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Would Loveless Sham Marriages Arranged for Political Convenience or Influence and Power Consolidation Between Families or Organizations Occur within a White Nationalist Society?


Yes. There is literally nothing wrong with transactional marriages done for the good of your family and genetic line.


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I know it's kind of a cliche by now but I do feel like we're witnessing the Time Machine/Idiocracy timeline play out with how on one hand you have the most dysgenic couplings imaginable taking place in large numbers and on the other you see such careful selection that it's often barely allowed to occur at all, what with how high the demands and standards of women in particular have become.

If there's any factor outside of financial sabotage and sorcery from the usual suspects driving the destruction of the middle class, it will simply be because people of moderate intellect, constitution etc. will have gone extinct entirely heh


I guess what I'm saying is it's kind of hard to disagree-despite the many scathing protests long written in books or featured in hollywood movies about the subject-to consider arranged marriages so terrible a thing in comparison when it's the l*teral future of humanity at stake. It's only fairly recently that this huge responsibility has been 100% left to individual whim, for one thing.

We all see the end result to gameified dating apps, anti-natalism and promiscuity on the horizon and I'm not super optimistic about what seems to be taking shape in its wake. How can things progress if the vast majority of people being born are functionally retarded? Even the most capable of individuals can't possibly tard wrangle society into a positive direction when they're outnumbered 100 to 1, can they?


Reject modernity, return to polygamous marriages.


Isn't that l*terally what all this "open relationsh*p" sh*t is by any other name? heh


Well, not exactly, polygamous marriages are still marriages. They're still legally and spiritually binding relations with a spouse who isn't suppose to run off and whore around. "Open relationships" are kikery.


Edward Dutton has been saying this for years. The average IQ has allegedly gone down by 15 points since 1880. Within a single generation zoomers are 2 IQ points lower than millennials according to Finnish studies. Our only cope it that this trend reverses after soyciety can no longer be maintained and incentives change. The irony of people who supposedly choose their spouse based on "love" is there has never been less love in society. Infatuation is not love. You grow to love people through shared experiences. How many people burn bridges with their family to pursue unhealthy relationships? And to be clear this doesn't only apply to women either. I see too many men in disgusting relationships where a woman walks all over them, and they stay in these relationships due to their own desperation and lack of self-confidence. Every time they argue they put all the blame on themselves. It's pathetic. I guess that's "love" though.


This sounds like it would be just like one of my Japanese Animes. What happens with the 80% of dudes who can't score under any circumstances now; Chad now has 3+ "soul mates" because his height starts with a 6 in imperial measurement heh

I mean, I'd be fine I'm sure aha, I meant more uh...you know...other people


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Women have always been like this. The only difference is that they were always being watched by men to make sure they didn't do some stupid woman moment shit. Their fathers, brothers or husbands made sure they didn't indulge their whore tendencies, and if they did, they got their asses beat and possibly killed, depending on the culture.


>my daughter Richard and I


When in doubt, ask yourself: what would your ancestors have done?


Fug foreign women?


why did the owl h'owl?
because the woodpecker did not use lubricant

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