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Niggers: Making Things Inconvenient at the Convenience Store

Last Saturday night at about 8:15 in a mostly white neighborhood in northeast Philadelphia, about 100 marauding youths — every last one of them black — brought psychedelic shockwaves of vibrancy to a Wawa convenience store. They looted items, knocked down display cases, and jumped up and down on cars outside with hormonal teen-primate fury. At least one of the looters, apparently a female of the species, was filmed twerking on a counter inside the store.

Although a writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer said it “was like a scene from the apocalypse,” there was nothing exceptional about the incident. It was only the latest iteration of black America’s ongoing collective assault on our nation’s fast-food establishments. Things like this seem to be happening daily across the country. As far as Negro-driven ransackings of public eateries go, the incident was quite ordinary. There weren’t even any reported injuries.



>This is like the sacking of Rome
> this looting of the Wawa in Northeast Philly upset me more than the Notre-Dame fire of 2019.




gooning to this rn you KIKE




>Be haiti

>Massacre all whites
>Become shithole


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This is what happens when niggers attempt to utilize germanic inventions



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Battle Royale

Your primary mission is to kill 'em all


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>Come to think of it, our country needs to import more niggers actually





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Up To 14 Injured In Chicago Nigger Drive-By Mass Shooting, Youngest Victim Just 3 Years Old: Police


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I like how this infograph is designed to make it look like white people are closer to monkeys than niggers


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Sheeeeit dey lil niggas got moves.



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Just look at these naked Negroid savages. They and all of their miserable ancestors have never invented the wheel, nor writing, nor clothes until White men showed them civilisation. Now, their equally black and no less savage descendants are animalistically screeching in impotent rage over the embarrassing fact that they were civilised by others instead of civilising by themselves. All this of course while reaping the fruits of their White superiors' advancements, for they cannot give up the convenient comforts they provide. Truly loathsome and wretched creatures. If only they could spare us their insufferable existence and go back to chucking spears in their zoos.


don't care
still licking their erections


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post tits


New nigger fight vid


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I stopped leaving my house because of niggers.


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I bow to you my kang


I haven't seen a nigger IRL since 2019.


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You will survive.



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California: Bolshevist Reparations Task Force Says $223,200 Owed to Every Black Slave Descendant By Germanics

Marauding Bands Of Niggers Are Stealing Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Merchandise As America Turns Into Apefreaka


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Germanic Walmart CEO Warns Relentless Nigger-Fueled Retail Thefts Will Lead To Price Hikes, Store Closures As Weimerica Crumbles



I won't allow slide


My cousin said a bunch of niggers stole over $20,000 worth in merch in a chimp out at his walmart. News isn't even reporting on it out of fear of racist whites demonizing blacks in the area. Since tensions are high with the working class whites in the area with welfare monkeys.


What area?


>make pamphlets
>spread them around
>media btfo


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Growing Number Of Germanic CEOs Issue Warnings About Nigger Retail Theft 'Epidemic' Across US As Gas Stations Introduce Armed Guards To Fend Off Looters




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Coca-Cola Company funded NAACP & other civil rights groups to call opponents racist to ensure sugar taxes failed and that soda was included in food stamp funding


One dumb stinky nigger spotted drinking (((Coke))) here: >>36817


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>It’s very strange that [niggers] outright refuse to learn how to shoot guns, given how much they enjoy shooting guns.
>Like, imagine if someone was really into golfing, and went golfing every day, but never learned how to play at all, and used a putter as a driver and knocked balls in the pond every day. He loves golfing, is obsessed with it in fact, but refuses to learn the very basics of the sport.

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