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Atheism is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society.


Atheism doesn't exist.


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not /new/


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I pray to my own pagan diety


religion is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society


e-pilates is a based exercise for a li' giraffe with his head in the trees.


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trips of truth


religion vs atheism debate is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society


>Cain Martel
>Main Cartel?


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I didn't come up with the name Cain Martel, I "stole" it from someone's facebook profile. I'm pretty sure it wasn't his real name. I think it's derived from a retired hockey player named "Kaine Martell"


Many religions have crap philosophies. For example, ‘the enemies of a believer are his family members’ it is from Christianity, it's stupid.


Dysgenics is the real issue.

I can have multiple personalities and one can be an atheist, another a deist, another a pantheist, another a panentheist, and they can take turns possessing me and I can learn from all of their different points of view and gain a transcendent level of understanding.

It's stagnation, decay, degeneracy, stupidity, etc. all brought on by the good people dying in wars and other bullshit while the dysgenic filth get their reproduction subsidized that is ruining the world.

Intelligent and superior people just do more for an ideology, a society, and everything else they touch. Intelligence is like a Mida's touch that makes everything better. Reading the unintelligible drivel of the masses of shitskins, women, and egalitarians every day on the internet as I sift through the shitheap in search of pearls of wisdom makes me hate that inferior people are allowed to even have a voice on the internet. I remember when the internet was just white men of privileged background and it was better than. Back then I genuinely believed I was just average, because I was only surrounded by intelligent people. Now I see how fucking STUPID the masses are that they've gained access to the internet and I hate it because I don't want to feel important, I don't want to feel superior, and I don't want to feel an obligation to society to continue my lineage. I just want to pursue spiritual things and to commit suicide, but I can't leave this world to be inherited by such filth as have come to completely dominate it. Now I'm obligated to live on and try to put up with a woman's stupidity in order to have a family and ensure that the world still has a few superior types in it and it doesn't all just get engulfed in a sea of uncomprehending shitskin primitives dressed in human clothing.


It is a pity that asatru does not call for abstinence from alcohol and tobacco, it would strengthen minds, and prevent early deaths. a lot of families break up because of alcoholism. In Viking times they drank beer 1-2% degrees of alcohol, and it was much safer than unboiled well water. So drinking beer with 1-2% alcohol in Viking times was a wise decision.


>>Intelligence is like a Mida's touch that makes >>everything better.

Golden words. Intelligence and the ability to speak and communicate is the main difference between humans and chimpanzees.
I read in a book that Homo erectus walked on two legs but couldn't talk. A controversial statement, hard to prove and hard to disprove.


>>Atheism is the worst thing that can possibly plague a >>society.

If people are killing each other because the names of god are different, the stories about god are different, that doesn't help the progress of humanity in the name of the imperium of humanity either.


Abrahamic religions are a cancer upon humanity


Christianity is particularly amusing. It says, you are allowed to taste alcohol, you are allowed to drink alcohol, as a consequence of this, a person becomes a drunkard, an alcoholic. And then Christianity says, it is a sin to be an alcoholic.
It's funny and sad.


>I consider myself an expert in Christianity because I've never read The Bible and instead gaining all of my 'knowledge' of the topic from watching jewish goyslop TV shows and movies and from going to atheist secular (yet still oddly fervent about promoting israel and the holocaust narrative) public school

Why is this attitude so commonplace?


Why did Jesus Christ get circumcision, since those people created in God's image have foreskins. Does this mean that Jesus Christ was not from the God-Creator?

In the church they use communion with wine, and say it is the blood of Jesus Christ, why is this communion made to the hypostasis of a drunken Jesus Christ?

Christianity for centuries lured good people into the church and monasteries, from this they left no offspring and died childless, spoiling the gene pool of mankind.
Was it Jesus Christ who wanted the gene pool of mankind to become worse?


Christianity calls the murder weapon the life-giving cross, although it was the cross that killed Jesus Christ, and it was the cave, the life-giving cave, resembling the shape of a woman's uterus, that raised him up.

What does Carlson living on the roof look like to Jesus Christ? They both promised to come back and flew away, never to return.

Jesus Christ had no wife, had no children, by this he sets a bad example to man.

Jesus Christ was offered to rule a region on planet Earth, but he refused, is this behaviour worthy of a ruler?


".it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven."
Matthew XIX, 24, Luke XVIII, 25]

Do not gather for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves pry and steal,
Matthew 6:19

Christianity is incompatible with capitalism; it calls for the non-accumulation of capital.


Christianity with its cheap philosophy was a tool of the Jews to destroy the Roman state. That is why the evil spirits who dwelt in pigs were given the name Legion, and legion has been a division of the Roman army. The life of a prosperous Roman soldier Ephstathius Plakida was spoilt by his conversion to Christianity from Hellenismus.


Christianity describes Judas with the silver coins, and has a doctrine about the sin of collecting silver coins. And in ancient times, for the common man, not a nobleman, gold coins were not available, and if you do not collect silver coins, you will be left with copper. Copper coins fell in value faster than silver coins. The advice not to collect silver in ancient times was a terrible, harmful economical advice.

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