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 No.2310[Last 50 Posts]

Would a 20 Year Old Logitech PC Controller Debuting at Not a Penny More Than $24.99 At Retail on Release Day Be Allowed in a Billionaire's Submersible Society?


3rd party? Not even an original? Fucking kikes man


Am I a bad person for finding it darkly funny that those rich guys in the submarine might just be right next to the Titanic, and that'll be a shipwreck too, 100 years later


No. It's some spooky dark-horror-comedy-esk sheit.


Those things always break. Especially the buttons get stuck.


Everyone is openly laughing at them
You're the only one worried about his own shadow


They got eaten by the meg


>The CEO of OceanGate, which is operating the Titanic tourist submarine, explains that the company didn’t want to hire any experienced ‘50 year old white guys’ because they weren’t ‘inspirational.’

>They're all now trapped at the bottom of the ocean slowly running out of air.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


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Coomers man what the fuck

Does anyone have any studies on what porn and being a cumbrain does to the brain?

This is post lobotomy levels of retardedness


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He has literal autism (not fake internet autism) like Chris Chandler. I thought he might also have down's syndrome because his eyes look weird, turns out he has some eye disease.


>Brian Szasz, 36, was detained in June 2021 on online stalking charges. Szasz suffers from Asperger's Syndrome and is a Type 1 diabetic which has morphed into retinopathy, a condition that deteriorates the retina for some with diabetes.




I know I'm going to hell, I'm sorry




oscar the grouch



six flags


OceanGate faced ‘quality and safety’ allegations about its Titanic sub as far back as 2018

A former employee at OceanGate Expeditions, the private company whose submersible vanished on a trip to the wreck of the Titanic, had warned of “quality control and safety” problems that could affect customers as far back as 2018 – the same year diving experts warned the company about similar issues.

David Lochridge, OceanGate’s former director of marine operations, claimed that he had raised alarms about the company’s handling of the Titan sub, which carries passengers 12,500 feet underwater to the shipwreck at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Lochridge said he found a “lack of non-destructive testing performed on the hull of the Titan,” and when he raised the issues with OceanGate founder and CEO Stockton Rush, he was wrongfully terminated, according to a lawsuit.

“OceanGate gave Lochridge approximately 10 minutes to immediately clear out his desk and exit the premises,” Lochridge’s attorneys said in the filing. “The paying passengers would not be aware, and would not be informed, of this experimental design, the lack of non-destructive testing of the hull, or that hazardous flammable materials were being used within the submersible.”




guess he wasn't "inspirational"


Rest in piss.


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They really had it coming.


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Some of his better work in a while. That one on the left is simple but power...full...





>An unmanned deep-sea robot deployed from a Canadian ship discovered the wreckage of the submersible on Thursday morning about 1,600 feet (488 meters) from the bow of the century-old wreck, 2-1/2 miles (4 km) below the surface
They didn't even see the Titanic


>They didn't even make it near 4km
LOL! LMAO! What the hell did they do?




Were-thankfully-crushed in an instant rather than waiting to die for days as many had been speculating. F*cking Brvtal


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They got wrecked due to their own hubris just like the titanic. It's like pottery, it rhymes.


Word on the street is that the navy knew they were dead since Sunday but waited to release the intel to distract from Biden's son's hearing.


I knew I was being psyoped the whole time but you know what, it was about the friends we made along the way and the hilarity of dying in such a comical fashion.


Maybe the saga of Hunter's dick pics isn't as important as they think it is? Maybe the media doesn't typically try to distract you from anything specific, since they merely tell you what to think about in general and literally anything they aren't talking about is functionally out of the public's consciousness?


>haha poor people will never see the titanic in perso-

Honestly, it really doesn't matter, whether or not that's the reason this information was withheld. It could be widely publicized that Hunter rapes children with Biden and nobody would do a god damn thing about it. The public has no consciousness.


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That's about as smart as a screen door on a battpeship


"Watch yourself!"
"So zetta slow!"
"You're out of your vector!"
"You zetta sons of digits!"
"Sine. Cosine. TANGENT!"


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Took this today



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Poor people don't own boats, and the coast guard will in fact come for you if you radio them.


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nice spicy memes


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Either full blown retard or troll


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answer le question


Thats good heh


i'll take the queen sized room with grab bars over this smh


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Metal doesn't have air in it


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Thank you, I was genuinely curious


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Here's a pretty good explanation. You only really need to watch to about 7 minutes to get the gist.



Would watch but his spiv voice is annoying me

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