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File: 1713706618836-0.mp4 (13.22 MB, 640x360, Work!.mp4)

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At what point does work become a substitute for living? Is that the only purpose there is to people in this day and age? Apparently all you do is acquire wealth and buy goods and services which seems to be the driving force for almost the majority of inhabitants in the U.S. "The American Dream" is the concept of purchasing a house and a piece of land with your earnings and that somehow proves you're a good person and a worthy member of society.
If you look at the technological progress that started with computers, everything is being automated at a speed unprecedented in history. Wait another 400 years and there will be no need for any human manual labor because you can let machines do everything for you and the ultimate ramification will be that money becomes useless since wages are only needed to incentivize competition among humans.

Work itself and monetary status become obsolete. What is the purpose of life when all the jobs are not needed anymore?


>If you look at the technological progress that started with computers, everything is being automated at a speed unprecedented in history.
Automation is often used as an excuse to hire less people, but is it actually practical to apply it in most situations? Not really. Global competition is what's saturating jobs more than anything, and in a lot of cases it's a sad race to the bottom.

>Wait another 400 years and there will be no need for any human manual labor because you can let machines do everything for you and the ultimate ramification will be that money becomes useless since wages are only needed to incentivize competition among humans.

I don't know to what extent, but I would wager that within 400 years technology will have regressed substantially enough that the future is going to look like some bizarre alternate reality version of our present. Maybe there won't even be anyone manufacturing ICs.


A lot of jobs are bullshit to begin with, like most all government jobs that don't involve or are adjacent to physically removing violent criminals or pouring concrete. We basically have an entire apparatus dedicated to making sure people (like single female boomers) have access to adequate amounts of money while expecting very little in actual labor returns from them.

A lot of things can be automated but not everything. The idea of machines performing every conceivable task (including servicing other machines) all the way down to the like, microscopic level is just silly. If you've ever been to a mid-sized grocery store lately you could see how often the self-checkout machines run afoul of technical issues and there's no sign that won't be a problem in the future with any similar thing. It's commonly believed that the reliability and quality of both digital technology and analog machines has gone down over time rather than up, so I feel like this automation utopia is a pleasant thought but ultimately wishful thinking.

As people have gotten dumber we've become a lower trust society too, so delivery of sweatshop goods via unmanned drone or vehicle isn't really reliable. I don't know what the future holds, and work sucks (I know) but I don't know what alternative awaits us.


>automation utopia is a pleasant thought but ultimately wishful thinking

You're missing the point. It's not about 100% automation. Sooner or later you'll reach the stage when technology is so advanced that you can eliminate a large amount of unnecessary jobs and menial labor. Even if you have 30% left, some people have to do the coding and have the knowledge of repairing machines, you will have too many humans around that can't be hired or employed because there is no viable need for it.
So then the question is: do we need more humans or do we need more quality in life?


That much is true, the population is on an unsustainable trajectory, there was never meant to be ten billion of us, even 1 billion is a lot. Scrooge in a Christmas Carol lamented the teeming masses of the "surplus population" in the mid 1800s and there was less than a billion people worldwide then, less than 250 million across NA and Europe combined. To think that there'd be 8 times that many 150~ years later is crazy. It's noteworthy that most billionaire's vision of an ideal future don't include favelas with billions of violent, seething 80 IQ poorfags in them


>It's noteworthy that most billionaire's vision of an ideal future don't include favelas with billions of violent, seething 80 IQ poorfags in them
Not publicly at least.


You just described everything wrong with neoliberal/Keynesian economics.

>If you look at the technological progress that started with computers, everything is being automated at a speed unprecedented in history. Wait another 400 years and there will be no need for any human manual labor because you can let machines do everything for you and the ultimate ramification will be that money becomes useless since wages are only needed to incentivize competition among humans.

This will never happen unless Keynesianism as a system of economics is abolished/changes to incorporate other schools.

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