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File: 1702702868511.png (172.78 KB, 784x898, Animals can't go from land ….png)


I genuinely refuse to believe this is the case. Out of the millions and millions of aquatic species on the planet, not one can find a way? Life itself is often stranger than the post hoc classifications of phylogenetic autists obsessed with classifying things.


suggests, unlikely = ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It makes sense. We come from lobe finned fish. But we were still part of the bony fish. So getting to the level of a tetrapod and get on land was easy. We had structures for it. When you go back to the ocean, you generally lose bones. You lose those appendages in order to streamline your design. But once your very bones become vestigial getting back to land is harder. You have flippers and shit like that, which are great at sea but suck as limbs. There's a far bigger hurdle developmentally. And you lose your hind limbs too. So I can see why it'd be extremely unlikely whereas going from marine to land living was a pretty smooth transition.


evolution isn't real retard we were made by aliens

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