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File: 1705864424098.jpg (18.01 KB, 240x240, avatars-000019123531-7npufc….jpg)


Another day spent in my thoughts
>disgusting identity
>low inhib
>disgusting world
>low inhib

I wish hitler would have won instead of these fucking ameritards and british mutts, maybe people like me being killed off is not a bad thing... just dont rub it in my face, my unreasonable self preservation will get me defensive.


#metoo tbh


I'd just assume that girl in the OP is your mother :P


Build Ye Squad


i don't leave my house except for work and groceries
it's all pretty hopeless



how 2 stahp neldom
pls halp


Become gay chud-chewing nigger-cattle like Avid.



become cumbrained narcissist manchild like you


File: 1709483107482.jpg (40.6 KB, 1280x720, ugly goblin retard.jpg)

this is you lol, I automatically win irregardless of anything you might say to me

stay goblin, you look like what an AI would produce after using the prompts

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