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Selective abortion seen among Indian diaspora: Indo-Canadian professor


>Toronto: Indo-Canadian professor Prabhat Jha has found that the practice of selective abortion of females in second and third pregnancies is more pronounced among the families in which the mother was born in India but living in Australia, Canada, the UK, or the US.

>Missing girls from selective abortions are contributing to a large deficit of girls within China and India. Jha suggested that understanding the cultural preferences for boys and the fact that such preferences accompany migration could prompt more societal debate and discussion, particularly within India to address the marked demographic deficit of girls.


We're racing to ruin the racial stock of those countries already, so might as well just demographically fuck them all six ways to Sunday. Screw it. West has fallen, billions must die, etc.


this is known, shitistan is fucked, in a lot of cases they abort once they find out the child is a female, I saw one vid on I think liveleak where some streetshitters caught another streetshitter after they just buried their newborn alive, they're disgusting over there

what are your thoughts on the absolute tsnumai of shitters pouring in to Canada?


billions must shit


Pakistan and India are not the same, Pakis don't abort daughters anywhere near as much as Indians, their natal femicide rate (sex selective abortion) is comparable to European countries.

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