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Why are billionaires building bunkers?

Take your bets folks
World War Terminus, another pandemic due to biological warfare, or do they think, Bolshevik style, that the population is going to be angry enough to come after them and even their own private guard won't protect them?





If it's going to cause any tumours it is going to do them in the pancreas
I fucking hate ozempic.


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These people taking it atm are the lab rats. Confirmed.


Type 2 Diabetes is literally curable through diet and exercise most of the time. How is this allowed? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


No it's lifelong for most people, it's the prediabetic stage that can be reversed usually. That's why I keep telling the Double D's to stop eating so much sugar before it's too late for them and that it's better to be overweight from overeating animal products, nuts and legumes instead of sugary foods and carbs, but they won't listen because they don't want to be mansplained.


electric cars run on good feelings
and great vibes


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Apparently a fugly tattoo is another side effect


angel wings


Bariatric surgery should also be illegal. It's as gross as tranny surgery. It kills a ton of women but lolbertarians believe businesses and people should do whatever they want even if their fraudulent claims of low medical risks kill their patients. Corporate news cites faulty studies that greatly underreport deaths that were as a result complications from bariatric surgery, and they especially love to cite the "American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery" (ASMBS) which is like asking Big Tobacco if smoking is safe. Daily Mail seems to not be bought off by Big Pharma (they're instead bought off by Israel and Big Oil) so they're more willing to report stories on deaths from surgeries or vaccines, whereas NBC maintains it is safe and effective even though Elvis Presley's daughter died from it and cites ASMBS.



Unfortunately, I actually knew this and went down this rabbit hole and read into it (it's fucking horrifying and there are so many elderly people wasting away needlessly), because my retarded boomer manager at work did a sleeve to herself because they lie to women (and also that whole generation of people think a pill can fix anything) and I was worried for her. But hey, trust the science. A bariatric surgeon would never have any financial investment in doing that to you over diet and exercise, of course.


Progress has been made but her upper legs are still way too fat. She needs to do some lower body lifting.
Just don't eat. How fucking hard is it not to gorge yourself on shit like a fatass? Women are fat because they eat way too much.


there are more fat men than fat womyn. but womyn are more likely to do these crayzee surgeries


This youtube influencer "JayzTwoCents" who covers PC tech stuff destroyed his body with gastric bypass surgery. In recent years he's become severely anemic and he mentioned his hematologist told him poor iron absorption is one of the long-term side effects of this surgery and iron supplements have hardly helped at all with his iron levels


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Amerilards would rather risk going blind with a weight loss drug instead of cutting carbohydrates and sugar from their diet.


It's a nation of addicts. And they blame other countries for their own fentanyl addiction.


I looked into this just now and apparently it can cause NAION (non arteritic ischaemic neuropathy), but people who have diabetes and fat people also are at risk of developing NAION relative to the general population. I can't find anything about
any mechanism of action Ozempic/semaglutides in and of themselves that would cause NAION (not that there wouldn't be, drugs do odd shit all the time).


Oh wow...


Doesn't Ozempic hollow your bones out as well lol

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