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search operators like "site:" reportedly don't work with politically themed searches fo sum users

you WILL be gaslighted. this is normal and not weird. there is no implication. this is nothing like china or nkorea. you were supposed to be presented select list of obviously only handpicked and hardcoded results only on certain topics.


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everything is a subject of controversy to the tech-jannies


Oftentimes busybodies without notable contributions are the ones raising fusses.


proprietary projects have managers chad ron stacy bryce mark to tardwrangle the overgrown 2000s counterstrike anime web forum power-tripping tismos swiftly, but not the foss


None of the search operators work on google anymore. The website is broken and has been for years.

Use yandex.


File: 1724730311325.jpg 479.6 KB, 2054x1450, NEL.gov.jpg

I tried that and only got .gov results

Whats the meaning behind all this

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