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What happens after the war is over anons


One trillion dollars to Israel instead.




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It's not even a joke.


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I firmly believe that the future lies with Russia and China. Orange man or no orange man, Murrica's collapse is ongoing. There's too much corruption, there's too many retards, too many shitskins, and an extreme minority of people who can sift through all the shit to make anything worth a damn. I firmly believe that it is only a matter of time that Murrica will officially balkanize, just as Uncle Adolf predicted.


America will either balkanize (a good ending for everyone, honestly) or become some North Korea like shithole state with medieval living conditions that still manages to be a threat to its neighbours.

I personally don't know if Americans have it in them to dismantle the union. Most people have more loyalty to the idea of the United States as a whole than to their local communities/states. There hasn't been much real resistance to Trump or the federal government in blue states other than indignation and online butthurt. The retards and shitskins are obviously a detriment to society, I mean look at vid related, but retarded people tend to prefer the status quo because change scares them.


The United States won't balkanize in our life time. How do you even balkanize a state built on cynical economic opportunism and Jewish sensibilities? Who's competing for power here? The parties aren't really competing with each other, the private sector isn't competing with the federal government.
>or become some North Korea like shithole state with medieval living conditions that still manages to be a threat to its neighbours.
Probably this tbh. I can imagine that in our life time things will get so bad that anyone who can afford to is going to be a cynical economic opportunist somewhere else instead. Since nobody actually gives a fuck about "American values", people are going to move once the economic incentive isn't sufficient enough to stay. I don't think many people are thinking "Oh boy I would love to have my life essence sapped by rent-seekers, while living in an oppressive, low-trust society".


Murrica's stability rests on the shoulders of the White Man. Whites becoming a minority means greater instability in the system, and the system simply cannot withstand shitskins fucking everything up as they typically do. Lines will be drawn.





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