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esotericisim + psychonautics
server and discussion thread


There's multiple things we humans were given by the aeons to free our minds and save our souls,
it's no news. Diphenhydramine, diethylamide, Dextromethorphan, divinorum, datura, whatever. Those can be used to open "portals" as I like to call them,
gates to enter new versions of reality. It's like breaking through the barrier of your mind, there is so much you are missing on if you haven't broken
the barrier yet...Dreams you can manipulate yourself, witness shadow humanoids that scream through your head and the infamous hatman haunting you, and more beyond that point.

(other discussions are welcome)


You're a bottomfeeding parasite.


We all are.


Spoken like someone who doesn't have a job


File: 1733841547133.webm 1022.93 KB, 490x360, it is a mystery.webm

I don't know about all them there chemicals or that there hatman or what the flip hyperspace is, that sounds like some Star Wars HOGWASH, but shadow people are interesting. Lots of people see shadowpeople. I've seen shadowpeople. Maybe it's schizophrenia, maybe mass delirium caused by the brain shorting out and seeing outline patterns that aren't there, maybe they're heckin demons that feed off of mojo.


I think the fact that there's universal hallucinations between 90% of the people on these chemicals. The Hatman is one of them, I view deliriants as the polar opposite to psychedelics.


Spoken like someone who wants to be angry and cynical for no reason.


You're attempting to siphon discussion away from here to your gay little hugbox of sheer faggotry on some glownigger honeypot for zoomer trannies.


There's more trannies on here than in the server, such as yourself.

Having people to speak to actively and maintain discussion is better than faggotized, niggerbrained retards like you polluting the replies.


>n-no u
Impotent and witless comeback LMFAO. If you really think this place is full of trannies, then you're an even bigger retard for trying to recruit new orbiters from here. Goes to show discussing schizo shit in your hugbox would have been a waste of time anyway since you possess an astoundingly low IQ. Stay in your glownigger playpen, kid.


THIEF. now i gotta resuffle. good job creep.


if your dickscord is so good why don't you marry it

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