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Syria has fallen to US-backed Al-Qaeda rebels, Russia has given up with Putin making the calculation that protecting Syria is not in his oligarch buddies' best interests, says he's "not interested in maintaining an empire" and is pushing for "diplomatic solution between the warring parties"



Al-Qaeda and Isis, who never attack Israel for some reason, appear out of nowhere and rush Syria immediately during a supposed cease fire between Israel and its regional enemies, and do so with US backup (American planes took out multiple columns of Iraqi fighters heading to Syria's aid) as well as sudden proficiency with combat drones.


Who benefits:

1. Israel

The US/UK will flip their script some time in the future and say these "moderate rebels" are Islamic terrorists, giving Israel the green light to invade and annex parts of Syria for their Greater Israel project.

2. Turkey

Turkey is allied with Al-Qaeda (rebranded as HTS) so they will have advantageous trade deals with them.

3. Europe/NATO

The Qatar-Turkey pipeline is back on the table, ensuring further energy security for Europe.

4. US dollar / US arms industry

Russia is shown to be unreliable as a military ally similar to them fleeing Afghanistan in the 80s, extending the dollar's dominance as world's reserve currency and deals with US defense contractors. This may also embolden US-backed rebels in other parts of the world to overthrow Russia-aligned countries like Iran, Georgia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and others.


>says he's "not interested in maintaining an empire
Wasn't he basically saying Ukraine is Russian clay because muh history in his lecture to Cucker Tarlson? I don't particularly hate Russia, but I also don't buy the two eastern powers being against dominating others. I am positive either China or Russia would love to fill the shoes of the US and become the beloved child of the kikes. I know the Chinese are frank about the jew's nature, but it seems they also admire jews for that very reason.


"lol wasn't us" and "peace through strength" does seem to trick most of his dumbass supporters


Assad's plane was shot down trying to flee the country in the direction of Iraq, either by Russian or Murrican forces. So ends Assad the Lion. It's wacky how quickly all of this went down. Turkey from the north, Kurds/Murrica from the west, Israel from the south. Shit was calculated, aimed at weakening Putin over Ukraine.


>Assad's plane was shot down
to be confirmed


I agree that Zion Don is just posturing here. We were actively involved in this invasion. Apart from the "rebels" employing combat drones (likely Israeli in origin, possibly even operated), we supplied air support cutting off reinforcements to Syria



Bet his wife and children were with him as well, brutal. Reading the Guardian article about this situation and how they talk about Assad being so terrible because people were being locked up for social media posts has me laughing considering it's a British rag; you can be assured that they're all smiles when such things are done there.

I guess we're going to see how humane Isis and Al Qaeda are in comparison to Assad huh


>bri'ish media criticising others for people being locked up for social media posts
brits disgust me




>turks take half of syria
>kurds take the other half
>turks start fighting the kurds
>the fucking kikes bomb both sides and push out the turks as they invade southern syria to make a "buffer zone"
It's all gone to shit now. U.S. is trying to stop the Turks and Kurds from fighting but it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.


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the God Emperor hath decree'd.

We ride at dawn.






Well that's surprising news. Everything I was reading was suggesting his plane went down. Good for him.


ASSAD LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Israel continues invading southern syria while the dumb fuck Kurds have apparently found themselves abandoned by Murrica who helped them snag half of Syria initially. Turkish forces are invading Kurdish gains and the Kurds are demanding the U.S. to help them to no response. How embarrassing. Stupid subhumans.


These niggas really thought that the US was supporting them for their benefit



kek, kurds btfo


But it's, al-assad

Is this gonna come out in preschool? Must I start tattooing my unborn, unfit, undestined, unplanned, unexistent spe- uhm, baby2b, in case this is in test?
I mean, there was math. Kindergarten.


Kurds = turds. Tom Kratman in his columns has claimed to have worked quite extensively with the Kurds in the years between Desert Storm and 9/11. It is not too strong a word to say that he despises them. He has nothing good to say about them. All the propaganda you were fed about "muh fearless Kurdish guerrillas" was horseshit. They're inbred, cowardly, and inept. They dislike Moslems, but they hate Christians far more. They also hate America and Americans, though as long as the money was flowing they didn't say it out loud very much. Saddam's army of inbred IQ-55 conscripts, who had just months prior shat themselves, thrown down their rifles, and ran away as soon as they saw American troops, spent years beating them like they owned them, and that was with non-trivial American support. If they're all about to win a collective Darwin Award, I will shrug. "And nothing of value was lost!"


>now that syria is turkey's clay, turkey sets out to start the pipeline between qatar and europe
>while also saying they're willing to help train syria's new army
>while also saying that they consider the kurds an illegitimate government and plan to eventually remove them
>kurdistan STILL thinks that the u.s. will defend them and have put up the murrican flag in some places
>israel seems to have stopped pushing, whether this has anything to do with some governments actually speaking out against their invasion is anyone's guess


Israel can't project force. They need their army close to home to put down domestic insurgencies and rebellions. At any given time they can only deploy a small number of their soldiers abroad.

But yeah, serves the kurds right. There's a reason America is known as the great satan in that region of the world. Satan is the great deceiver and you'd be a fool to trust him.

>phantasm's ancestors



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After having bombed ammo depots, Israel is just gobbling up southern Syrian clay and nobody's doing a fucking thing to stop them. Meanwhile, Turkey is prepping to assault the Kurds from the north and nobody's doing anything to stop them either.


*does le "not my problem" dance*


>turkey refuses to have diplomatic talks with the kurds
>they've outright called the new syria their puppet state
>murrica has completely abandoned them
>several towns have been taken and the city of raqqah is next
>kurds are still holding the line along the euphrates and the turks have been unable to push past manbij

And then a turkey explodes down from your ceiling, and as it's pecking your eyes out you'll be screaming "why didn't I care more about Syria?!" but it'll be too late.


how embarrassing


Chad kurdish cock penetrating the bum of the turk.


i was reading these are basically Turkish armed and trained forces who consolidated all the rebel groups together. I'm sure there is some Al-Qaeda there, but I don't think it's what we saw in 2014.

interesting take. I haven't seen anything as compelling of a pitch until this


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With USAID terrorist funding dried up. Pro-Assad Forces have retaken Syria and given Israel and Turkey the boot. LOL

We are so back



It's just the coastal Alawite region. Might become an eternal civil war like Myanmar or Libya.


Admittedly I jumped the gun, yeah.

That said, it's hard not to sympathize with the "actual" resistance here. Assad may have been a dictator but we all knew that whoever he was going to be replaced with by the west was just going to be as bad or worse than whatever he was accused of being. Hard to tell how much of the press against him was pure propaganda also


Without being on the ground it's hard to say. He does seem like a tin pot dictator who enriched himself at the expense of his country, judging from his palace. Even if the CIA fomented it the revolt against him does seem popular as well.

On the other hand, he's an enemy of Israel, which makes him a friend to humankind. It's also hard not to cheer for the guy who has given zog a bloody nose time and time again.


If ever there was a time for the Kurds to rise up to reclaim land Turkish-Syria nabbed, that time is now. The odds of true Syrians reclaiming their land from Turkey is probably near zero but if Kurdistan acts quick then the Turks can get fucked from two sides. Their control of the country is already jackshit on account of the ease by which Israel has been invading the south. The time is now to fuck the Turks. RISE UP, KURDISTAN.

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