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File: 1706679802739.png (204.58 KB, 635x634, atheist34768576.png)


Atheism is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society.


Atheism doesn't exist.


File: 1706727503652.webp (58.96 KB, 1440x1188, Screenshot_20240131-125750.webp)


not /new/


File: 1706841597489.png (34.63 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png)


I pray to my own pagan diety


religion is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society


e-pilates is a based exercise for a li' giraffe with his head in the trees.


File: 1708917040700.jpg (105.77 KB, 432x434, 1421860005633.jpg)


trips of truth


religion vs atheism debate is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society


>Cain Martel
>Main Cartel?


File: 1709239702381.mp4 (1.01 MB, 426x366, 1707676008201.mp4)


I didn't come up with the name Cain Martel, I "stole" it from someone's facebook profile. I'm pretty sure it wasn't his real name. I think it's derived from a retired hockey player named "Kaine Martell"

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