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Some clips of this interview are going viral but the full thing is kinda boring

The interviewer was indeed like Matt Laurer going up against Tom Cruise

I notice a lot of interviewers/journos ask leading questions where they evade speaking their own minds, like "a lot of people would say you're far-right, what do you make of that"



Musk is a faggot conman, that sad fucks hitch their wagon to, because they're desperate for leadership and want something to look forward to. No matter how obvious it becomes that he's not who they think he is, they will continue to believe, because he's the current "conservative" daddy, and they need to cope. I'm sure as hell not gonna spend an hour and a half listening to that stammering retard talk, I'll tell you that much.


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I didn't even see this before posting either. Disgusting snake man. It is pivotal that future people are bred to recognize and kill sociopaths.


He seems conservative in the sense that the overton window has shifted, such that he would have been left wing 20 years ago. But idk about his politics really

I don't think his stammering is annoying or bad, he is clearly very smart and speaks well enough or even quite well.


>in the sense that the overton window has shifted
It has not. We've regressed. "alternative politics" has never been more dead. Scratch a /pol/lack, find a Republican.
>such that he would have been left wing 20 years ago.
Different food for different cattle. The average person has internalized more "globohomo" concepts than 20 years ago. 20 years ago not even the democrats would dare to propose gay marriage. What he purports to be is meaningless. Where's his political NGO? Shouldn't Richie Rich over here be the "right wing" Soros if he's so based, and allegedly has 20 times the networth?
>But idk about his politics really
His politics is scamming retards and keeping the inflated value of his company up for as long as possible. The fact of the matter is he was only a billionaire on paper until a few years ago when he started selling his stock. He just needed an excuse to be able to. Just like politicians, everything he says has an ulterior motive.
>I don't think his stammering is annoying or bad
I disagree. It is unpleasant. Hilariously enough, it's not even a speech impediment. It's just something he does to fill time so he can think of bullshit to say on the spot. He speaks fine in private or when something is scripted.

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