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Part 4 of 7
"Thee 2025
Worlds Meanest
Podcast Listener" Special

*published this morning


Don't worry, I want you to die too.


If you can see real close on the left corner of poster,
I used you for attention & replies,
Think of it as getting Punk'd or Unsolicited where I purposely harass people online to get funny angry posts from people like you & I laugh about recording it,
Or make posters making fun of you for the world to see you girlscout bitch


Keep replying bitch,
I'm gonna harass you & get on your fuckin goddamn nerves every day for Great replies for me to write down, record for my next [Worlds Meanest Podcast Listener Special] for Episode 10 next month you puppet,
Any Threat or Sissyfit you do,
I'll just use it against you & treat you as a tool on my shitlist of people who took my bait


Impotent schizophrenic shitskin faggot spammer throwing a little tantrum that nobody listens to its godawful "podcast" lmfao





•Soyjack (does anyone buy SH*T/ BIBLE GAMES??)

•Dailystormer (jews are coming for steam)

•4chan VG Retro/Steam Community (I sh*t on your grave! 20th 🎉 🎆 anniversary over (acclaim entertainment Going out of business 😂)


There's nothing godawful about claiming 1,000s of views in less than couple months,
BTW, our most popular special,
/Violence on Women/ are going up in downloads & views like hotcakes,
I plan 1 for my 10th special with 5 bits instead 4


People claim more views than you in less than a day and with less shameful shilling, I might add lmfao. Keep exercising those cockstroking sausage fingers, keyboard warrior.


You asked me about that,
You wanted to know I told you my podcast is getting more views because if /Violence on Women/ Specials,
It wasn't me shilling,
You brought it up & was too curious when you said god awful & which people are the ones "not bragging" because they get more views than me,
If your butthurt about me using your posts against you that I recorded & wrote,
Yea, it was a mistake to include your shit too is what your disappointment in,
So I wouldn't talk if I was in your shoes my slave Nigga


Why would I be butthurt over posts made by some 80 IQ nobody like you? LOL. Keep stroking dicks to feel better, Javier.


Is that the shit-tard? Who invited shit-tard here?


Are you saying your Low IQ?
Cause I did Put your posts in my podcasts,
Don't blame me,
I was only being a Stenographer of me pumping you up & writing down everything you say for the World to hear my Podcast Special,
So it was your posts that scared off people or wasn't good enough, not me
Personally I chose the 8kun administrator as a bigger challenge than anything you posted, if it makes you feel any better of all people


>uses "podcast" to whine about posts that made her butthurt online
LMFAO. I can only imagine why they're not tuning in. Definitely couldn't be because you're an impotent, schizophrenic, whiny girlbrain or anything.


If you see /Violence on Women/ Specials both on https://pedopriestcatcher.podbean.com/

You can see the Downloads & Analytics grew fast in 2 weeks than the usual comedian that claims to work for nbc or netflix in the past,

People like you have no job or employment need Someone to talk to, that the only person in the world who is taking a investment on & is posting this to your dead,pale,pimply,spaced-out, Face?
Is the same person right now using you for keeping my Threads Active,
Because I know your gonna reply over & over no matter what, that you blindly supported me & my threads here,
And Probably viewed my Podcast & YouTube videos also,
I should send you a VIP hat in the mail compared to those Fucking Retards on 8kunt, Cause you've hypocritical supported me than those 2 users only using that Deadass Failed Site


I'm retired in my 40s, champ. Keep your "VIP" yarmulke for yourself. Your "podcast" about reading posts on imageboards isn't going to go anywhere. It's as uninteresting as it is devoid of creativity or effort, don't even need to listen in to know that after seeing your description. We both know you'll spam your purely derivative garbage regardless of if I take a moment to shit down your throat on occasion or not.


Your giving me power by always replying back old man,
& your keeping my threads active & contributing to my podcasts exposure,
Keep replying My Slave Nigger
Or Slave Wetback


>y-y-you keep giving me power
Most limpwristed post I've ever seen. You're the only one bumping your spam, little buddy.


Keep replying,
You repeateding your shit & taking my bait is keeping this thread alive you fuckin imbecile, don't make me keep pushing your buttons & talk about your family to get you to come back take more of my bait while everybody else here is pretending to be a ass kissing bitch to each other


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IFWD Doxbin
Doxxes on California People Only


please keep your "podbean" thing to one thread, choose which one you don't want anchored so the others get anchored, otherwise all your threads will get anchored

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