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Shooter of Criminal CEO Caught, Gamer Nation in Mourning


>a righteous ivory-tower bourgeois revolutionary hero does it for the poors
>an old poor who be eating that mcdicks slop immediately snitches to the coppers
>does not even get the bounty (50k, that's a lot of money for the poors)
>cuz dey aint https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_Stoppers


snitches get stitches


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Yeah, it's beyond fishy. The situation of the guy's arrest is as bizarre and nonsensical as the las vegas shooter, who unscrewed a window from the outside of the building and got the hotel dunnman to bring up 9000 lbs of guns to his room.

They never try hard enough with these glowops. They could at least make it a little bit plausible.


Everything about it seems fucky, yes. He left a backpack in a publicly accessible place and a nigger didn't leap out and steal it before he was even out of sight, did he? In Jew York City? And this backpack, that sat on the ground undisturbed for a week in a public place, conveniently contained his manifesto and other incriminating evidence, all in a neat package tied up with a festive Christmas bow? I don't believe it. I flatly don't believe it.

In the USSR propaganda was deliberately stupid and nonsensical. Part of the motivation was spite, because (((the Party))) was made up almost entirely of individuals from a particular demographic and culture that has always relished melodrama and wallowed in spite, the more elaborate the better.

Part of the reason was that it was very practical, because when people identified themselves as "counterrevolutionary wreckers" by mocking it, this was very convenient for the (((NKVD))), who "disappeared" them.

And part of it was that forcing people to assent to lies humiliates and emasculates them. A people who have been humiliated and emasculated, a people who have been forced daily to nod along and repeat preposterous lies that they know are preposterous lies, is a people who will not organize to resist. Given how many of (((the Tribe))) are in positions of power here, from the financial system to the news and entertainment media to the "organs of state security," and how many of them got off the boat thirty years ago from Russia, well, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots.


and so begins the smear campaign


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Did they get him mixed up with avid?


literally obsessed aren't you, to each their own i guess


shitretard libcuck tried to gunpowderdly max out nick 'the spic' fuentes, thoughts?


Did he just expect the guy to let him in? I guess he got away with it with the other people he killed that night. His neighbors.

Retard kills innocent people only to get turned away from his real target by a locked door and ends up having his life thrown away over it. Fitting end for a low iq schizo retard I suppose, shame about the older couple and dog who had to suffer the consequences.

It really does make the idea of getting a door camera tempting, though I heard they charge a monthly fee to actually use it which is retarded.


did he really kill some random people instead of Nicolaus von Pfuenitz?


libtards cannot into funs and ammunition


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killing randoms is a weird choice

will there be more of em spazzing out

i think most can get out of a hole but convictions which limit sense of a personal agency may lead them elsewhere


anyone who wears dungarees out in public except as work clothes should kill themselves no exceptions


this 'man' looks absolutely ridiculous


Eh, let the guy have his coping mechanism. His life is probably pretty empty and miserable.


where did you get these pictures of me


You look like a ponce. A queer.

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