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There's no way to protect oneself from an aerosol spray chemtrail at 3 AM over a 100 mile area. One of the best suggestions I've seen so far is heavy paranoia and using nicotine to clog up ace2 receptors during vulnerable periods of exposure so that the v*xx can't murder us

We all need to start growing tobacco unironically


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I think all the anti quack-cine hysteria is just part of the quack-cine marketing itself. It's like reverse psychology or something tbqh IMHO fam

Don't get me wrong, quack-cines are pure poison, and germ theory is definitively a hoax. But people generally don't care and will drink poison deliberately. Take op with his tobacco addiction. Jewgarette addicts will still smoke their death sticks knowing full well it increases the speed at which the grim reaper swings his scythe.


I don't smoke or use nicotine at all, but I may start. Always do the opposite of what j*ws say and they've been against tobacco for a while now


The Jews are wise to the 'always do opposite' rule. You have to do the opposite again.


G-d you ppl are dumb


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Without sounding schizo for a second; if this is possible and easy to do with an mRNA vaccine, what's stopping a rival nation or false flagging nation of just spraying mould spores, or anthrax, or smallpox just all over a population to kill them in biological warfare?




""Natty Tatty"" Road Workers


It's for monetization. More open-minded youth of the future deserve to be paid for spraying those vaccines out from their lungs, and this determines the path of a natural brand ambassador.


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To answer your question...
nothing is stopping terrorists from commiting biological warfare. You're welcome.


in future everyone will have HIV/AIDS and everyone will be taking homo drugs to remain not-unalived

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