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My hot take: I unironically believe that Africa would be better off if Marxism hadn't spread post-colonisation. They certainly wouldn't have approached Western standards, but they would've been far, far better. Maybe a step below Yugoslavia.


I dunno man. Not sure libertine market principles would really make it much better, but as is they do provide a window into what Marxism yields in practice in its crudest sense, the logical conclusion of state worship when practiced by 85 IQ erectids heh


that's something to really ponder.


It doesn't matter how they dress it up, an extremely primitive form of feudalism is the only political system negroes are capable of.


Nonwhite people shouldn't have white ideologies like marxism forced down thier throats.


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Phantasm still in denial that niggers exist.


Phantasm in denial that he's part nigger.


Black Africa during the cold war wasn't ideologically committed to Marxism in any serious manner apart from its overlap with decolonization. I think Burkina Faso under Thomas Sankara might've come the closest, but even that was a short lived experiment that was cut short.

The fact is that once 1991 hit, African states just dropped the commie flags because they couldn't get economic support from the Soviet Union or Cuba anymore. It was just a veneer for gibs. The Angolan civil war was won with Cuban troops and the second the MPLA got control, they just hard switched to "libertarian socialism" and made peace with the west. Somalia and Ethiopia both switched superpower support at a moments notice during their war in the 1970s, thinking nothing of having a red flag and fighting another red flag.

It wasn't even a poverty thing either, because China at the time was poorer than Black Africa and was hard committed to Maoist thought, shilling their little red book to anyone who would take it, blasting revolutionary radio channels across asia non-stop.

I don't think it would've made any difference Phantasm, they still would've believed in Dependency Theory, which is more the rationale for the African drive towards collectivism.


>China poorer than black africa
That's actually pretty wild to think about


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Black African niggers don't have brains, retard.

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