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File: 1704421265214.mp4 3.13 MB, 480x480, 1704289431507-0.mp4


oh doctor fauci.... bring us vaccines....


Some of the cringiest stuff to come out of politics in recent memory. People begging for death and shaming those who wanted to live heh


>begging for death

nah dey nigas just showing self-preservation soyciety quasi-religious collective act of FAITH & LOYAALTEE to da domesticating omnipresent power structure / collective, begging it to RETAIN AT ALL COSTS + MORE the STATUS QUO NORMAL against their OUTSIDE DREAM INTRUDERS who will suddenly fuck up with those post-enlightenment individual sovereign arguments the mood of planned 8 months in advance DREAM 2023 spring fishing trip and bbq and car payment plan to look forward to paying off


dreams of wageslaves are powerful
>that work promotion
>sending them kids to the good nursery and the good school away from the hood
>apartment renovation
>trip to tibet in summer
>weekend car
>posh private property somewhere in country-side 10 years from now

these things may be getting more costly, but we won't let some INCEL FREAK family member argue about DANGER of some NORMAL-again(TM) procedures OK REMAIN NORMAL REMAIN NORMAL


like imagine just going in and DISRUPTING someone's DREAMS of YEARS or NORMALcy and inducing ANXIETY with your INCEL babbling about how much chaotic profit driven lawless intl. reign pharma companies have had in the given situation and comparing it to shit and results that west german pharma companies did covertly in east germany w/ the blessing of those commie bureaucrats


because just because YOU don't have anything anything to look forwards to doesn't mean OTHERS don't and DON'T DARE to fuck it up and poison the mood and the inherent systemic trust which must be PROTECTED above all at all costs because that would undo the great work and positivity wagie magnum opus (towards that car or promotion or vacation or countryside house) somehow




One of my sisters - 40yo with 3 kids and 5 investment properties or something, has worked all her life as a teacher and has a tradie husband, has showed signs she's "feeling the pinch" - was going easy on Christmas presents this year (I'm not involved in any of that either giving or receiving). Seems like a canary in the coal mine.


give me convenience or give me death


>feeling the pinch
Inflation is something else atm.

>canary in the coal mine.

Hopefully not.


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Jeffrey Epstein: A Little Golden Book Biography



No Refunds.


You're going to die either way. The proper term should be sacrifice. Like burnt offerings or a holocaust. This feels very biblical.

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