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is mein kampf actually worth reading?


Obviously yes if you're planning on being anything other than a moron in your life.


what is the best translation?


If you are redpilled already, not really. If you want to learn more about the third reich and the man himself it is mandatory reading.


alright I've been getting around to reading it

been ignoring gf for days to get around to finishing it
is there smth wrong with me h-heh


/pol/ said this "dalton translation" is the best
found audiobook of it here


>is there smth wrong with me
yes. you listen to /pol/'s advice, and you keep doing the fake stutter online
that being said, i started reading it but got bored after he kept talking about himself instead of talking bout dem jooz. i think that was on part 2 tho


the book is called "MY struggle" for a reason


well, ‘’my struggle’’ was actually tryin to finish the dam book



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I don't read bookerinos so i wouldn't know LOL


swastika anon is a cuck for the white man


we can tell, babbytalk noncemong


Yes. It is very good and memorable. Many quotable parts, many deep lessons.



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