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new feature being Implemented that on reddit allows users to vote to de-mod somebody

Seething transcunts like in pic ensue


Redditors probably don't have the balls to demod tranny jannies.


Heh, just a distraction from them banning third party apps to push more ads.


Not to push more ads, it's so they can data mine you by forcing you to use their app most likely.


Nah, they're just being greedy kikes


Selling data pays a hell of a lot more than ad revenue.


How do you know lol


It is the business model of every major tech company for a reason. Advertising is only a small part of it and wouldn't be half as lucrative without algorithmic targeting. I'm sure there are plenty of organizations who would like to have access to it too, including governments. They would be losing a lot of money if a significant amount of people were using 3rd party apps, even if they didn't have ads blocked.


Louie BTFOs Reddit mods

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