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 No.8447[View All]

defacto POTUS (pic related)

e git em MAGAbucks good

dey git gooded
93 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>multiple industries become completely worthless
Microsoft Windows 11 product with Outlook, Teams and Edge products running uses about 12-14 GB of RAM out of 16GB of RAM.
What do you EVEN MEAN?


Canada's Conservative leader Poilievre demands the racist Liberal party to stop deporting Indian students brought under fake admission letters and to grant them permanent residency





The corpo oligarchs have decided to upgrade woke capitalism to its next form, "based capitalism", and have all thrown in with musk and trump. People somehow shocked that capitalists view political ideologies as a form of product branding.


Musk is the 4th most active user on twitter apparently.


Placating the cattle juuuuuuuust enough for them to enact Noahide laws in 4 years. Grim


America will not survive the next 4 years, and hopefully neither will israel.




ahhh gordon freeman, ive been expecting you


hopefully not death to pissrael


*needful bollywood dance sequence commences*


Gordon doesn't need to hear all this, he's a highly trained professional!


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The golem has been activated.


"Personal Space Invader" by Andrew Jackson Jihad, but performed by Indians


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its cowboys & indians


It's giving this image


I really like that lighting. I can see it was shot in 1989-3-5 in the timestamp.


great photo


>you will never be a timetraveling '02 wigger who teleports w/ his brand new ipod to '85 nippon


fanatical trumptrannies will be weaponized against the right wing spaces to diminish any pushback on this

americans will be completely jewed with a populism sportsball politics coat of paint there to make them receptive to the beatings


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Jesus was a LEGAL


i salute the CONSTITUTION

i salute the LAW

my morals and worldview and rights and wrongs are derived from the LAW because im a bugman


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It's sad, because everything else he did on day 1 far exceeded expectations Even though it's stuff he should have done during his first term, but better late than never I suppose, and the courts might not even let any of it happen LOL, but the Pajeet problem is too big to ignore.



>the Silk Road founder has been freed from prison


reliably facilitating drug markets is just too useful

but if you criticize israel or corporate ceos...


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One wonders what sort of deal with the devil he signed.


Americans are taking fire and eating lead from mexican cartel gangs




>I hope you are native american

me big chief buffalo horn. me have many warriors and the strongest magic.

Heya-hoya heya-hoya.


Apparently raping and torturing their cousins and the settlers to death was "noble" conduct. Too bad they couldn't build anything more complex than a tent. Bet they would love it if Europeans left and took all comforts they introduced (electricity, medicine, plumbing, etc) back with them.


My name is spoken from Wannahuckee Tribe to the Pawnee

I have many scalps


Chief Smokem-If-You-Gottem


Uh, based!?


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Do Ramzpaul and other MIGApedes realize that "merit" is the argument for why white American men should be replaced with cheaper Indian H-1Bs? The argument is that white American men are too retarded, lazy and expensive to be programmers, engineers and doctors whereas Indian men are geniuses who will work for much less. Actually, I would agree with them, white American men, especially cuckservatives, must be pretty retarded for repeatedly falling for lying politicians again and again.


well hey if the option is to choose between retards and retards who shit in the street then the choice seems pretty obvious


Chief of the Crackatinnie tribe

Want some wampum?


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Donald Trump is stacking W's and he hasnt even been in office for a week yet.


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and Columbia responded less than an hour later by completely surrendering to american demands


North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests Ferguson Riots 2017 St. Louis protests Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll Unite the Right rally Charlotte riots Attack on the Sui-ho Dam Milwaukee riots Shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge death of Freddie Gray Shooting of Michael Brown death of Eric Garner, Oakland California Operation Condor Occupy Wall Street My Lai Massacre St. Petersburg, Florida Kandahar Massacre 1992 Washington Heights riots No Gun Ri Massacre L.A. Rodney King riots 1979 Greensboro Massacre Vietnam War Kent State shootings Fire Bombing of Tokyo San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Long Hot Summer of 1967 Selma to Montgomery marches Highway of Death Ax Handle Saturday Battle of Evarts Battle of Blair Mountain McCarthyism Red Summer Rock Springs massacre Pottawatomie massacre Jeju uprising Colfax massacre Reading Railroad massacre Rock Springs massacre Bay view Massacre Lattimer massacre Ludlow massacre Everett massacre Centralia Massacre Ocoee massacre Herrin Massacre Redwood Massacre Columbine Mine Massacre Guantanamo Bay extraordinary rendition Abu Ghraib torture and prison abuse Henry Kissinger


Martin Lucifer Coon


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Thought RFK was going to fix American food? Too bad, goy! A seed oil baroness is head of the USDA.


Mexico and Canada bent the knee yesterday. LOL


Feels more like Trump bent the knee in this case.


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Canada and Mexico were both planning on sending 10,000 troops to the border the whole time?


Yeah, in Canada's case at least the bill to beef up border security was already negotiated during the Biden administration. Nothing has changed.

The concessions Trump got are largely symbolic, and he lost his tariffs that he was bragging would replace the irs.

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