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I just read David Icke's latest book about 9/11 called The Trigger. The book is 900 pages long and he had like 5 chapters devoted solely to Jewish genealogy and Israel.

If I understand him correctly, a long time ago there was this group of people called the khazars and there was a khazar empire in the Caucasus mountains. This group of people as well as other ethnicities and cultural groups, for certain historical reasons, came to know themselves as biblical Jews even though they aren't really. And the people walking around today calling themselves Jews are just one ethnicity/cultural group or another and have no actual relationship with historical Jews.

He says there is a deeper control group called sabbatian frankists who created the modern fake jew cult and use it as a sock puppet to misdirect and confuse the rest of humanity, including fake jew cultists themselves.

What's the chon pill on this? I never heard of sabbatian frankism before this book.


I've heard Khazar theory, but I've never heard of "sabbatian frankism" either. If you asked this a decade ago you probably could have gotten a nice answer to this question. Most people have always dismissed David Icke outright because he's affiliated with more tinfoil-tier stuff like reptilians and the super natural.


I've heard of Khazar mega milkers.


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>oy vey he's a conspiracy theorist
>he's totally crazy
>muh space aliens
>muh tinfoil hat meme


Tell me what you've heard about them please. Inquiring minds would like to know


Feels like my guardian glownigger is baiting me by asking this question

Sabbatean-Frankism was basically started by a Jewish Aghori that believed God is reached through sin. So they would worship YHVH in the form of a golden bull called Moloch. They would rape, kill and eat children, etc. Basically everything on Epstein island was textbook Sabbatean-Frankism

Long story short we're dealing with a several thousand year old death cult


Yea he talks about that in the book too. He says they worship sin and debauchery. They invert everything. What's bad is good to them. I'm not a glownigger.


>I'm not a glownigger
Thank G-d
I will now reveal my dark and secret knowledge to you

Moloch is just the tamasic form of Yahweh
Kinda like the yin yang thing
Sabbatean-Frankism is the left hand path form of Judaism
Freemasons are their shabbos goyim
I've never seen it but I've heard that the movie Eyes Wide Shut is all about these guys and they killed the director for making it
The acronym from his last four film titles is JEWS


There was a documentary I watched some years back of some dude who followed Icke around while also showing that Jews were acting like the filthy KIKES they swear they aren't, trying to shut him down. There's a segment where the kike tools try to throw some pies at him and fail horribly. For some reason I can't find the documentary now. If anybody knows what I'm talking about, pls post it.


>For some reason I can't find the documentary now.

Gee you can't find something that makes the kikes look bad? Gee Willie's

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