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Here it is guys, spread from fruit bats apparently, articles and info to follow in posts below.

for reference covid has a 2-3% mortality rate

is this an actual happening?



>Health officials in India have shuttered schools, offices and public transport and are testing hundreds of people in an effort to track and contain an outbreak of Nipah virus that has killed two people, but can kill as many as three in four people it infects and has been flagged by experts as having the potential to seed a new pandemic.

>Nipah is a rare and potentially deadly virus that was first discovered in 1999 after an outbreak among pigs and pig farmers in Malaysia and Singapore.

>Nipah is a zoonotic virus—meaning it can spread from animals to humans—and can infect humans through direct contact with infected animals or their bodily fluids or after eating contaminated food such as fruit products contaminated with urine or saliva from infected bats


>In humans, symptoms typically arise between a few days and two weeks after infection, according to the World Health Organization, though periods as long as 45 days have been reported and it’s possible people may be infectious during this time (the WHO says pigs are “highly contagious” during this incubation period).

>Nipah symptoms typically start with fever, headache and signs of respiratory illness like coughing that can rapidly worsen to brain swelling (encephalitis) and seizures that lead to a coma within a day or two.


>Health officials in India’s southern state of Kerala are rushing to track and contain an outbreak of Nipah that has already killed two people and hospitalized three others. According to news reports, public health workers have tested hundreds of workers and schools, government buildings, religious institutions, public transport and public offices have been closed or suspended in at-risk areas to curb potential spread. It is the state’s fourth outbreak since 2018 and experts warn the area might be at particular risk from virus spillovers given the destruction of natural bat habitats by humans in the region

street shitting low IQ paki bastards are to blame





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>2-3% mortality rate
Last I did the math, it was barely 1%.
>70% mortality rate
I fucking wish.


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Virology is pure pseudoscience. We might have another ventilator-demic on our hands.


Tall and robust, as was the hugest cocaine condom that could plug up even our bravest brass. That's what you call a fucking hero, not a chicken-shit fucking barbarian. a hero. I wouldn't say that wasn't ham-fisted, no, I said it helps us learn from them.

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