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Legendary germanic hero Varg Vikernes is back on jewtube doing vlogging, fuckerinodinos

The Roots of this Rot



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Now this is some great news rite dere hehh


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>christianity is early bolshevism

Judeo-christian xisters... Our response??!


Neo-Germanic Thulêan Workout (Homesteading, part I)


The Original Germanic Sin, Version 2.0


this crazy fucker is still whining in that god awful holier-than-thou tone? what a sad cunt, he should stick to music


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ᛚᛟᛚ ᛒᚢᛏᚦᚢᚱᛏ

*ᛋᛚᛅᛒ ᛋᛚᛅᛒ*


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Digging dat dere nu 3D font he's using now hehh

Also the conclusion of SJWism being derivative of judeo-christianity is quite correct too ofc


tf does this say?


It say ur ghey LOL


does it? wow


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>does it? wow


Ancestral Pride (a deadly sin....)


Lmfao yeah I hate when he does that squeal. So passive aggressive. Bad


hes a stuck up arsehole, euronymous should have gotten the upper hand, we'd still have true BM and this faggot would be dead and wouldnt negatively influence BM for years to come


I read all his books aside from myfarog. He doesn't back up his claims very well though they can be interesting


he doesnt really do anything, hes grifting on the traditional farming family trope

has he made any videos on irrigation? planting and maintaining crops? farm animals? or does he just whine about 'le jooz' in his vids, i havent watched him since 2013 or so

also what claims does he make?


Varg is a meme.
As a personality he is a bullshitter most of the time.
He tried to do the agriculture thing by himself but abandoned it and admitted that you need more people to help out.
I watch his videos mainly because I agree with him politically and like the comfy atmosphere of his videos.


>He tried to do the agriculture thing by himself but abandoned it


its all he should be promoting, investments would also be a good topic for him to cover, essentially all i want from his little swedish mouth is "here is how to set up your life so that you can live off the land and propogate the White race"


you should tell him to use rumble instead of jewtube


Talks a lot about placentas in his book about Little Red Riding Hood. It doesn't make a lot of sense and he doesn't really source much of anything he says. Not convincing.

Maybe the pagan niggers should have actually written stuff down

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