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Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance

Exclusive: Breakthrough could aid research into genetic disorders but raises serious ethical and legal issues



Women are sweating. Their days are numbered.


This is so unnecessary. Just rape women. This is the epitome of degenerate technology. Untold amounts of resources poured into something unneeded that will never be more efficient than putting your cock in a vagina. Soyentists are the dumbest fuckers on the planet. The darkest tribal niggers in Africa have more common sense. They sure as hell aren't trying to over-engineer reproduction for no reason at least.


White nerds are weak and childish, of COURSE they'll come up with ways to not fuck women, they are too scared too, which is why most nonces are white nerds, they aren't alpha or man enough to sleep with someone who could fight back


tards. who do you think uses surrogacy and IVF the most now? single women, lesbians, and surrogate mothers for gay couples (e.g. cuckservative hero dave rubin). this is just a more efficient surrogacy. maybe in some places where real estate industry has the political stranglehold they'll legalize state-sanctioned orphan surrogacy to prevent population reduction.


You're the tard. The people that run the world have their own private fertility clinics and unbelievably large extended families numbering in the hundreds kept hidden from the public.

Epstein having a New Mexico breeding ranch that could house 20 women at a time every 9 months doesn't get mentioned much for a reason. Neither does the genetic experiments Elon Musk does on his children. The people you've mentioned are the public face that makes up less than 1% of the market.


jeffrey epstein and elon musk having 20 kids isn't going to prevent population reduction


circus elephant sailboat


Here we see the retard in his natural habitat, a dead neo nazi inageboard.

Point and laugh at him.


Sounds stupid and I doubt it.


Post proof or eat shit, faggot.


i'm so fresh you can suck my balls, nigger

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