>Also, I shit you not, I genuinely believe that they are rampant on 4chan.
Makes me think posters who write "tl;dr" in response to a relatively short post are not trolling, they're just genuine illiterate retards.
>>5817>Says tl;dr >but actually reads it. >Absolutely devilish. Or
>Says tl;dr >Ignores what you said.>Wants to troll, aggravate, upset, bully, interact with (you).>It worked.>They hate (you).>They rustled (you)'re jimmiez for the lulz.>(you) keep interacting with them.>They won.>Thanks for the loosh mundane.>Get rekt.or
>Damn.>You really posted a lot.>Don't have time to read all of that.>Need the short version of it.>Ain't nobody got time for that. >Reads the long version later, if they have the time and actually want to. >If the short version gave satisfactory info and it's not worth the effort...the tl;dr version will suffice. Tl;dr version can in fact be asked for. If something is too long and you'd like the short run down instead, some people will in fact abide and hand over the goods.
>>5820>illiterate People can speak in memes, (you) know? Do (you) know that? Do (you) understand what I'm talking about? Is it going over (you)r head? Are (you) not comprehending it?
I literally had this happen about an hour ago and almost fell into the void of wasting time trying to explain what I was saying. People are retarded.
>>5834>ALMOSTcongrats! You stopped yourself!
>>5819>>5818They might not know what an acronym is, but they use plenty of them. Their problem is their low attention span and comprehending the point of what they're reading, not that they can't read. They could read a paragraph, but they can't digest its meaning.
>>5820Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company. I have no reason to assume it's a joke. If you're laughing your head off thinking people are angry because you're pretending to be a retard, I have bad news for you:
not only are they unlikely to be all that angry about your reply in particular, but you probably are an actual moron, who's using "trolling" as an excuse for your own ignoranceIt actually does make me angry to think about what low-effort "trolling" has done to internet discourse though. Why is there so little original content on image boards? Why can't you discuss anything with a shred of depth anymore? Because we let retards run rampant and it disincentivized putting any effort into posting what-so-ever. We used to like tl;dr posts on /new/. Imageboards had quality essays and lengthy debates with sources once.
>>5828Read the 2 bullet points right after that.