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File: 1684457848178.jpg 223.08 KB, 898x449, feminism is shit.jpg


where did he go on the internet?


File: 1684460945554.jpg 2.28 MB, 1300x1946, 1684415404787130.jpg

>where did he go
He went crazy.


Not sure think he might have a bitchute account or a patreon deal going on atm


He's such a grifter.


can you post it?
Varg was never a grifter.


He's a welfare queen living off his extremely rich wife and asking handouts from others. He's the ultimate grifter.


Vargs wife is basically his sugar-mama. She is wealthy af.


Lucky bastard.


Imagine you got to burn down churches, kill some guy, spend a few years at some cozy Scandinavian prison, and get rewarded with a rich autist gf when you get out. Being American sucks.


He's lied a bunch which I really dislike. Lied about being on welfare, either lied or is just really dumb about an illegitimate child he had.


He's most likely a compulsive liar and he's also a murderer but I'm okay with that since he changed his evil ways and only kills noggers now ALLEGEDLY IN MINECRAFT!


Lying is worse than violence. You should know, Satan


>rich wife
How does his wife get rich by being autistic and playing with flowers all day?


that's just dwarf, she has a tendency to just make things up. it's easy to spot her by her very gossipy writing style and how she never uses a flag.

for example, like donald trump, she likes to end with short reiterative clauses:
>He's a welfare queen living off his extremely rich wife and asking handouts from others. He's the ultimate grifter.
could easily retain the same meaning as:
>He's a welfare queen living off his extremely rich wife and asking handouts from others.

>Vargs wife is basically his sugar-mama. She is wealthy af.

could easily retain the same meaning as:
>Vargs wife is basically his sugar-mama.


You're literally fucking retarded.



Suck me off dwarf


File: 1684678583382.webm 628.94 KB, 1280x720, 1684405491339373.webm




Like a good one for the weekend but if we can get the ball in a state of what is going to be done in and to ensure the site is open and to for the day




Please speak english. What are you trying to say?


>quick rundown


Suck me off at the next station ya dawg


File: 1684735152221.jpeg Spoiler Image, 30.1 KB, 474x709, download (1).jpeg

Ye mens


Legendary Aussie video if you haven't had the pleasure of seeing it


Up it goes


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