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File: 1712261046428.jpeg (47.74 KB, 700x525, Untitled.jpeg)


Send back every single spic to Mexico. Yes, even the ones who "came in legally", and yes, even the "based and trad" ones.


send the earth into the sun at one hundred trillion miles per second


>surrounded by hapa and japanese p*ssy
>gets buck broken by some gay space nigga instead
What the hell did they mean wit dis


I personally skip through the scenes with shinji and asuka, they are the worst fucking parts of NGE, shinji just cries like a beta faggot and asuka is an annoying narc dipshit


File: 1712437845405.jpg (201.58 KB, 515x725, 4ef5fce0d926165a7c2f042c081….jpg)

Asuka is perfect, how dare you.


she's fucking shit wtf, she's easily one of the worst aspects of NGE, next to shinji crybaby faggot and that sentient penguin

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