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Thirty zoomers kidnapped and beat up a 22 year old massachusetts college student for setting up a date with an 18 year old woman at the same school. Five of them are being charged with assault and kidnapping. Somehow they got it into their heads that this is pedophilia.

What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?

>pic related

The 18 year old woman in question, LOL!


She looks 18 going on 38.


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>What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?
Easy to figure out if you take a look at the media made for them. Also considering the age and region of country it's likely that all involved are on serious mind altering medication and have been from a young age.

These people have scowls on their face unless they're doing drugs, pretending to be happy or experiencing sadistic glee while attacking people.


People keep screaming their head off about "the inevitable legalization of pedophilia", but I would genuinely not be surprised if they raised the AoC at this rate. I honestly don't know where zoomers are getting these sentiments from though.


The things conservatives believe tend to be completely the opposite of reality. The push is toward greater restriction of sex and human intimacy, not greater permissiveness. The system wants people atomized to the most extreme degree possible.

> I honestly don't know where zoomers are getting these sentiments from though.

Apparently right wing "pedo hunting" grifters are popular on tiktok. Wannabe chris hansons basically. Zoomers always just ape whatever is fashionable with e-celebrities (who are controlled by big media conglomerates).


she looks like a turtle


I'm not seeing it.



Advertisers. They spend all their time watching streamers and youtubers who parrot whatever ridiculous social moores that the cabal of dumb fuck advertisers have decided are appropriate, and the zoomer audience ends up integrating those sensibilities. If they see their streamer eceleb friend get angry or upset over a sexy image of a woman then they're going to start getting upset over sexy images of women irl.


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they'll raise the AoC for heterosexual sex to 21 and outlaw age gaps that don't fit inside some arbitrary equation but lower it to 12 for gay sex

blacks and immigrants will generally avoid prosecution aside from a few tokens thrown to the wolves to avoid public outcry

conservative voices against the new 12yo GAyoC will spend all their time calling straight men pedophiles


all niggers are hayrick heads


I agree that this might actually happen, except the GAYoC won't be officially legal, and soyciety will just look the other way when it comes to homosexuals, like they would (and presently) do for non-Whites.


it's a complete zoomer psychosis troonout out there


probably not much different from weather underground in a sense just discord ai brainrot philosophical pseud whimsy bs


and dey grew up with windows 8.0 on a 1377x768 celeron or chrombuk magine that does to the brain


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do zoomers really age faster?

thats what they get for fucking with my nerves all day and being so psychotic.... i am so tired.
why are they so weird and so terrifying...


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> They spend all their time watching streamers and youtubers who parrot whatever ridiculous social moores
excluding anything about holocaust or jews, you are absolutely right. Their role models are like retarded people, so they are imitating somebody who is stupid and get stupider themselves. Also, they do not support imageboards or any kind of y2k culture (thanks god because i think they would have completely exterminated it good thing soy party is concentration camp tier, so that they dont have to bother .) unironically, being popular - sucks. once you are famouis, you will be literally sacrificed and eaten by collective mankind and zoomer conscience. avoid seeking fame, Kabuto.

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