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>VICE gets popular because it's on top of commenting on the the weird deranged and fringe shit
>13 years later
>VICE invites some trantranfreaks to put together a smear article on kweefarms (who cares)
>people go straight to the source of the weird deranged and fringe shit commentary place just because they can, for the same reasons they used to read VICE

how can VICE even compete

heh i knew the dems were the REAL racist all along etc.


what's the word for a group of ponies?


Vice had some kino documentaries back in the day. Sad they sold out.


Vice was always a pro degeneracy propaganda outlet, George Soros and Rupert Murdoch are co-owners for Vice


>Vice was always a pro degeneracy propaganda outlet
True, but the vice guide to Liberia will always be a classic.
>George Soros and Rupert Murdoch are co-owners for Vice
That was after being bought.




File: 1697666689120.png 5.33 KB, 336x280, kidzart-goaway.png

Seek Christ

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