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Is there anyone who know about crypto like bitcoin, ethereum, solana or so on?

If so show me your portfolio anon! Be honest!


I have like 60k BAT
I genuinely think the browser is good
I like the idea behind the crypto's use-case
I just don't think anyone really gives a shit about it and I can't really blame them


You mean to say that you have 19,000$ worth of BAT token crypto?


300k doge
85 LTC
2 ETH (sold most of it because its shit)



I wish I could get only 1.5k$ anon, I could complete my university admission. You are lucky anon


tough shit, go beg somewhere else poorfag


>I have like 60k BAT
It's intredasting because in the last 5 years BAT has increased 63% whereas gold increased 62%, and SPY (SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust) increased 86%.

The main problem with BAT is that it seems to be reliant on growth in the Brave's monthly active users. You're betting that it will consistently peel away enough users from Chrome and Firefox. I think this growth will stagnate sooner than the number of people in the world who will want to bet against the US dollar (by investing in gold for example). The other problem with BAT unlike with decentralized cryptocurrencies is that you're putting faith in a relatively new British company called Uphold that they will actually allow you to withdraw your BAT into cash, and they or Brave have the power to deny you that ability (e.g. https://community.brave.com/t/brave-says-uphold-wallet-isnt-verified-uphold-says-it-is/386707 https://www.reddit.com/r/BATProject/comments/10ynzbh/cannot_earn_bat_tokens_anymore_on_my_brave/ ).





shut up poorfa, you're just salty because you didn't buy in when it was all cheap so now you're left out LOL


>t. bag-holder


>t. bag



....i mean I am anon. I'll admit it. I am salt.


Oh no no no HDVbros we got too cocky



Since it's only 50 drones that Iran sent (Russia used about 4000 in their war)... buy the dip?

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