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Part 4 of 4 "Premium Blend"

•4chan "Never Fly Economy"

& "Braindead Mouthbreathers"

•Dread "How To Fake a Bank Statement"

•Hidden Answers "15 Questions"

•8kun /Nigger Community Wretchedness/ board "NIGGERS RUINED MY GYM"

Link is posted (merge) 8kun has regulation of posting links to sites now,

Fuckin Goddamn jim watkins & his family, so I'm doing my best to work around 8kuns NO LINKS/BAN THREATS BULL FUCKIN GODDAMN SHIT!!, as of late since December 2024


•4chan "Never Fly Economy" 0:00

•4chan "Braindead Mouthbreathers" 8:05

•Dread "Tips on Faking a Bank Statement"


•Hidden Answers "15 Questions" 17:56

•8Kun /Nigger Community Wretchedness/

"8kun Fitness-

Niggers Have Ruined My Gym" 32:54



Thanks, Reverend!


wtf i love above-and-beyond deeply disturbed resentful and self-hating-leftist boomer media shabbos-goyim spending decades catering to genx white-guilt now



Blaming White, middle-class, Republican bankers for America's problems. Good goy!


in the collective memory of millenials on 4Changz Imageboard Website Forum he's the cool witty old grumpy goy huhuhuh they grew up watching on 2006 youtube/google video and cirklejerking about on the (((Kevin Rose))) Digg.Com/politics-and-religion because they probably don't even remember most of his bits maybe just the neutral funny ones about him swimming in sewage/factory waste as a kid and still turning out 'healthy' because that one's about ecology and there4 ownz the Libz in maga culture war(TM)


It's just annoying how he sounds reasonable at first, then is aggressively wrong in the very next breath. It's so wrong that it can't be anything but deliberate misdirection. He had to have known who the "bankers" really represented. He was raised in (((NYC))) for fuck's sake.


If he said that out loud, he'd quickly find himself out of a job. Nobody would host him, let alone give him media exposure.

People like that have to tread a thin line and self-censor even if they know what's up.


He was a coward and, much worse, a sellout until the bitter end, though.


Fuck is you to call anybody a coward,
You got a female bitch 11 year old as your flag you girlscout femboy


She's not 11 and doesn't look 11, but I wouldn't expect anything better from some retard using a flag of a dysgenic mongrel who racemixes with SEAmonkey jailbait.


Of course you don't bother with Age,
You live dangerously,
Especially that cocksucker you use as your main flag to be all about dickboy & penis envy Trannie,
Keep your anime samefagging to yourself


File: 1738351470881.jpeg 192.54 KB, 720x1346, GiM-w0aacAAb-qT.jpeg


Part 4 of 7
"Thee 2025
Worlds Meanest
Podcast Listener" Special


>incoherent shitskin ramblings
Kill yourself lol


That's all you got, is saying KYS,
while I hope you suffer Stage 5 Cancer & your fuckin Hairline recedes & your forced to be a humble male karen speaking bitch like Joe rogans soft California native ass you Motherless Fuck


It's more coherent than anything you've said, ESL retard. Post some more seething word salad, Guillermo.


I'm above you when it comes to insults,
I have history making threats to Gavin Newsom & his family for Years,
You? Why should anybody be a scared of you Little 4chon bitch running out of Attacks because KYS & I will shoot you u his best one & calling me a Mexican even though I'm White German, ha,ha,
I enjoy watching you taking my bait & raping your time


>obese coastalfag beaner thinks anyone takes his impotent threats seriously
>"i-i'm totally white iberian phenotype holmes!!!1"
Note how the mongrel didn't capitalize White until after I did.


Your not very bright taking my bait over & over & over & over, keeping this thread alive & active,
This thread is about my Show not you,
You puppet,
Keep sending em you fuckin stooge


Useless cunt


>kek u replied kek i baited u kek kek!!1
Cute doublepost seething, precious redditor! And days apart, no less!


I'm a dailystormer reader, why would I use reddit, unlike a Feminine Suave Twink like yourself putting a 11 year old girlscout looking sailor moon bitch as your flag??
Seriously what happened to you as a child,
Did your father beat you silly or did you have a Uncle Charles that made you wear miss pageant dress like most of these HBO documentaries on image board folks on a Lousy one at that,
All this place is, is a bunch of Reddit Re-jects & Facebook rejects kissing each other's ass, saying WOW THAT IS SO COOL WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT??


please keep your "podbean" thing to one thread, choose which one you don't want anchored so the others get anchored, otherwise all your threads will get anchored


This nigger retard sure likes talking about 11-year-old girls a lot. Wild self-report.

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