found the vaccinated can spread this rogue mRNA to Purebloods through their dirty and infected bodily fluids.

[–]  No.1893


[–]  No.1894

Rand Paul: Fauci Caused 7 Million People To Die; "We've Caught Him Red-Handed, He Won't Get Away”

Beastjabbed Soyim Make Up Majority Of COVID-19 Deaths: Fresh Nu CDC Data

[–]  No.1895>>1898

(hide) 1670174890650.jpg 372.25 KB, 1668x1437, chyna.jpg

[–]  No.1896

Frickin' based

[–]  No.1897

Not going to watch the video but going off of the title I don't believe this shit heh, I can only assume based on intuition alone that it's WEF anti-natalist propaganda targeted at BASED purebloods tbh

[–]  No.1898

I cannot wait until China sinks into the sea.

[–]  No.1899>>1900

Died Suddenly: A CounterCurrents Review


[–]  No.1900

>But did it have to fearmonger?


[–]  No.1901>>1902


>anxiety-induced heart attack four months earlier


It really seems like just about anything can give someone a heart attack these days huh aha

[–]  No.1902

(hide) 1670282009980.jpg 101.47 KB, 579x1152, index.jpg

That there poojeeta/56%er mystery meat creatura could have serviced many a BWC in her lifetime. Sad! The jews can't keep getting away with it!

[–]  No.1903

Nu Wuhan Whistleblower: Covid "Man Made", Escaped From Bolshevist Lab



[–]  No.1904>>1905

Pfizer Demands FDA Give Emergency Use Authorization for Booster Shots for Germanic Kids Under 5

Vaxxmaxxed American journalist dies suddenly in Qatar

[–]  No.1905>>1906

>dat pic
Holy coping wall of text

[–]  No.1906

Have a (you).

[–]  No.1907

[–]  No.1908

[–]  No.1909

[–]  No.1910

[–]  No.1911


[–]  No.1912

Bolshevist FDA Says Ivermectin Doesn't Work Against COVID-19 But Points To Studies That Show It Does



[–]  No.1913

[–]  No.1914

Bolshevist White House Flips Out After Musk Says Fauci-Funded Research "Killed Millions Of Germanics"


Second journalist dies suddenly at World Cup



[–]  No.1915


[–]  No.1916

Goyim Died From mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, Nu Peer-Reviewed Germanic Study Provides Direct Evidence As ZOG Lies Crumble



[–]  No.1917>>1919

Setting The Record Straight On Ivermectin



[–]  No.1918>>1922


[–]  No.1919

Me on the left avid in the center

[–]  No.1920

(hide) 1671697415885.jpg 245.38 KB, 1484x1643, 234.jpg

How Bolshevist Lockdowns Made The Soyim Sicker



[–]  No.1921

[–]  No.1922

that ukie looks so soy... I hope he didn't molest that siberian

[–]  No.1923>>1924>>2833

I honestly don't care anymore.
This topic seems like it has melted everyone's brain who spent too much time with it.

[–]  No.1924


[–]  No.1925>>1926>>1930

[–]  No.1926

[–]  No.1927

>Diamond of ‘Diamond and Silk’ Dies, Trump Says “Totally Unexpected”

[–]  No.1928

My mom just got Covid for the first time and my grandma got it for the second (gma is vaxxed ma isn’t) seems like it’s making rounds again fuck faucci fuck chinks)

[–]  No.1929

need 2 get vaxd up again

[–]  No.1930>>1931

2 more weeks

[–]  No.1931>>1932

It's a little overdramatic but this shit is literally happening every day heh

[–]  No.1932

ah, my fellow kc enjoyer

[–]  No.2819

[–]  No.2833>>2834

i don't even believe in germs any more.

[–]  No.2834>>2843

Go swim in a sewer and don't bathe.

[–]  No.2835>>2837

call over a toe truck or a hearse

[–]  No.2837

[–]  No.2843>>2845

already did. still not sick. germcucks on suicide watch

[–]  No.2845

Why won't doctors admit that it's all fungal infections? What are they hiding? God damn reptilian fungus overlords.

[–]  No.3090

[–]  No.3092

[–]  No.3314>>3341>>3351

The Unforgivable Ivermectin Swindle


[–]  No.3316

(hide) 1692259132699.jpeg 32.21 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpeg

[–]  No.3341>>3347

Lots of evidence in the 80s to show ivermectin cures cancer. It was suppressed for 💸💸💸💵

[–]  No.3347

I doubt it.

[–]  No.3351>>3361

You're retarded. Ivermectin was first used on humans and has shown promise. The horse meme is a kike cope.

[–]  No.3361>>3365

Where exactly did the quoted post claim that ivermectin doesn't work, you baboon-brained troglodyte

[–]  No.3365>>3367

I don't read Zero Hedge because Tyler Durden is a gay pseudonym. Fight Club sucks ass. Posting horses along with the article title just has me assume it's another anti-ivermectin hitpiece like the dozens I've seen before, so I didn't feel like wasting time reading another. I don't like medicine kikes shilling against one of the few actual drugs to exist that cures people instead of getting them physically hooked or making their quality of life reliant upon it. I see my assumptions were wrong. I am sorry.

[–]  No.3367

no1curr faget LOL

[–]  No.3370>>3376

Ken h'Wheeler: Nu plandemic lockdowns cumming in mid-September according to TSA leak

[–]  No.3376

>"(...) They did this exact same thing with global warming: they were pushing it wildly in the early 2000s, then they dropped it for a while because people started talking about how it was retarded. Then, they brought it back in full force."
>(...) The coronavirus hoax is coming back. That’s a certainty. It’s just a matter of when."

[–]  No.3381

Jewtube goes scorched Earth against nutrition, superfoods and natural medicine, announcing new policies targeting so-called “medical misinformation”

272 replies | 146 images | Page 13

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