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Many of the supposedly 'chill' relaxing apolitical Facebook groups I've joined are now talking about orange man bad and doing the 'it's not politics to treat people with BASIC HUMAN DIGNITY, CHUD' crap again.

It's almost as if apolitical people aren't apolitical and shitlibs are seething and becoming more fringe because they've realised the average person is sick of their shit.




They got activated like sleeper agents the moment BLURMPH was sworn in. However, unlike last time, this time they're right to be upset, they're getting their pronouns taken away and all the pandering to their lunacy is over.


Nobody is apolitical anymore. Politics is a cancer.


politics interfer with you sooner or later whether you are in Russia or West Europe. why cant we be like japan and just die slowly like NEETs? Oh, well, I guess this isn't the western style of doing things, we just want conflict naturally or some YWHW's great plan that will reveal the beauty of God's unraveled creations.


yurop fucking sucks

yurop is insane and yurop is for real at any moment

yurop is hate sadism sadomasochism and scat fetisch

every yuropean border marking represents some sort of centuries long butthurt that can assplode in a genocide ethnic extermination over a public argument between 2 bydlos

there cannot be freedom of speech and chill in yurop because that means an eventual war

you cannot have something transgressive like milliondollarextreme in urop u dont even got speech loicense for that mockery of statusquo

america is life on unconditional leisure tutorial mode


america does feel a lot nicer somehow. You also can buy freakin guns, and people feel really warm there. I am like fake american living in Russia, I don't care about black history month I will gladly learn it and about the bus seats in Mongemery just let me have happiness.

That have said, I despise hedonism and antijewish fetish, I cannot be happy in the world like America where they masturbate to "V-tuber" and "Woman Porn Star" and idolize women and women body.


I alsso cant stand a premarital relationship.


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I can't stand lust


orange man has a tiny penis and I hope he dies


Could I interest you in some Gluttony?

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