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do some of you guys think that most palestine supporters are over exaggerated (?) or overreacting? like the impulsive strike days, i dont know they just sound annoying to me kekek


>muh paleshits are annoying, amrite goyim? xddd


I don't believe everything shitholers cry about, even if it's against Jews. Then again, there was an estimated 400K civilian casualties in the 2 decades we spent in Iraq and Afghanistan LOL!





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It's the same psyop pantomime, you'd have to be a midwit not to see it.
>Gl*ws/f*ds and their Lockheed Martin handlers blow up more babies in the Middle East
>Disseminate it to complete losers (think Portland antifa types) who have no sway in society and are not functional, normal acting people
>Put their own anti-white crap on it that has no relevance to 2024 and happened 200 years ago (it's just like when the Aboriginals/Natives were genocided 200 years ago!)
>Get said lolcows to make it about disseminated causes 'but there non-binary people in Palestine too! I bet they have basket weaving cat cafes just like in Brunswick! Slava Ukraini! These magic Slavs are just like your inner city kombucha drinker!')
The neocons will then play to the same psyop because they are chickenhawks and Trotskyites, so they'll love it. And the dance dances on until you see babies blown to smithereens on Instagram and your taxes pay for it, and there's nothing you can do because the issue isn't resolved.
Problem is, they run into a bit of trouble when people start to notice spook tactics and you get Joe Public also starting be like 'hang on a minute, I don't really want my taxes paying for this either, you can't really turn babies blown to smithereens and Christians who have absolutely nothing to do with the conflict into Hamas terrorists'.




I hope they all kill each other. Fuck the entire middle east


I don't disagree with that sentiment.


Everyone who is White and not sympathetic to some form of higher, Aryan ideals at this point in time is genetic detritus that the sooner its dead the better


you seem troubled


you seem NEL


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>you seem troubled


you cared enough to reply


you cared enough to NEL


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>you cared enough to reply


im anglo though


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anglo, kike, whats the difference?


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*interrupts your path*

the real pure jews are the snowniggers. then their swamp dwelling cousins. finally, the island bred jews are their footsoldiers.


Half of Europeans are jewish?


smiley copeposting


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not your e-bf, angloid dog


c-can you be?


shut up KIKE you dont belong here




litsa nee breces


You're gonna be the one that saves me & after all you're my wonder wall.


I can save xer bros


denel plen

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