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This shit could've happened when we were in our 20s so we could at least be fit and young and healthy enough to deal with it, but noooooo, society has to collapse and be in full swing to do so in the next 20-30 years when we're old enough men that can't defend ourselves.


>not flying around in a free energy powered tesla-coil antigravitic hovercraft


Pretty sure they would electrocute themselves to death attempting that.





>implying you were fit and healthy in your 20s.
I don't know what you're talking about, I'm 41 and although I have pain all the time now I'm still fit.


I'm angrier, too.


It's not possible for someone like learningcode to get more angry. He'd have to burn out at some point, no??


That's pretty funny, actually.

Even funnier.


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Not surprising to get this 1984-style contradictory gaslighting from the elites given this country thinks men can "transition" into women and vice versa


Insane corporate sociopaths terrified that the cash machines might stop printing.



shut up foky


kinda funny tbh, mainly since it affects rich people


The immigrants?

Somalis, Bengalis, Nigerians


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Is that minister wrong? Why provide affordable housing to those that are unable or unwilling to use the housing for the intended purpose of raising several children in when that isn't a realistic prospect for the majority of potential inhabitants. The entire north American continent is awash with slums of failed planned cities and mixed housing developments nobody wants to live in. Modern cities quickly destroy any fertility the inhabitants once had producing few dysfunctional humans requiring ever increasing amounts of fresh humans to stay functional. The few places that tried banning abortion or treated child production as a civic duty did nothing but create massive problems with drug addicted street urchins and overflowing megaprisons.

They've already absorbed all they could from the surrounding rural areas where the average age is well above 40. That statement about immigration being required is factually correct.


one of the main reasons why rent and housing prices go up in the west faster than the rate of median wages adjusted for inflation is due to guaranteed increase in population via immigration policy, with limits and regulations on housing. in japan you can find $100/mo tiny apartments even in the outskirts of major cities because of their decreasing population and lax regulations. it's a simple supply & demand equation that is gamed by investors and their bought politicians (and bought media) through regulatory capture of housing and immigration policy.


You don't save a nation by turning it into a Ship of Theseus. Replacing the foundational stock of a nation is effectively killing it.


Those that own and control the land don't care at all about that as their social class is segregated from the public. Canada is still a penal colony but now instead of condemning prisoners to transportation they advertise to foreign criminal groups to for crime tourism and help human smugglers with student visa scams. India is finally calling them out on it and after over a decade with immigration not even decreasing slightly during COVID the US consulting firms like McKinsey that tell the ruling parties what to do already have an answer by calling it a 'postnational' country.

Having self sustaining populations that could become independent and cause trouble was never the goal. It may have pretended that was a goal in order to increase social cohesion and increase civic engagement but the past and current policies speak for themselves.


good point about cities being generally shit and sucking the life out of surrounding areas

immigration is put forward as a reason for the need to sustain the population as if it isnt clear and obvious that a great social science experiment wasnt undertaken in the 20th century which has driven birthrates down artificially. if birth control stayed outlawed and women kept out of the workplace white societies would have maintained the birthrates of around 7-12 children per healthy woman that we had in Europe since the ice age until the 20th century

(((they))) created the problem of insufficient white births and then (((they))) create the soution of non-white immigration resulting in the destruction of white socities

anyone who cant see that by now is a plain fool




and of course (((their))) media outlets wont let you in on (((their))) plan but as the Bible says "ye shall know them by their fruits"

if (((an ethnic group))) uses its positions of power for the last 100 years in a way which results in the downfall of white socities, then you know (((that ethnic group))) is deliberately plotting your destruction and you dont need them to actually come out and say it


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>if birth control stayed outlawed and women kept out of the workplace white societies would have maintained the birthrates of around 7-12 children per healthy woman that we had in Europe since the ice age until the 20th century
birth control has little to do with it. in mainland europe, arranged marriage was the norm in the 19th century. starting in the 20th century, especially in industrialized europe (i.e. germany, france, austria-hungary), laws and culture changed and dating became the norm.


women had many more children before abortion clinics were made more prevalent and the pill was invented
there are other factors of course including the fact women are in the workplace now and so dont have as many because they put it off for university and starting a career.


Lower population is better for everyone except for the ownership class who want a giant reserve army of labour.


"Labor" is secondary. They want "growth" so that their entire net-worth built on debt and speculation doesn't free fall like vid related.







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