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Just read the article you linked...


Rather complicated. Basically Thailand caused it? Kinda confusingly make no sense.


From what I'm reading, the value of Thailand's money fell under what it was worth towards paying off foreign debts. That they were "forced"(?) to pay such debts that they couldn't afford, the trust and value of their money spiraled down the shitter and took other countries down with it.


>>8410 how is that possible? What are they? Uncle shamph?
Its confusing even more because I only experience the 98 session and it's barely international or even national. This one year stretch and thick amount of text about, sublime things.... It's just so unviolent. I guess.


File: 1734990823051.png 69.12 KB, 662x858, 1416814145170.png

>how is that possible?


Well that's a disgusting shin megami tensei/cal of duty collector's edition hat. Eh sorry, offensive. Eh no, I uh, I'm not sure what's this. Dint hear much Jewish influence here.

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