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deranged shitskin immigrant sets innocent woman on fire on the NY subway


incidents like this are only going to get worse once the honeymoon period of being in a new country disappears for these water brained bastards


One of the many pieces of shit (37 of 40 death row inmates at the time) Senile Joe just commuted sentences for is a beaner who raped and assaulted multiple women, including an eight-year-old and nine-year-old (both of whom were also repeatedly stabbed) as well as a naval officer he strangled to death. The only three inmates whose sentences were not commuted are the Boston Bomber, Dylann Roof and Robert Bowers.


the legal and prison system in the US is so corrupt and bureaucratic that it actually somehow costs less to imprison for life than to execute


Don't forget the judge behind the kids for cash scandal, who literally sold children.


I remember that case after you just reminded me of it, heh.
>who literally sold children
I think "literal" could be debated by some pro r/snopes redditard faglord, but I generally don't disagree with you. It was a case of ludicrous corruption anyway (unfortunately not an outlier nor even the worst situation regarding the government's handling of very serious crimes against minors). I haven't read into the commutes much past what I've been shared, so I am surprised this entirely garbage human bean is being spared from death row.
Not saying you're wrong, I honestly don't doubt that you're right, but could you spoonfeed me if there are any resources to illustrate your point? I also understand there might be an invested interest to obfuscate such a point, so it's not like I am trying to discredit you by asking something like this to which you may be unable to provide sufficient data for. I believe that, if you do have a source with convincing data regarding a point you're trying to make regarding the justice system, the situation is probably a lot worse than even official figures let on. If you don't, I still wouldn't rule your point out by any margin.



tl;dr the process for a death penalty case is much longer

regardless of cost and while i oppose the commutations i don't think death penalties should be easily handed out considering how common wrongful convictions are

as for why it's way more expensive than it ought to be even if we assume death penalty cases should naturally cost more than life imprisonment cases, a major reason is by artificially limiting the number of lawyers by inflating the cost of tuition, with the average annual cost for in-state nonprofit law school with hidden fees included (books etc.) being around $30k ( https://www.juriseducation.com/blog/how-much-is-law-school ). compare that with the average annual cost for computer science degree at a in-state public college with hidden fees included being around $15k ( https://www.computerscience.org/degrees/bachelors/online/ ). furthermore death penalty cases in the remaining states they're still being done are only done in a few major cities that naturally have the highest cost of living (e.g. death penalty cases in florida are only done in miami) whereas life imprisonment cases are more spread out so you have a higher pool of lawyers that will charge less


white woman has this comin'


McFucking kill yourself, Thai ladyboy pedophile. You will never make a dime off your monkey scribbles.


>regardless of cost and while i oppose the commutations i don't think death penalties should be easily handed out considering how common wrongful convictions are
Very true. Can't ever have a clean, simple solution because pigs and the justice system in general suck.


sleep sheep, we own the banks!!! :DDD


You own nothing, you're even worse-off due to jewish banking. You're the true loser. Kill yourself.


more NEL from you I see

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