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File: 1716139207840.webp 47.9 KB, 1420x946, 00Rr9dd6l2dr-vPOoTmt7CsdzS….webp


I Think this website needs more boards like 4chan or 8chan,but hey,that's just my opnion!


not news politics or history


There's literally like 5 people


we need a /nel/ board


retard sheriff


File: 1717921063518.jpg 30.53 KB, 640x346, myroom.jpg

le cancer man posters have arrived


Nobody fucking uses this website


Then go back to 4chan, faggot


This site needs 1 board. /new/ should not have been remade. I have no idea what HDV was thinking and he has yet to explain.


add fringe that's all


so people can talk about shit that doesnt exist?

grow up


>shit that doesnt exist
kinda like that clit you call a penis lol


youre the one obsessed with me


>omg u replied 2 me ur like so obsessed haha wow im dilating


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the irony of posting this in response to me when you're the retard bringing up imaginary obsessions. try reading comprehension next time, champ.


File: 1719524382838.gif 691.2 KB, 340x198, troon.gif

>the irony of posting this in response to me when you're the retard bringing up imaginary obsessions. try reading comprehension next time, champ.




boring soyteen faggot clown


File: 1719599300696.gif 2.43 MB, 600x338, exploding troon.gif

>boring soyteen faggot clown


>h-heh l-l-look at this crude shitty cartoon i drew. it's totally you... s-so can you pin it on the fridge for me dad? please?


said noone ever


yeah because soyteens never met their dads (unless they live with two at the same time)




that is what your mom and the doctor (homeless crack addict) you were delivered by said when you were born, but not your dad because he wasnt present lol


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kill yourself


File: 1719701613462.gif 2.96 MB, 320x180, u r brown.gif

no thts u


File: 1719708751767.jpg 81.89 KB, 660x778, BROWN.jpg

I know (You) are, but what am I?


/new/ btw


im rubber ur glue whatever u say ur brown ur poop stains ur skin i win


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i can smell you from here, brownoid.


File: 1720749022987.gif 67.54 KB, 200x200, nerd sniff.gif

>i can smell you from here, brownoid.





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