North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests Ferguson Riots 2017 St. Louis protests Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll Unite the Right rally Charlotte riots Attack on the Sui-ho Dam Milwaukee riots Shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge death of Freddie Gray Shooting of Michael Brown death of Eric Garner, Oakland California Operation Condor Occupy Wall Street My Lai Massacre St. Petersburg, Florida Kandahar Massacre 1992 Washington Heights riots No Gun Ri Massacre L.A. Rodney King riots 1979 Greensboro Massacre Vietnam War Kent State shootings Fire Bombing of Tokyo San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Long Hot Summer of 1967 Selma to Montgomery marches Highway of Death Ax Handle Saturday Battle of Evarts Battle of Blair Mountain McCarthyism Red Summer Rock Springs massacre Pottawatomie massacre Jeju uprising Colfax massacre Reading Railroad massacre Rock Springs massacre Bay view Massacre Lattimer massacre Ludlow massacre Everett massacre Centralia Massacre Ocoee massacre Herrin Massacre Redwood Massacre Columbine Mine Massacre Guantanamo Bay extraordinary rendition Abu Ghraib torture and prison abuse Henry Kissinger
>>8753Martin Lucifer Coon
>>8740Mexico and Canada bent the knee yesterday. LOL
>>8815Feels more like Trump bent the knee in this case.
>>8839Canada and Mexico were both planning on sending 10,000 troops to the border the whole time?
>>8855Yeah, in Canada's case at least the bill to beef up border security was already negotiated during the Biden administration. Nothing has changed.
The concessions Trump got are largely symbolic, and he lost his tariffs that he was bragging would replace the irs.
What is more low-brow 3rd-world fat retard-nigger-cattle banal
'Hot Stuff' (a song about being an ebony slut hooked on cocaine) by Donna Summer playing during some pre-election Republican nominations Donald Trump personality cult GOP mass event
'Gruppa Krovi' (a protest song about the draft of young men into the Soviet-Afganistan war) by Viktor Tsoi playing during a Russian state war propaganda mass event
trump has been submissive to elon since the time they compared dicks at maralago
>>8905The T in tgirl stands for Trump. Trump's cute little girldick. Trump wearing a lacy garterbelt for Papa Bibi.
>>8906>>8905You have strange fetishes.
Here's a fresh post on new so the bored busybody faggot can find something else to concern-troll about. Fucking retards.
>>8920You've been a simp loser for so long, what little grey matter you were born with oozed out of your ears long ago.
>>8922I'd guess most of his paypigs are mystery meat mutts like him, which also means most of them are probably living in the US.
>>8922The family values party at work heh.
>>8922Leave HDV Alone (
>>5061)! He's not divorced (yet)!
>>8925I haven't so much as gone on a date in like 4 years it's over dude
>>8926Holy shit hdv lives.
I've used brave for like 6 years, ever since I got fed up with firefox, but I don't think I have any BAT because I keep the adblocker enabled.
bitchy attitude
>>8934>EuropeansThey should probably get used to the idea of paying for their own fratricidal conflicts
strands of /new/gger rapefugee probly under8gb4nned posting from 2010ish have persisted and seeped through different channels and been amplified by glowniggers into a global media world government grifter discourse
its all ur fault kind of
>>8937What did he mean by this?
>>8940old chon /new/ is a large part of why /pol/ exists (sucking users away from 4chan) and /pol/ rhetorics is in part what has shaped dark maga(tm) elom musk corny boomer political shiite of today and the kanye west antisemitism extended universe
>>8941i don't really mean it seriously, but it's funny to think that a decade of persistent shitposting has lead to inadequate white nigger tier retards being put in charge
focus on the brown illegals and their ethnicity in the white house pr AND declaring all major southamerican brown drug cartels terrorist orgs could have something to do with protecting the turf and businesses of buddy russian jews of new yowk. also jeets. nothing to do with benefit for goody two shoes hwhites. his public persona is a caricature of a sleazy mafioznik pretty much, and while i dont think he is a 'russian asset' like some would try to push, in a way he is. jeet asset too.
>>8943(russian 'elite' is just jewish criminals)
>>8943>is <thing> done in benefit of some criminal org?is probly just a good way to view motivations of politicians
>>8941tfw we are the problem
speaking of corny, the late 90s, turn of the millennium media
methodically crashing 2 passenger planes each in one of the exactly same steel and glass dildos and 1 and in the pentagon building without anyone intercepting must be the corniest jewish boomer comedy/schlock bmovie writing tragedy routine ever
but u must understand, at the time they already needed something more unifying, messed up and spooktacular than the mcweigh, waco and columbine
>>8959Like most of the ultra-rich in America, the guy just parrots whichever political position will make him the most money/get the most influence. His only loyalty is to himself. Being a liberal or a nazi or whatever mask he puts on is only an act by a charming sociopath.