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ongoing troonout in the free and open source software (TM) world, classical-libs and techbro meritocracy btfo, corporate & govt infrastructure backing free and open source software (TM) communities (TM) btfo


dunno maybe these people only need to be encouraged to act as unhinged and be as annoying and as much liability to have around as possible

help them, give them like lists of things to raid and spam and maintainers with careers and families to bother

so they scuff shit like docker, podman, homebrew, ansible and other shit that the corpos depend on


nixos due to it's recent success is in the 'kind of important but not irreplaceable' category, some mid size firms must have adapted it to run their servers.

getting rid of the long-term maintainer dinosaurs in any programming team is costly beyond belief.

usually that's the 1 guy who originally made it and knows how the entire sphagett (and it's "deprecated" versions in use everywhere) hold together while the rest of 'contributors' know something like a third of it, even worse for something big-big like mysql

>tfw a zoom call of someone explaining that it is concerning how enthusiastically new top guy of the big 3rd party software library the company depends on "purges" the "nazi people", to liquidate them class traitor crackas from their own dev team and that it will cost a lot to migrate to something else


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there's a grown guy older than me with neckbeard roleplaying as 80s scifi coreasmhexdump cybernetic glitch-net-warior on "chaos.social"


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For free software advocates NixOS isn't considered free software as it contains binary blobs in the default kernel. Binary blobs are 'open source' but signed with encryption by the manufacturer so you can't modify and run it on hardware without using their private keys. You can't even be certain that the source code provided is what was used to produce the binaries.

Some attempts at reverse engineering those binary blobs have been successful but it takes a lot of work.


the irony is that, by acting this way, trannies are making people hate them if they already hadn't.


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GNOME Project GitHub Discord Soviet Workers District Democratic Committee is currently having a spergout and a shoot-on-sight policy bout some elected project manager sharing a fascist (((âœĄïžLunduke (HEBREW, JEWISHâœĄïž)))) authored article, mentioning the (((âœĄïžLunduke (HEBREW, JEWISHâœĄïž)))) is insta-ban, objections are insta-ban, saying anything is insta-ban, these people are completely on the edge and openly hostile and paranoid about everyone around them not passing their virtue-checks

Well, huh, there is a recurring theme of extremely aggressive, divisive and offensive public communications in "Open Source Software(TM) Companies" like that


>these people are completely on the edge and openly hostile and paranoid about everyone around them not passing their virtue-checks

BTW I like it, it gets more hardcore every time one of these situations gets brought up.

Outside of the internet, most of these people's relatives must be "fascists" that need to be purged because of their outdated 2008 beliefs.


>elected project manager sharing

I misread, it's currently about the Manjaro distro GNOME package maintainer sharing an article about GNOME not disclosing info on banning an elected project manager whatever


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