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Nu Kangz & Generals goyim

How Kyivan Ruthenians almost won the war last month when Prigozhin marched on Muscovy


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Fagner's early lore FULLY revealed in kinotastic nu Kangz & Generals documentary


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12yo ukrainian refugees welcome



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Ukrainian Counteroffensive Continues - Russian Invasion DOCUMENTARY


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>Pootin's Russia vs (((Zelensky)))'s Orcraine
Whoever wins, we lose heh



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Ukrainians are the REAL "russians" (= rus/ruthenians).

Muscovite trash were never the real heirs of Kievan Rus and the entire national identity of the "Russian Federation" is an absolute farce.

This is why Muscovites need to retake Ukraine and absolutely cannot allow Ukraine to develop to be economically or politically superior or else the Muscovites lose their pathetic idea of being the benevolent papa of pan-slavism (and they only had that tenuous hold the last few centuries because they bent over for the eastern hordes and let the old Rus civilization burn).

Muscovites will never not be scum and even Muscovites with half a brain know this and that's why they all get the fuck out.


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Who is Going to Rule Muscovy After Jootin? Kings and Generals DOCUKINO


Fresh nu Kangz 'n Generalz

Ukrainians Reach the Surovikin Line


>Praise the algorithm

I laff at dis

Every other vlogger/podcaster on jewtube is self-censoring now too saying that "the algorithm is always listening", all these fuckos don't want to get demonetized. Shit's orwellian asf


What he mean by this


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Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo


Kyivan Ruthenia War Update: Did Cluster Bombs Work?


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Russia Destroys Grain Silos Along Danube As US Pushes For 'Alternative' Ukraine Shipping Routes, Weighs Military Options

>US "considering all potential options, including military solutions" to ensure the safety of ships entering Ukraine's ports on the Danube (...)



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Somehow... Kino has returned


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>"Several coup d etats in africa are threatening to drag the continent into a much bigger conflict (...)"

Just a reminder that ZOG is dragging the soyimses towards WW3 as of right now, more precisely we might well be in the opening stages already

Multiple big regional conflicts merging into one world war was always the gameplan, this is how the polish campaign of 1939 gradually spiralled into WW2 as well. Latam and taiwan/asia are the only missing pieces now after the apefreaka thing kicks off. Latest news from a couple hours ago is that ECOWAS has already determined a D-day for a military intervention in Niger

Perfectly lines up with the DEAGEL world population forecast for 2025 as well;

>2021 + 2022 + 2023 = 666




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but i put a ukraine flag up outside my house!!!!!


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"(...) If the US manages to pull the trigger on a Nigerian invasion of Niger, it’s going to be like nothing the world has ever seen before."



Main issues with Kyivan Ruthenia's offensyiv explained


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