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It's actually very easy to answer why this is happening: no more 'war games' or LARPing with feel good advertisements. They want the most able, fit and competent people in the military with no infighting.

I'm not saying a draft will happen, but I am saying that the US (and their allies, thanks for the bases at Darwin, cunts) are preparing for the possibility being greater than 0%.


shut up retard


If they want fit, competant people, a draft is going to accomplish the exact opposite of that.


I'm not about to agree to sending my brother off to die in some foreign land because it makes your dick tingle when Trump says bigly or something.


Your brother's trans?


>incoherent ESL "zinger"
If he were, I wouldn't have to worry about him being drafted under Zion Don, would I? Go get drafted yourself, champ.


No one wants you to agree to a draft here, anon, myself included. I think if a draft were implemented it wouldn't matter which President it's under, because there would be forces far greater and richer than Trump doing it.


This heh


>plans to

nothing will happen


Pretty much this.

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