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how do you guys deal with demoralization? the psyops just getting worse and worse; and i just keep getting more redpilled

take the covaids hoax for instance. in late 2019, i thought there probably was a virus; it was just being hyped up by the media for political purposes. now in late 2023, not only do i understand the fact that there never was a virus, but viruses don't even exist; germ theory is a jewish reptilian hoax and the entire modern medical system is a fraud designed to kill people and make huge profits. how cope?

sorry for all the semicolons


Andrew Anglin also believes viruses and STDs don't real.


literally who


Lucky you.


I cannot recommend coupling with the focus group of primitives. Consider what it does to them. >>4312


Wolfgang Amadeus


i just looked him up. seems pretty based tbh


We need more people doing whitepill re-moralization in the White Advocacy movement this is a huge weak spot


No. We need less cope, more rope.


He's an actual Jew. Seriously.


Well, I don't think a lot of people burn out of it completely or turn into an enemy, they just need a gentle nudge back to the reality of the situation


The reality of the situation is we're fucked, it's never been more over, and we're unlikely to see any societal improvement in our lifetime.


explains why he looks like a mongrel


Mama, I want to strike a blow at Tel Aviv like the cool guys on 4chon

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