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>Be Australian
>Eat a mushroom


Whats the Chon prediction? She looks very suspect honestly and not too bright either.


Did she just find a mushroom out in the woods and feed it to her family? What a retard tbheh




Inside job


File: 1691776709953.jpeg 135.9 KB, 1024x683, stee dick.jpeg


This has been in the news for a week. She wanted to kill her husband - I think to get the house - but she ended up murdering the whole family.


I lol'd

Execute her in the public square no cap fr fr


it was seisatsu who showed his dick not stee, newfag


STI was just another fake personality that Michael D. Reilly (better know to you as Seisatsu) invented as a means of escaping personal responsibility for his hand in creating and managing 4chon. STI is the meximoot of 4chon.net and you are a noob for having not realized that from the get go.


nice made up story retard


File: 1692178228115.jpg 46.96 KB, 622x504, twain sez.jpg

u been hornswoggled, kid


ah for fuck sake man bloody ya little bloody fuckin, ahhh fuck sake man, well at leas- at least...


piss you ya grubby little bloody troller

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