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File: 1732187554347.jpg 292.19 KB, 640x607, 1732179702112882.jpg


Looks like you've gotten yourself quite comfortable over here.
Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.


I can't even pretend like I expect something to happen, because nothing ever happens.


nukes literally aren't real


File: 1732643968769.png 46.84 KB, 600x1038, heh.png


File: 1732661454814.png 7.62 KB, 600x170, did i stutter.png

checkmate, chud


Who are these people?


Literal whoms from twitter. The website is a cult.


File: 1732809388217.jpg 57.61 KB, 455x719, Gddn6Y.jpg

what's the rationale for this


Whites killing each other is bad, semites killing each other is good.


the french are so fucking gay man i swear to allah


File: 1733241637536.jpg 78.49 KB, 600x425, candace-jewstralia-jew-zeal….jpg

are jews worth more than niggers in the oppression olympics?

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