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File: 1687635325047.jpg (11.11 KB, 200x300, RFKJR2023.jpg)


Jfk was killed by the CIA.
Aids and covid were govt/Rothschild/pharma/Rockefeller psyop hoaxes.
Germ theory is a govt/Rothschild/pharma/Rockefeller lie

Vote for this man
Vote for this man


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he has no chance, the dem primaries were blatantly rigged for bill clinton's wife in 2016 and hunter's daddy in 2020 and in 2024 it will be her turn again


>…oak tree you're in my way


you can't predict the future. trump had "no chance" in 2015. lots of people are waking up to the quack-cine deception and the hoaxdemic psyop.


RFK Jr CONFRONTED with vax data by ReasonTV Libertarians

>"Industry propaganda!" Robert Kennedy Jr. dismisses the evidence that vaccines save lives.


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Jr is correct, the vaccines started to come out around the same time that basic sanitation did, vaccine promoters ignore that and credit all the benefits of sanitation and the subsequent invention of antibiotics to their vaccines.


lolbergs or more embarassing than ever. reason is probably owned by pharm/oil like everyone else


Kooky RFK Jr., a white male 🤢🤮, who makes WILD allegations like "the government is corrupt at best, evil at worst" 🤨😂👌, gets 💥DESTROYED💥 by intelligent young libertarian womyn 🔥👱‍♀️

>RFK Jr.'s long con




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